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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Geoffrey Rush as Blackbeard? Naw... too well known as Barbossa and his othe roles to take on the mantle of Mr Teach. Hmmm... honestly, I can't see any of those gents playing Blackbeard. They seem almost too sweet and gentle and young for Edward. Yes, I agree that Mr. Maclaglen portrayed that persona perfectly well! Oh, I BELIEVED him completely (t'was a hilarious film, too!). It's finding someone like he who's taller than life, twice the size of a man and can pull off that gruff menace but charming hypnosis with practical ease. Granted, Mr Carlyle does make for a great pick as one of Blackbeard's thugs. As for Maynard... well, alas, Heath Ledger isn't available for the role!!! Damn! He would have been an EXCELLENT choice for either a Naval man or Pirate. Mel Gibson? uhhh... no. Granted I like "The Patriot".... but I prefered Jason Isaacs' troubled Dragoon as a better character than Gibson's far out Patriotic tragedy of a man. Curious if they will use the obsessive witch Aldetha, the one who apparently cursed him according to legend if I recall from what I read of Blackbeard as a young girl. :::Shrugs::: Time will tell. I've no doubt it will be decently written if done by the same one who did "Gladiator" and "Amistad"... both were brilliant films! The Director makes all the difference in the world, too. One who can visualize and put it before others with what seems like perfection is beyond brilliant genius! Costumes I trust will be well done, too. ~Lady B
  2. MerryD and I plan to be rolling into Port Wash by no later than 3pm. :::knocks on wood::: Don't plan any stop overs this time. The rehersal for the Saturday scenario is 4pm Friday evening so I need to be there for that. Can't wait to see everyone. :) Hope you are able to make it, Duchess. I know a lot of circumstance have a tendency to jump in the way. ~Lady B
  3. Problem, Sterling? Impatient 'bout what, Hester? :::nods::: oh, what a wild ride you were taken, aye, Jill? Tis amazing some of the people out there, aye? Welp, today... I'm feeling a bit pacified and mellow. A tad bit annoyed. Well... I offered to run my step dad to work then come immediately back as a manager had to go due to a family emergency. Well, the soon-to-be General Manager refused to come back and no one else was able to take the new assistance manager's place. Eventually another assistance manager came in from the downtown little spot and stayed. Well, I did return and worked practically the whole day. I didn't mind it. But what bugged me is that later that evening they brought another lady in to take over the place of the assistant managers. Well, apparently it sounds like they are going to give her a higher position and she's not been there as long as I and this other gal have been (which the both of us are more knowledgable). And I've mentioned to practically each one of them my desire to learn it all and formally trained just in case of issues like this which do arise often and for hopes of advancement. Nope... so, I'm mighty annoyed that I'm being overlooked and snubbed. Yeah, makes me feel rather valuable. Especially when I work my bum off for a place and get no recognition for it. :::le sigh::: What was the term a friend of mine is starting to use for those of us that get trampled on like this.... ? SERFDOM! ~Lady B
  4. Don't ye hate that, Hester? When you REALLY want it.. then someone out outbids ya... especially at the last minute. Satisfying? Hopefully, Hester. Anything to help offset the cost of living. Aye, twit is right. Gotta love hating brats like that. They fuss and bitch, but you'd LOVE to just walk right up to them and knock them out cold. Mmm... Appleton sounds good. So does a strawberry dacquari. Dare I ask what happened, Silkie? OH! Here is a change for once... I was listening to everyone else whining about having to work on Memorial day. Thought it wasn't going to be busy, always having to work on a holiday, etc... T'was funny. Well, in the restuarant business... there are no holidays. I've come to accept that. My only whine today is... I darn near passed out cause of not being able to get something to eat (at all today) until after 4pm. Now I'm feeling rather sick, groggy, sluggish, and exhausted. ~Lady B
  5. Yuppers... I loves it, MerryD. Aye, t'was an interesting night last night. Finally the weather started to calm down around 2am. From 6pm to well past midnight... it was storms with heavy rain and high winds. Sirens went off here, luckily the tornado was east of us. But another I was more concerned with was about a half hour away and making way towards where I lived. Luckily, that tornado stopped it's path of destruction. My only damage was a terracotta pot that was falling apart anyway. But oh, boy did the winds blow!!!I was surprised there wasn't any more damage considering most trees and other things have been weakened from the Winter's ice and snow storms. So... right now... I'm exhausted. Too tired to sleep, too tired to do anything. Worked today and didn't get a chance to eat until after 4pm (aye, didn't get a chance at all to eat all day til after that), so on top of some mild allergies and it's an odd humidity today and eating WAY too late... I'm feeling rather sick. But I have some work to do like a little more cleaning and a couple outfits to work on. Welp, here's to hoping someone will take interest, Sterling. Folks are sticks in the mud and most possible recruits I've come across can't do it cause of the price of gas, etc. Oh, well. Someday. Pool party still sounds good. Maybe we'll do an improv pool or lagoon or harbor party at Port Wash! Everyone in to th' pool!!! ~Lady B
  7. Yikes... sounds rather troubling, Hester. My daily whine... well, it's rather sweet today. Just neck and back aching a bit causing I'm making an apron for a DAR lady from CT. Parts you don't see have been done via the machine, the rest is being hand sewn hence the achy neck and back. And it's mighty humid. Waiting for the storms to roll through. ~Lady B
  8. Ahoy! Welcome to th' Pub! Grand t' have ye with us! Lucky ye both t' live on a vessel. Sounds exciting. :) Saves gas compared to cars? Since ye b' new to th' Pub, ye purchase th' first round o' drink fo' all! So, I'll be havin' a shot o' HPNOTIQ please. Mmmm... Do toss in somewhere some pictures of ye, yo'r first mate an' yo'r vessel. Eager t' see ye. If ye attend PyrateCon next year, hope t' see ye there. ~Lady B
  9. Woo hoo!!! Piratical prayers that it's a promising venture. :::hugs::: always, Cheeky. After all... we are a Brethren and Sisterhood. ~Lady B
  10. LMAO!! Yeesssss... I admit it.. I'm a fabric whore. I find it, I purchase it, I doll it up then sell it. What kind of a pirate would I be if I didn't procure however way I can. I tell ye... it's gonna be difficult t' sell these. I fancy the fabric lots! Tons of fabric out there I love and plan to make waistcoats out of to sell. ~Lady B
  11. He's quite the looker, isn't he? Good young man, too. Again, he's the one to blame for getting me addicted to historical portrayal. ~Lady B
  12. Digging this thread up out of the Depths as I've three items up for sale on eBay and needing to be rid of these items. Pink cotton Colonial dress Red cotton Colonial dress Burgandy and green plaid drawstring skirt I have some cut premade waistcoats ready to be made (they are about to go to the sewing machine so if you want one your size, better let me know)! Here is what I have: burgandy and tan stripe. Only one available. Can be embroidered on the front. Can be lined or no lining inside. Back will be of some sort of tannish cotton or linen. Buttons can be metal or covered. Price will depend upon what you pick. green calico. Awesome fabric and will have two available. Will be lined with a cotton or linen fabric. Metal, wood or bone buttons with this one. brown and turquise jacquard. Two available. Lined with thin muslin and thicker brown cotton or linen. Metal buttons. multicolor stripe. Two available. Can be embroidered if desired. Will be lined with a striped cotton on the inside and back. Possible pleating of the back. Buttons can be metal or covered. Price will depend upon what you pick. red calico can be made into a waistcoat. Three available. Metal, bone or wood buttons. Can be lined or not. Will be lined with thin muslin. red metalic jacquard/poly. can be made into a waistcoat. Two or three available. Metal buttons. Lined with a red cotton. gold floral jacqard. Gorgeous fabric! Can be made into a waistcoat or breeches. Will be lined with thin white muslin. metal or covered buttons. Message or email me for prices and inquiries if interested. ~Lady B
  13. Hehehe... alrighty, Ransom... here he be in his Hessian Officer uniform: His historical persona's name is John Doddard. OK... back to the whining.... I have to toss in a universal whine here.. GAS!!! AHH!HH!!! The prices are just aweful!!!! :::Whimpers::: Oh, this is SOOO going to hurt attending Port Wash. On top of that, it's cold. I'm rather cold. Need a good blanket to warm up in. Ehhh... wish I could say snuggle up with a fine gentleman.. but, alas,... I'm rather deprived. Cheeky... still can pummel your boss lady with a good firing squad. :) Eekk... Ransom... yeah, I don't blame you for wanting the warm weather. ~Lady B
  14. Ouch Ouch and Ouch!!! Cheeky, girl. Meanies! Do you want us to line them up before a firing squad? Or give them a broadside? or both? Pillage, plunder, rifle and loot? Yeah, sounds like a shaft. Again... meanies. Aye, jobs suck at times. And those in authority... they have that tendency to be a tad abusive or borderline abusive. Damned devils. And WE are the pirates... they are more like the greedy Beckett wannabes. Prayers for ye, Cheeky. :::hugs to MerryD; worried weak smile::: Hang in there, m'dear. Ouch, Ransom. Don't ye hate that? Constant upgrades and forking out coinage for more software? LOL... Yeah, I can see how that can be a hinderance, hester. Especially when you are watching for more piratey stuff. As to this handsome Hessian... LOL, he's more the handsome British Officer. Long story short... he's the one who got me interested in reenacting. We did some "The Patriot" role playing online a few years ago with a few other people. Ironicly he portrayed a British Colonel in the 35th Regt and I portrayed a gentlewoman who generally was forced from home and joined Lee's Legion as a Dragoon then a campfollower and supporter. Haha, low and behold where did we end up? He's Colonel of the 35th Regt and I became a member of Lee's Legion as a Dragoon and campfollower!!! it's a hoot. We've stayed in contact these past few years. Made their regimental Colours for them, making him two new Officer's shirts for him. Oddly enough, and he's rather stunned about this if not flattered, that I used his character John Doddard as a foe turned friend turned fiancee of my role playing and backstory history of Lady Anastazia Barbossa who eventually was killed in the Caribbean in a skirmish with the Spaniards. Alas, he's the only Rev War persona easy enough to put into Lady B's past history. Everyone else is not so easy to feed in like Tarleton, de Kalb, Lafayette, Cornwallis (yes, I met a couple gents who portrayed Cornwallis, and one gent who portrayed an elder Tarleton, etc), and a few others... but most non-specific personas I can put in her past history. Makes the Lady's past mighty colorful. John is rather charming in his period uniform (will have to put a pic up of him), younger than Barbossa... but I'll still drool and swoon more over Hector any day. ~Lady B
  15. Oh, aye!! And the body... the rats... Oh, what joy!!!! Can't wait! I don't think my bottle of Bounty rum is still in tact from the last visit to Rats' Tavern. Oh, well. ~Lady B
  16. Oooooo.... :::Drools:::: bloody fantastic, ren! I'm putting these on my wish list (which is growing faster than I can make money!). ~Lady B
  17. Oh can't wait to see the faces of the spectators on all that could happen in that Cellar. ~Lady B
  18. Ye haven't acquired th' chest yet? And, Aye, I'll agree with ye that wish all interviews were as swift & easy as that one. Congrats though, Captain! Time to celebrate and whip out th' white wine? Or would ye whip out th' fine wine at Port Wash once the outfits are finished? Oh, very must so, Hester. Sterling's a hell of a Social intregue that it's easier to be glue to the comp instead of the TV. Ye are well adored, Captain. ~Lady B
  19. Yeeeaaahhhh.. no one'll mess with Bess! ::: wicked grins::: ahh, the power she welds! Mwhahahahaha!!!! ~Lady B
  20. Nice swords, Nash! :) And love th' shoes! Thank ye, QM James. ~Lady B
  21. Pretty cool, Sterling. Oh, do show piccies of the chest. Ye have this Lady curious an' eager t' see it. Woo hoo, Christine! Aye, hate those colds when they drag ya down, but always fantastic when they are gone and ye feel much better. Here's to prayers that you feel even better today and tomorrow. Gotta love those days off... well, sort of. Thanks, Hester. Aye... slowly picking away at the cookie dough. ugghh.. though I don't need it, not helping my desire to trim down.... but it has been nice just eating a couple spoon fulls. Well... rather mellow today for me. Waiting to here the status of the move. Well, generally trying to see about staying in the apartment I'm in and have a roomie move in (hopefully this weekend, if all is well and done). If don't have this apartment, hoping to secure one here at the complex quick so I can get settled to work on some outfits. I gotta get them done and this move problem is really putting a damper in getting a couple commissions done. Stayed up WAY too late last night chatting with a Rev War comrade online. Haha... he's always been fun. Good man. He's the one who got me interested in reenacting. Young man, becoming a hell of a handsome gent really. Showed me pictures of his new Hessian uniform, and his ragtag Continental uniform and his more famous one, the His Majesty's 35th Regt Grenadier uniform. Looking all spiffy in them all. Especially the Hessian uniform. He's automatically got that aire of an Officer. I showed him websites to Sterling's crew and Black John's crew. He was rather excited and thought both crews looked awesome. Who knows, maybe I interested him into doing a military impression during the GAoP, too. He's interested in doing F&I. But like some of us, not possible to do so many impressions cause of the current state of things, mostly gas. But, we are rather hopeful and LOVE our historical reenacting. Damn, he was incredibly handsome in that Hessian uniform. So... again... I'm rather mellow at the moment. ~Lady B
  22. Yikes. Yeah, Allergies is a pain. Good to hear you are feeling better for the moment though. Oh, I'm chowing down on Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (enough to make me sicker than ever). Course, it's doubling as my lunch, too. No one is around... so, this means I'm able to get some stuff done until everyone comes back and hampers me again and sends me through the roof. WHAT?!? Huh? Do I even want to know? ~Lady B
  23. Poor Clay... he won't know what hit him. ~Lady B
  24. Thanks, Jill. Yeah, I've been trying baby steps. Trying being the key word. Boundries, aye. But still folks bounce over them with no care or regurd t' m'self. Sad. And tough to fight back when people want to remain in the right and be perfect. Yeah, I live in a messed up world. All in all, mates.... more whine. Not sweet at all. Tis Wednesday, still waiting back to hear from a couple property managements. I still need to hit a couple more but can't as I've been forced by the F***ing slave driver of a B**** mom to do other things like clean the apartment with them. Well, granted I need to pack and clean but at the moment, finding a place is necessary and knows it. And she keeps asking me if I've found a place. How the F*** am I suppose to find a place when I'm stuck either working or doing S*** she has me running ragged!?!?! She and John came back yesterday to clean. Apparently they are here til Friday but that's still too long. She didn't give me a warning or heads up they were coming, instead she called me just before they pulled into the driveway. And has been B****ing ever since, B****ed at me when she slammed her hand in the door last night. She easily sent me into an Anxiety Attack yesterday. I'm SO confused, can't get my stuff done, my gut hurts horribly I feel sick and there is NOTHING that can be done on God's forsaken earth! I am SOOO at my wits end! Going absolutely bonkers here. No, she's not the type of person you can tell to back off... She's worse than a drill seargent. I don't know, I think she thinks I can make things magicly appear and pulled out of my A**. I know most of you have delt with issues like this. Don't really need advice, just a means to vent. It helps. But dear GOD! I wish it would stop already!!!! If it's not me that gets it, it's my sister!!!! I swear... I have parents from Hell!!! *(#$&^*#$&*(@#^&^()@#^&&@#!!!!!! I don't know how much longer I can hang on to my sanity. Again, I am quite literially at wit's end. About ready to call it all quits. Anyone up for buying some piratey outfits? Oh, and might I add... I haven't a clue where I will be going. Still looking for a place to stay. HA! Like I've had the time to go look!!! Being run raged doing all kinds of other S*** for the Queen B****!!!! ~Lady B
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