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Boots MacGee

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Everything posted by Boots MacGee

  1. Oderlesseye, did yer artist ever show, or is he lost at sea?
  2. OZ....(somewhere over the rainbow)
  3. (If'n I drink too much Booze I tend ta sing tha) Blues
  4. (If'n I drink too much Booze I tend ta) SNOOZE
  5. ^ Peanut butter and mustard sandwich < I have not eaten one since I was 5 V Ever create any odd food recipes?
  6. that's the same year I rode it for the first time
  7. I Say Potato, You Say Potahto, Greetings Mr. Ben Potato, I'll be havin a Hot Cider, welcome ta tha Pub.
  8. Like A Rolling Stone....
  9. cinnamon roasted pecans (I can smell them now mmm...)
  10. Pirates night at Uncle Boots' "Tanner the Terrible" The wee Pirate crew plundered from Oderlesseye (thanks Mr. Eye)
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