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Boots MacGee

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Everything posted by Boots MacGee

  1. Whisky in the Jar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to8N1rR9l-c
  2. X I'm still in Boots
  3. Just took my nephew to see POTC3, Other than the little bathroom break (should have got him a smaller soda) I enjoyed it. I really liked Keith Richards hat. I would like to see a less edited version though, hopefully when the DVD comes out.
  4. Linus (from the Peanuts Comics)
  5. Duchess, I got the plunder today, thanks for the treasures, they were perfect. Now my house has a bit o' middle eastern decor. Thanks for trading....
  6. marshmallows (toastin on a fire)
  7. Double take.... (could have sworn that hand winked at me)
  8. Hangover ~ (another reason to stay in bed)
  9. New York Dolls "Dedicated to Hester" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuDx6Vs6fxM
  10. Aloha
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