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Boots MacGee

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Everything posted by Boots MacGee

  1. What.... the Archies...... Sugar Sugar ?
  2. Do you remember cutting those little records off the back of cereal boxes? My favorite was collecting the bicycle license plates from different states. I spent hours searching for the cereal that had the best treasure.
  3. ^ Impaired, (I grew up in a rural community) < wished he had learned how to type V Fast typer, or 1 finger?
  4. ^ Talked to Silkie online, but that's about it so far (other than this) < Has to get to bed V Celebrate St. Patricks Day? (I got my green ready)
  5. ^ Sometimes, but they seek me more to vent. < Enjoys the Pub (only forum I have ever been on) V Favorite place in the Pub? ( I still have a lot of posts to read, but I like it all so far)
  6. ^ I laugh at funny things (of course), but I also think it counteracts fear .... Laugh And The Whole World Laughs With You. < Not much of a talker, usually quiet unless I want attention. V Better talker or listener
  7. I remember making Jiffy Pop popcorn and watching the Wonderful World of Disney on Sunday nights when I was a kid, Johnny Tremain, The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, Herbie the Love Bug, too many to name. It was like going to the movies once a week for me.
  8. ^ My father was a drum instructor (free lessons), and I was always a clown, making people laugh helps break the ice, mostly self taught. < Laughs a lot, and loudly V Easily amused?
  9. ^ Perfoming the French Drop, (Making a coin disapear), and making it reapear behind a childs ear < Wonders if the kids believe it, or do they make him do it just to get a quarter V Entertainer, or do you like being entertained?
  10. Doubleshot ( I used to drink) gotta go to work at 5:00, goodnight
  11. (Had it at Chi Chis, but there are no more Chi Chis in my area.) Since I have to end with a question, Is there anywhere else to get fried Ice Cream?
  12. rimshot ( I played the drums)
  13. Mexican And how do they fry Ice Cream?
  14. Have you ever had baked ice cream?
  15. Would you like some Rice Crispie Treats? (My specialty, I do cook alot, but I love Rice Crispie Treats)
  16. ^ Starting a project and not finishing it, (and swearing at myself) < Not finishing a project, I am turning into my father V Parent you take after most?
  17. ^ Patient, until something goes wrong. < Has quite an arsenal of swear words. V Swear, or bite your tounge?
  18. ^ A large cardboard box, works the imagination, it's a boat, space ship, castle whatever you want it to be. < Ya I played in large cardboard boxes when I was a kid. v Ever buy a toy that got you in trouble for buying it? I bought my nephew a drum set once
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