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Boots MacGee

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Everything posted by Boots MacGee

  1. Weird Al from UHF: "...We'll forget about how miserable we are, and how much life SUCKS, and how we're all gonna grow old and DIE someday! ...Hope you ENJOY IT!!!!"
  2. ^ 1973 Dodge Charger < Still has car in storage with plans of restoring it, after my 5 million other projects. V Hate to part with old things?
  3. ^ Nobody famous, just my Grandfather so I could show him I'm doing just fine. < Have alot of good memories of my grandfather Passing the above question on V If your brought someone from the past for a visit to the present..who and what would you show them?
  4. Puff the magic dragon
  5. Saturday Morning
  6. ^ Very superstitious < Would never pick up a penny that was tailside up I carry an old coin from my grandfather for goodluck. V Have any Good Luck Charms?
  7. [Glamor & Glitz] HOLLYWOOD
  8. Snow I'm ready for spring!
  9. Where else could Jack Hanna work?
  10. Did you ever see the movie Groundhog Day?
  11. Should I get some more Rum?
  12. Roddy Piper (my favorite wrestler) From the movie They Live: "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass ...and I'm all out of bubblegum,"
  13. Sweet Home Alabama
  14. Can you handle that much?
  15. I'm cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!
  16. Hagar the Horrible
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