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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Too bummed out, busy & overwhelmed to drink. Pathetic, I know. allergies, Hester? Cool beans to ye, Sterling. Hopefully the migrane 'll go away swiftly. ~Lady B
  2. Uughh! ::: Falls over out cold::: ~Lady B
  3. Wait til be bring another tear to thy eyes whilst yo'r gullet be in pain from laughin' so hearty! Collectin' debts owed eh? And if those debts not be given freely, what then shall ye do, Dogge? Well, I shan't promise something in specific, but I shall promise something to ye to collect at Port Wash, mate! :::looks at everyone oddly::: HEAD OUT OF THY GUTTERS!!! A very merry Unbirthday to celebrate everyone says I! Who's bringin' th' rum cake? Th' city be providin' th' fireworks... I've a half bottle o' Sailor Jerrys (yes, as I've been sucklin' on it here and there). ~Lady B
  4. A very merry Happy Bday to ye, Harper. ~Lady B
  5. I purchased my garters at Jas Townsend. I honestly had to cut mine down to size and I've thick calves. I've used ribbon, too. But I would think using dog collars might work, too. Especially the leather ones if you find any in a large size that are leather. ~Lady B
  6. Oh, and what's been thrown down there besides just dug up. Do becareful, Rats. Don't stumble down th' stairs to th' cellar. Ooooo.... creepy! Now that's what you call amazing Special FX! ~Lady B
  7. Tough being paid for a hobby though. But oh so easy to have to pay for one. And VERY true on the Insurance. The "ouch!" factor is high with that issue on many levels. So... when is this year's Paynestown event? ~Lady B
  8. Why, thank ye, Cutthroat. A coat befitting for a Lady? Oh, they can try, Iron Bess. They can try! Be difficult when I have my pistols and sword and knife and cat-o-nines. Very nice, James! Galant crew! ~Lady B
  9. Wow this got tossed pretty low in the stack. :) Welp, here I be bringing it back up again. My new crimson velvet frock coat, mates. Gold trim with black trim to the brass buttons on the front, cuffs, mock pocket flaps and two brass buttons in the back at the split. Tis not totally finished as I have to add on the finishing touch and that's the embroidery. I'm still working on that... albeit slowly. Shall debut this fine coat at Port Washington Pirate Festival in a couple weeks. ~Lady B
  10. Mmm... turtle soup sounds good, Dutch! Easier said than done, Jill. I know it sounds like a broken record I am in. :::hugs back to Bess:: thanks, m'dear. Hows about some rum cake for all this trouble? ~Lady B
  11. Started to. But haven't been reading that lately. Gotcha, thanks Cheeky. :) ~Lady B
  12. Aye! I be with ye, Iron Hand. I've written for two years to my Senators and Representatives with no reply and no answer at my concern for the rising gas prices. And look what happens. A war was to blamed for the taxes before the War or Independence, and inflation was to blamed for during the War of Independence. de Kalb stated how terrible things were outside of the port cites due to the cause of such taxes and inflation. Inside the port cities was horrible once either side of the war came into the towns with marshal law! Gas continues to go up and I know the Government plans to slap on more gas tax to help pay for the deteriorating roads but at the moment, I haven't seen a single penny go to those roads! The roads in Cedar Rapids let alone Iowa are poorly upkept! Cigarette tax up the yingyang by Governor Culver in hopes this will force people to quit and will use it for other needed things. It's not working and the money is not all being accounted for. Aye, Iron Hand. Tis a pity that what forced people from their homelands over 300 years ago is now happening in this fine country of ours. I am disgusted. I found the irony in EICo hiking the taxes and the monopoly on tea as the breaking point to the Am Rev War. And the EICo was backed by the Brit Gov. What more can we do? My persuit of happiness is being slowly destroy. Might not seem like it for most of you, but what freedoms be damaged for some will eventually follow for others. God help me, I won't be able to pirate again if gas goes up. Cause I surely cannot be a patriot cause of it. ~Lady B
  13. I'm with Macnamara. The closest pirate event for me is nigh 6 hours away! The closest Rev War reenactment for me is nigh 4 hours! Tis quite th' drive. Already I have been carpooling with MerryD for the past two years to Port Wash. But with the rising gas prices we are both already feeling this pinch. I make my own outfits and luckily the price of fabric has been decent to make my attire. But... what's the point of it if I can't wear it anywhere? I'm getting to the point of desperation mates, I'm about to sell my piratey stuff just to be able to survive. Making ends meet ended long ago. Oh, Mac, I might rent a movie once every year. Might see a movie in the movie theater every 6 months... maybe. No joke, mates. I don't have the luxury to go see movies let alone the time to do so. Eating out? Tis one reason why I still stick with my one job at the BBQ place cause of the discounted meal. If prices were the way they were before 9/11.... yes, I would travel to more places.I'd spend money at all the locations I travel to. I would definitely stimulate the economy if I had money to spend! I would be fine and more than just making ends meet. I'd be fine. Even with this stimulus check I was denied that. ~Lady B
  14. Aye, I've had vans in the past and enjoy them FAR better than any vehicle I have had. Even had a Neon once, and the Neon couldn't do half the things I was able to with a van. Ouch, Rumba... I honestly believe it. That's a LOT to be forkin' out... especially for gas. The US is WAY too big for gas prices to be this high. And in return, diesel is up making everything else go up. ::le sigh:: I'm hoping and praying it'll end soon. Dalton is depressed already wondering about how he will have a vehicle AND afford gas. Still dreaming of that 98 cent a gallon price. ~Lady B
  15. Ok.... Be there a picture some where of this Whydah cartridge box? G Gedney Godwin has quite the selection of cartridge boxes. ~Lady B
  16. Townsend is one of them. Just about any colonial sutler out there sells the plain brass button. ~Lady B
  17. 10 out of 12. I missed Haiti (aye, more know about Hispaniola than I do the modern names of the island. Oddly enough I STILL call it Hispaniola. )... and Hook's Captain. I could have SWORN it was Bart though. Oh, well. The rest I got right. The Inferno... ahhh... Willie had one fine vessel there! Even for something that was from 1632! Hahaha.. at least it wasn' the "A sharp or B flat" question. Not bad, mates, not bad though. I'm sure we'd do FAR better than most out there. ~Lady B
  18. Another side order of whining and BS. Pissed cause apparently I didn't make enough last year to qualify for the Stimulus Check. *()#&T^@&$#()#@^&*!!!! Yeah, I'm rather pissed. I REALLY could have used that. Desperately need it. ::Le sigh:: Now.. I have to figure out how the hell I'm going to have enough coinage to move among a couple other things AND be able to make it to Port Washington. I feel SO cheated! On top of I've been sick since yesterday, couldn't work last night cause I was sick, didn't really have to work cause I wasn't scheduled, but the one who was schedule to work was sick. I could work this evening, too. But I have to watch a sick little girl. Again, I'm assumed I must do this and no one in my family asks me if it's ok or if I am available to do these. I just have to. I've no choice. ::le sigh; rolls eyes::: Sick myself, I must work and I have to watch a sick little girl. I need to be paid just for bloody living! Oh, and being sick and having to watch kids or do something else doesn't help ANY with my packing or getting some commissioned outfits done. Seriously. This is ridiculous! ~Lady B
  19. Who knows, Cheeky. Maybe they might be able to do a slight alteration on the toe. :::shrugs::: Yeah, I've the link to Sarah Juniper. They are brilliantly gorgeous but incredibly pricy though. I'd be too afraid to wear them at that price. I'm tempted to be rid of my bone Martha's I purchased over a year ago from Fugawee (worn once mind you) and get a pair of those new cloth shoes done. I've some fabric left over from the gown I be making. :::le sigh::: still dreaming of Mules. ~Lady B
  20. Thank ye, Tito. No enormous treasure nor grand vessel... but it was a good day and I was happy. ~Lady B
  21. Damn. And I'll miss it! Someone get video of those two interacting at Blackbeard's. ~Lady B
  22. :::gasping loudly and falls over unconscious::: Oh, dear GOD! If gas goes to $7 a gallon or even $10, let alone $5 a gallon... I don't think I could even live! I'm not joking mates!!! I'll be seeking awfully quick some means to survive by either skipping the country or marryin' myself off to any man. who cares about love, I just want to be able to have a roof over my head, food and drink in my gullet and clothing! At nearly $4 a gallon... aye, I'm down to one MAYBE 2 events a year. That's pushing it already. Nothing is close to me unfortunately. So, it's incredibly pricy for this Lady. Not to mention on top of gas, there is food and other expences to take care of. I mentioned this even on the NWTA chat list. What keeps me from attending a lot of events like I use to... is I'm not as well off as I was in 2001. I've REALLY suffered these past 8 years. From being able to live and survive to just barely able to and it keeps getting worse. It's gotta end and I'm hoping it'll end VERY soon. Otherwise, I won't be able to be doing anything and I'll be homeless! So, yeah, if gas is up to $5 a gallon... no. No events at all. None and it will just kill me. ~Lady B
  23. Interestin' story, Mr Harper. Welcome to th' Pub, mate. Glad ye found thy way to th' Pub to enjoy some fine spirits and carousin' of various sorts. Ahhh... so ye knows th' wicked Iron Bess, eh? Well... a friend of Bess, be's a fried to us all. An' since tradition states ye purchase th' first drink fo' us... I'll be having a tall glass o' fine sweet red wine, m'dear Harper. ~Lady B
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