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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. CHEEKY!!! Girl, I KNOW you will like this as much as I! Fugawee now has cloth shoes! No longer just the bland black or bone colored leather... Check it out! Scroll down to the bottom to see the three styles they have available. Fugawee's Colonial Women's Shoes Again, three lovely styles and shapes. All that's required of you is to supply your own fabric! Match your shoes to your fabric! Isn't that glorious!!! FINALLY!!! :::Snoopy dance then dances like the butler from AristoCats::: ~Lady B
  2. I think the title says it all... When is this awesome event? Will it be held in the same spot as last year? Be there a website (other than the person's commentary one that I have)? Anyone have any info on this event? ~Lady B
  3. Thank ye most kindly, Oderlesseyes. ~Lady B
  4. Very nice, Dutch. Ditto with ye, Royaliste. :) ~Lady B
  5. Bummer. Pity they picked the same weekend at the Port Washington Pirate Fest. Do have fun though. The River Pirates will be missed at Port Wash though. ~Lady B
  6. Brilliant!!! Can't wait t' have a few drinks mixed with mysterious carousing at thy tavern, Rats. :) I've a couple games as well. Morgan's Revenge (easy for the kiddos to learn) and of course Pirate's Dice. Granted I'd LOVE to bring my fine wood Draughts set. We shall see about that, though. I be up for some fine fun scenarios at the tavern. ~Lady B
  7. :::Drools::: Oh, you taunt and tease with the antique store!!!! ~Lady B
  8. Thank ye, Skinner. Awww... greatly appreciated words from ye, Will. Thank ye, mate. CHRISTINE! yes, I did it there and will do it here. Thank ye, lass, for th' wishes. Appreciated greatly here, too. :::hugs::: blessin's upon ye, lass. Haha...and likewise, Mad Jack. Biday wishes appreciated here as well as on MySpace. Now, just means more t' drink fo' ye an' Christine! ::: Offers rum cake and rum for Christine and Mad Jack::: ~Lady B
  9. Ooooo... gives us much hope! Thank ye. :) Aye, Matt... I think hands down, Cheeky should be tossed into that Pirate Sirens contest! She'd make a fantastic "Siren" or Hot Pirate Babe in that look, aye? ~Lady B
  10. Thank ye, MerryD. Thank ye, Emerald. And here's to hopefully plundering at RAGBRAI. Silkie, Jill... most kind of ye for such fair wishes. Awww... thank ye, Bess. It cheered me up emensely. Love it. Thank ye, too, Jacky, fo' th' blessings. Bloody Jack, again, thank ye, too. Hope t' see ye at Port Wash, mate. Likewise, Hester. Thanks to ye, as well, lass. :) Aye, Ransom. That be true. The search is part of the battle and fun I suppose. But findin' the prize be a thrill t' say th' least. Thank ye much, Ransom. I pray we cross paths soon enough again. RUMBA! Yes! I did get them! Thank ye! :::hugs::: I was doing snoopy dances and people thought I would have to be committed! But thank you most kindly. Thank ye, lass. Yo'r a gem. And I swear we will cross paths someday and God help whatever city we be in. Thank ye, Sterling. Lookin' forward t' seein' ye at Port Washington and doing some rousing scenarios hopefully. Awww... Why thank ye, Joe. Ye be one of m' fav pirates, too. A drink fo' ye when ever we meet, mate. Hehe, thank ye, Cheeky. Me time? perhaps. Stuff done? Aye. Hopefully. Yes, I shall bring that damned Drunken Monkey. :::evil grinz::: Thanks to all of ye fo' th' fair wishes of a happy Bday. I pray at least it will be. Oh, and Tortuga Rum Cake with liquered chocolates and drinks of all varieties for all! Drink up, m'hearties! ~Lady B
  11. Hehehe.. cute. I'd offer a kitten, but he's black and don't want a black cat onboard ship. And I'm NOT letting go of Magellan. Not sure how he'd react to a ship. He's been in a car many times. He panics when he doesn't have his carseat though in the car. He's gotta have that carseat. But, very very cute about the kitties though. Well, we do look forward to whatever pictures you are able to take, Silkie. And celebrate mighty high today. Tis a great day to celebrate. ~Lady B
  12. I've had some luck finding some Calico styles on even cottons and linens at the local fabric store. Alas, I hadn't the extra coinage to obtain such treasured finds. They come and they go mighty quickly. Just gotta look for them and know what to look for based on what one has seen from real outfits and also in what experts have mentioned (and careful what each expert says, some are consistant on the same thing while on other things they conflict and vary. It's the consistancy and what you might see out there from real period attire that is best for you to use your judgement upon). The first one seems rather neat for some bandanas. ~Lady B
  13. Awesome picture, Cutthroat! Lee looks tricked out (as my nephew would say) with the eye! A dashing gent ye be, too, Cutthroat all in yo'r fine attire. Now THAT would be hilarious, Bess! Rush with the eye. DO! Do get one for him! Say compliments of the Lady. But the eye is a fantastic piece. Eager to see more pictures of the event. ~Lady B
  14. Glad ye be doing better, Christine. :) And aye! One step at a time, girl! ::looks at MerryD oddly::: If ye say so. But I'll still be watchin' ye. The winds I didn't like much. Kept blowin' m' hat off! :::Curses at Calypso again::: The 30 degrees at night I can handle.... a few quilts above me, a few quilts below me... I'm cozy. I LOVE camping. Especially as a reenactor. Cold I can do, hot... well, that's pushing it but have done that, too. Gives me a WHOLE better appreciation of what those back in the day went through. At the moment, still trying to take one step at a time per day. Trying not to let it all overwhelm me otherwise I start having some issues of the mental and physical kind. Tough choice at the moment whether to seek a roommate or not. It all depends upon how much they can tolerate my sewing and costuming and Magellan. Hours have been cut again at work, so... it's looking for that other job on top of the one I have plus on top of my starting up my own period costuming/clothing biz. God help me. It's just rather rough and I'm not really up for the challenge at the moment. ~Lady B
  15. True, Michael, the costumes in PotC are around the 1740s (though some argued that, but to me that's what most of them looked like to me). But I can't always discredit them totally. There are a good majority of films that are not historically accurate or authentic. But a couple of them are close, even at 50%. Again, Professional Costumers for films over ametuers? And their stuff does encourage folks to research. I've found some interesting stuff all because of researching into a couple PotC outfits... example being Elizabeth Swann's Gold Ceremony gown with the gorgeous stomacher with the spangles... or the whitework petticoat. I've seen this gown upclose and it did astound me at how detailed the Costumers went to get a good part of it as accurate as possible, even making it a Robe a la Anglise. Barbossa's frock coat is mighty interesting, too, seeing as it's in a pre-smocking style which created just the tubing giving it that quilted look. All those above being 18th c details to fashion. Though a hodge podge... it makes one wonder and look and research. I won't say it's historically accurate, but it comes pretty darn close and it's perhaps closer in costuming than what "The Patriot" was. Haha, I still know people who are incredibly furious over that film cause of the screwed up Green Dragoon uniforms and such. Anyway, back to the main program. Yes, you most likely will have to find a private "costumer" who will be willing and able to create the desired outfit, Roy. I'm presuming you have a look already in mind? ~Lady B
  16. Jants Sparrow!!! I knew it was ye! Glad t' see ye here, too, mate! Nick says ye? Well, will hoist a tankard in his honor fo' swindlin' ye over here to th' Pub! Mate, I'll drink and drink and drink with ye, sing sea chanties, talk 'bout various tales, and th' sort. But t' start off with... how 'bout makin' m' first glass a shot o' HPNOTIQ followed by a glass of wine. Then I'll have some of that fine rum ye recommended. Followed by limon chello shots with ye and a couple other shots (NOT the round bullet kind) of mixes and straights. Again, glad t' have ye here, Jants! ~Lady B
  17. LOVING the pictures, Silkie! Lucky lass! :) I'm excited for ya just gawking at the pictures! Kitty cat! Ooo, there is a ship's kitty! Eager to see more pictures in time, Silkie! And Huzzah to ye, lass! Tis a fine and glorious vessel ye be a part of. ~Lady B
  18. When you get that Fort or small Colonial town up and running (I have a feeling that this is the direction it may go ).... let me know... I MOVE there! Aye, perhaps in due time the coinage 'll be there for a fine pair of Friesians well trained to pull such an extravegant carriage. Ooo, do show pictures of the Belgian when you can. Eager to see her. After all, even horses can be a part of one's arsenal. Especially if you are a Dragoon. I can quite see Cheeky enjoying a ride in this beautiful transport. Oh, I want to be there for pictures of that! Too ate up? I am NOT going to ask. But with the amount of all here with our fine weaponry.... we could very well supply a fortress let alone take over our own area of land. I feel a pirate revolution coming on! And yes... do post the swords. Eager to see the vast slew ye have. ~Lady B
  19. Absolutely stunning and gorgeous, Cheeky! Ye've left me in awe and envious! :) Fantastic acheivement, m'dear. Not easy to get to that point of period fashion but ye did it with flying colors! LOVE the hair style... looks great! And the face paint... wonderful! And Sterling's gown... stunning. Again, my compliments with a standing ovation for the lovely and talented Actress. Bravo! ~Lady B
  20. Bloody hell, man! Ye can most definitely supply a fort or a wee town! Especially with the carriage. I was stunned and eyeing the carriage. So... have ye horses in mind to pull the fine piece? Or haven't thought of that yet? I can see a fine pair of Friesians pulling that. Hahaha... I'm a bit rusty in driving unfortunately. Would be great for those highwaymen portrayers out there. My goodness. Yes stun me to the fullest. And I do so love the cannon. The bigger the better. ~Lady B
  21. Hmmm... tough to say, m'dear. What events I've gone to with the NWTA all I have to do is show up. I'll bring food for my unit but not much else besides myself and my stuff. Gas was generally the only thing I really had to worry about. :::Shrugs::: besides donations, tough call. Vendor charges I suppose would make sense to some extent. With the economy as it is, unpredictable how money will be spent. And if charging a portrayer to come to an event, that may or may not inhibit someone from attending. Charging the public is sometimes a wee bit harsh consideirng you WANT them to come. But asking for donations to bring the event back year after year and help support expenses doesn't hurt either. What about grants? Illinois has a Colonial Society group. Does Indiana? If so, can there be some support from them? This is indeed an ouch aspect when it comes to money to fund an event, especially one that's not like a theme park but more a reenactment. It's something that plagues all reenactments since this is a non-profit hobby. ~Lady B
  22. Ye be most welcome, Mcdrago. Glad to assist a fellow comrade in arms of the Brethren. I'll have to give that jacket a shot sometime. Make a prototype for my nephew. Growing lad that he is... is ALWAYS in need of proper piratey attire. ~Lady B
  23. Geez... you'd figure the Courts would have better things to do than to fuss over the length of grass in your lawn! That is utter, sadly, silly, idioticly stupid! Oh, good Lord! Just as stupid as watching the corn grow and a cop giving you a ticket cause you decided to watch the freakin' corn to grow. Surely people have better things to do with their lives than to pester ya over such trivia and petty things? ~Lady B
  24. Punished you were… disproportionate to your… oh, wait…. Sorry. What were you saying?? (Made ya laugh!) Actually... aye, Bess. Disproportionate to crimes I never committed. Punished? Sure feels like it. MerryDeath Angel Mercy!!! Ye sit yo'r bum down an' rest, woman! Ye know ye be pushin' yo'rself. Gonna strain an' put yo'rself back into th' hospital! Must I get th' others to help pin ye down and rest? Want and need ye able for Port Wash. ~Lady B
  25. Alas, Mcdrago... I don't have that pic. I'm with a Yahoogroup chat list on PotC Costuming and they have some images of some of the costumes. Not all of them but some of them. It's helped many a PotC costumer. Anything to help you all out, too. ~Lady B
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