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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. LOL... ye be right, Bess. It won't! :: Clobbers Pappy::: Now, ye'd gain better attention and less clobbering and glares if ye portrayed yo'rself as Hector. tsk tsk. ~Lady B
  2. EXCELLENT!!!! :::Does the air guitar::: Was bogus that the Blackbeard pirate dude didn't zap to party with Khan and Abe and the other dudes. That would have been totally righteous! ~Lady B
  3. Trying to drum up a few off in that direction to attend. :) Tis for a good cause. ~Lady B
  4. Undesireables? What do ye mean undesireables? A hearty welcome to ye, Michaels. Glad t' have ye part of comradery of the Pub. And I shan't argue with refusin' a drink. So, I'll take up yo'r offer... and I'll have some Tequila Rose thank ye. :) So ye be seekin' a crew, hmm? I'm sure ye'll find the crew ye desire. Plenty of them about. Be ye seekin' on local? Or are ye willing to travel (be it a short distance or long distance)? Usually this dictates the crew ye be looking for as well as what type of crew be it a more historical crew or a more fictional crew or a fantasy crew. We be glad t' help ye with this. ~Lady B
  5. Hmmm.... Oh, wow... I had some links to this... alas, they were trashed from the comp viral issue. My best suggestion... is check with the local city to find an Upholsterer. The more Arab, the better. No, seriously! :) There's an Arab Upholsterer in Cedar Rapids and I wish I had thousands of dollars... he had lots of silk brocades and more and several were in patterns for the era. But, Google is a good place to start. And unfortunately, you do have to be critcal of what silks place you find. If I find the link to this one online store that I went nuts over, I'll put the link here. :::Goes off to find it and comes back::: Hmmmm.... I believe Mickey or Kate pointed this out and it had some rather fabulous silk brocade. http://www.renaissancefabrics.net/index.php A couple silk brocade items there. Not much there as to silk brocade but worth a shot: http://www.housefabric.com/defaultproduct.asp :::Shrugs::otherwise, just google. Tough finding wha tye want particularly unless you shop around. ~Lady B
  6. Tis why I wear more proper period style attire for Ladies and not look like some Harem rejectee. Whether ye do something or not, ye gonna get spurned an' burned even if them ladies flaunt it. Twisted and sick says I. Not even piratey in my opinion. As to the coins... no, they really shouldn't catch on anything. A rare occassion they might catch on a belt or baldric or button or something of the sort, but not fabric. Hair they catch on all too easily. I'd ramble and belly ache more about this subject... but I won't. ~Lady B
  7. Yeah, hence why I'm still hopeful. Would be fabulous to spend my birthday on the Santa Maria surrounded by awesome friends. :) Sorry, not really up to for another ice cream cake from Dairy Queen and my family making a very sad, poor attempt to cheer me up. So, still hopeful. LOL... better to be called a Dude than something else. ~Lady B
  8. I found Pirate Master to be absolutely hokey! Didn't like it at all. ~Lady B
  9. Huzzah! Eventhough barely hearing a thing about it up to this point. Tis April and not a word about the event like we usually hear at this time. I'm just hoping I can attend. No transport (it's dead), no job (Still! No money coming in. All the more reason I'm pushing The Captain's Share more and more), and my outfits are in disarray (haven't had much time and space to work on them. ~Lady B
  10. Still hoping I can attend but I'm not holding my breath. ~Lady B
  11. Joe... ye looks fantastic, sir! My hearty compliments. I'm impressed. :) ~Lady B
  12. Alright, mates... I'm feeling slightly (just very slightly) guilty this evening... Why? I purchased two fine Concord Pewter tankards. Each holdin' 8 oz at least and are very well crafted with NO see-through bottom. Yeah, yeah... I know some of ye are a bit bewildered. Like I need any more drinkware! But, reason why I'm not overly guilty... is I got the both of them for only $1. Yup... only a buck for the pair. Damn... this keeps up ... I'll be able to supply taverns! ~Lady B
  13. Hmmm daddy was a lord then? Earl? Or late husband? Hehehe... not at all... I paid commission to th' Spanish (ironically enough). Daddy dearest :::said rather sarcastically::: had nothin' to do with it. :::grumbles about daddy dearest::: Nor did m' mum. ::none too happy about the parents::: As to late Husband... well, um... Hmm, not sure how t' explain that one. Grants he be a Pirate Lord... the Fiancees before he, God rest their souls, none by blood nor marriage to my understandin' unless Doddard or Poyntz were lyin'. Tis a long story, m'dear. Long, long story. Th' Spanish can be ..:: clears throat::: "persuaded" to do what one wishes... in a manner o' speakin'. hehehehe... All in all, an interesting article. ~Lady B
  14. New hat.... with a black eye? Tis a nice hat, Oderlesse... right nice. :) Kudos. ~Lady B
  15. Hehehehehehehehe.... Oooo, goodie! I gets t' play! ;:::evil grinz::: :::right hand wraps around massive saber as the left goes for the massive doglock; pulling them out and gives a frightening chuckle-yell and a twisted entertained face that would frighten even Blackbeard::: AHHHHHHH!!!!!! Ye best RUN, Pappy!!!! Hahahahahaha... :::Goes after Pappy::::: ~Lady B
  16. Just watched Saving Private Ryan and rather teary eyed. The movie gets me to thinking about what both my Grandpa's went through. The scenes at the beginning and the end when Ryan is standing among the white crosses always put me into an outright bawl. Anything WW2-ish will always get me to thinking about them and about their experiences. Sad I can no longer talk to them. I would love to hear more. Granted they never like talking about it. Getting their accounts of what they went through was tough enough. Finish up here, get ready for bed then will watch The Goonies. ~Lady B
  17. Glad ye be feelin' better, Syren. :) Now ye best be taken good care of yo'rself from here on out. Only 8 years, Cheeky? :) Feeling a wee bit better. ~Lady B
  18. Nope, you have it correct, SutlerJon... it is hard tack. Ship's bread is another name for it. Same taste, different name. :) ~Lady B
  19. Also check with Jas. Townsend & Sons or Smoke & Fire or William Booth Draper or even G. Gedney Godwin. You could possibly get them in large or small. If no there, Smiling Fox Forge or J& D Carnigan might have them. ~Lady B
  20. Twisted joke nonetheless, Christine. Nearly given we Ladies a bleedin' heartattack! :::Glares at Pappy::: Oooh, Bess, I can still skewer 'im if ye be needin' some entertainment. I need some excersize anyways. :) Oh, an' Pappy... that was undead until Jack shot him! ::: still not happy Jack shot him::: Findin' ways t' bring someone back t' life is not so easy. We pefer him ALIVE!!!! :::fondles sword hilt::: I can still deal with him, Bess. ::: eyeing Pappy still with a cold stare as a wicked grin appears:::: ~Lady B
  21. A hearty welcome to ye, sir. Missouri says ye? Ye be in good company and some in neighborin' states. I be to th' north of ye in th' not so tropical waters of Iowa. :) Shall take a look at that store of yo'rs, sir. Thank ye. An' bein' tradition that th' newcomer buys, I'll have a grog. Be good fo' me bein' as I'm still tryin' t' get over a nasty illness. ~Lady B
  22. Aye, :::bows elegantly::: I would fancy that very much, le Grand. Such a Gentleman ye be. :) ~Lady B
  23. Unless someone's taken off yo'r clothes whilst ye sleep. Hopefully ye aren't reacting to th' meds. Never a good thing when that happens. I'd hug ye, lass. But I d- aw, hell, it's virtaul... :::hugs::: Well, I'm hanging in there. Groggy, tired, haven't been sleeping well, and generally miserable! I've had this nasty sinus infection for nigh 2 weeks now. And found out this evening from m' Aunt (who works at the Hospital) that it's more than a sinus infection and last for 3 weeks! AHHH! UGH! Blasted... Yipes. I want to be normal. I'd take allergies any day! At least with the allergies I can use a claritin... with this, there's not much one can do. Sister isn't feeling well, and it's not from the sinus infection nor from the recent surgery. But from anemia. Her and I battle it in two different ways. So, she's going to her doctor tomorrow and sounds like her doctor wants to take me on as a patient cause there may be more to this anemia than we all think. ~Lady B
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