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Boots MacGee

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Everything posted by Boots MacGee

  1. ^ From a spring while I was hiking on the Appalachian Trail < Took a long walk today, weather was very nice :) V How was the weather for you today?
  2. ^ Laundry, I would make them do that. I hate folding clothes, was never any good at that < Purchased one of those flip folders as seen on TV, it actually works V Ever buy any as seen on TV gadgets?
  3. Aye, sounds like fun, tradin of treasures.
  4. Suddenly Last Summer - The Motels (all 80's day on the radio)
  5. ^ Public Speaking, was never any good at oral reports in school < Was happy hiding in the back of the classroom V Would you rather stand out in a crowd, or blend in?
  6. ^ Peanut butter (always), did live on Ramon noodles for awhile < Has to go to the grocery store V Grocery shop with a list, or pick items as you shop? Sorry, slow typer pass above down
  7. I'm A-HEAD of you (wait your turn)
  8. ^ Declaration of Independence, I don't think it would have meant as much without the Artistic Penmanship, what an attractive document. < Been working on my Calligraphy, haven't done it since High School V Neat or Sloppy handwriting?
  9. ^ Sapranos, I saw a few episodes < Just watched a movie, about half of it was in French, Goofy as it sounds I like reading subtitles V English dubbed, or subtitles?
  10. Homer Simpson "DOH"
  11. Thanks for the link, They even had The Banana Splits "The Tra-La-La Song", I used to love that show.
  12. Soundtrack from the Crow I think I'll watch the movie this weekend, haven't watched it for a long time.
  13. Much better than pimentos :) STUFFED PEPPERS
  14. I Pity da Fool (Mr.T)
  15. Broiled Bluefish Snow, and my sisters new puppy My Grandmother A childhood freind
  16. In the City - (Joe Walsh)
  17. Sarah Jessica Parker
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