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Lily Alexander

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Everything posted by Lily Alexander

  1. All packed and ready to head out Thursday morning before dawn. No, the stuffies are not coming with me but I would pack Spenser if I could.
  2. Now that would be a fun event
  3. If you are a good pirate, maybe we'll let you fling with us 🙂
  4. Some Fort Taylor attendees might remember, the fire was so hot we couldn't get close enough to the pot to put the dumplings in. So........... we flung them in from a distance. I think it was Jessica Bagley that coined the term. Good times.
  5. Chicken & Dumplings??? No, no, no............. It's Chicken & Flingings
  6. Searles Buccaneers: William Kunz & Doug Pummel, I think
  7. Lily called back. That bloody work thing. Good to hear from you, Stynky.
  8. You can my fuzzy friend but we are trying to raise money for Fort Taylor
  9. You can set up a trade blanket. The only restrictions are no illegal animal products or weapons.
  10. Here are the guidelines and information for this year's Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion. Registration forms are now available and are due by November 1st. Emails have been sent to all past participants. If you did not receive it please check your junk folder or contact me. lily.alexander@rochester.rr.com On behalf of the Friends of Fort Taylor and the Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion, Ahoy!!! The dates for this year's 10th Annual event are December 5-7, 2014. We hope that you will be joining us this year and want to let you know that registration forms are now available. As you know, camping space is limited and we cannot guarantee there will be space available for all wanting to participate in the encampment. Please get your forms in as soon as possible. Should the encampment fill, you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted when space becomes available. The 2014 Volunteer Registration Form and Release of Liability Form are attached. To ensure a quick and painless check-in upon arrival, all participants are required to register in advance. One volunteer registration and release of liability form is necessary for each individual. If you are planning on attending or participating (battles, living history demos, after hour’s events, etc…) in any event inside Fort Taylor, please take a few minutes to fill out these forms and return them to me by email: lily.alexander@rochester.rr.com or fax (877) 643-3874. These forms are Microsoft office word 97-2003 documents. Other formats are available upon request. To fill out the forms, save the documents onto your computer. Fill out forms. Save and send by email as attachments. Or print out the forms and send by fax. Once your registration and liability forms have been submitted, you will receive an email confirmation that includes your welcome letter, participant guidelines, additional cannon procedures and black powder information. Please note that if you submit your forms after 9:00 pm, you will receive your confirmation the following morning. The deadline for encampment registration is November 1st. For all participants staying outside the Fort, the deadline for registration is December 1st. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email or call me. There is a $5.00 registration fee due for all participants 16 years of age and over. This fee is payable upon check-in. Registration and set-up for all participants begins on Thursday, Dec. 4th at 8:00am. If you cannot arrive during the normal set up time between 8:00am – 5:00pm, please contact me to make arrangements. For more information, please visit our website or you can join in the discussions here on the pub and on Facebook. http://www.forttaylorpyrates.com/ http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/130021940343737/ We thank you and hope to be seeing you at this year’s 10th Annual Fort Taylor Pyrate Invasion. YHS, Lily Alexander, Camp Mom lily.alexander@rochester.rr.com (585) 329 4625 Fayma Callahan, Event Coordinator faymacallahan@aol.com (812) 290 6056 Scarlett Jai, Event Coordinator jaisomers@yahoo.com (305) 797 1659 FTPI Volunteer Registration Form-fillin 2.pdf FTPI Event Participant Guidelines.pdf FTPI Black Powder Safety Rules.pdf FTPI Additional cannon procedures.pdf
  11. Congratulations on your growing family. Good luck and best wishes to you all.
  12. Please don't refer to our event as PIP. Two separate events and it confuses people. Yes, there is RV parking. The rules regarding RV's and such haven't changed in many years. After you submit your registration and release of liability forms, you will be sent all the necessary guidelines for our event. There are no changes from last year so you can still view 2013 info here: http://pyracy.com/index.php/topic/19232-ftpi-forms-and-information-2013/ Registration forms for past participants will begin Sept 15th. Open registration, Oct 1st. RV’s, Campers and Camper Vans – Please observe these regulations: The speed limit of 15 mph is strictly enforced. Dumping of sewer tanks, either gray or black, anywhere on the property (including bathrooms) is strictly prohibited. Violations of this will result in a fine and immediate eviction from the park. Generators are not permitted during the hours that the park is open to the public: 8:00am – sunset. Please respect others during the evening hours and turn off generators after 10:00pm. No washing of dishes in the restroom or showers. Water is only available as designated. Filling RV water tank containers is prohibited. No open fires are allowed anywhere in the Park except in designated areas of the encampment. Gas stoves and braziers are allowed but NO open fire pits.
  13. Island Cutter, pm me your email address so I can send you the registration forms when the time comes.
  14. Jake, Thank you for hosting a wonderful event and for making us feel so welcome. Keith and I are looking forward to coming back again next year.
  15. Welcome aboard and thank you for your interest in this year's pyrate invasion. To answer your questions: I'm sure we can work out something in regards to being attached with a crew. Since you mentioned getting your mom's approval to attend this year, I do have to ask if you are under 18. (You do not need to answer this question publicly) Not that it will effect your attendance but there is a release of liability form that will need to be signed by a parent or legal guardian if you are under 18. We require that all tents for participants be canvass and appropriate for the time period being portrayed. We do not have a modern camping area. We are allowed three cooking fires and they are shared by all members of the encampment. You do not need to have your kit approved but we encourage you to be as authentic as possible in the encampment. You are welcome to contact me with any questions you have here on the pub or email me privately at lily.alexander@rochester.rr.com YHS, Lily PS. You are also welcome to join our facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/130021940343737/
  16. I hate the book of face for discussions. Groups aren't designed for it and it's a pain in the arse. Long live the pub.
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