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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. A hearty happy Bday to ye, Ransom. :) Stay dry, say warm... and plunder well. May ye be blessed with more treasured trinkets. ~Lady B
  2. Hapy Birthday to ye, lass. :) Hope ye gets what ye wants... plunder that is. Course other things wouldn't be so bad either. ~Lady B
  3. Thank you. I didn't take the picture, my parents did while I was out there on the field. When I saw this picture, I was astonished cause this is EXACTLY what it looked like back then from the documentation of the Battle of Camden from eyewitness accounts. ~Lady B
  4. Aye! I with ye there, Matt. Watched "The Pirate Code" on NatGeo last night... twice! (before and after the Nazi and Hitler stuff) It's one of those pirate ones about the Whydah and Sam Bellemy. I love this one. It's rather intreguing. I wonder if the networks 'll send Pirates Magazine an upcoming mention or list of piraty shows, documentaries, etc. Would be nice. Looking forward to more. BTW... though not piraty... "Deadliest Catch" is pretty good, too. Interesting to see men at sea battling the wrath of nature. ~Lady B
  5. Ye look smashing, Joe. Thank ye for th' image and wee info. And, um... Cannon School? ~Lady B
  6. Gage, welcome back. Glad t' see ye still be kickin'. And bit? What th' hell ye around that ye get bit by? ~Lady B
  7. Yuppers. Thank ye, Bess, for movin' it. :) And for a moment there I thought someone hacked my comp cause I don't remember posting this one recently... then saw I posted this.. LAST YEAR! Thank ye all for the ringtones thing... but I don't think I can put ringtones on mine unless I put them on a micro SD first. Many ringtone places don't recognize my carrier. Bummer. And thanks, Sea Rover. I have yet to text ye and see if it works. ~Lady B
  8. Welcome back, Wages... er, um, Tartan Jack. Glad t' have ye back with us on th' Pub. ~Lady B
  9. Thanks for the info, Animal. Sounds good. ~Lady B
  10. Lemme at him, Syren... I'll beat the living s*** out of this guy! Seriously. I can't stand people who can't leave people and their pets alone! Actually, if he's messing with other people and THEIR pets... isn't that against the Law? Or is the Law that twisted down there that no one gives a f*** about it's citizens and their rights? That's more than a sicko, that's someone who is intolerable to have around and should be kicked out of the vicinity or bashed in the head until something is knocked back into place. Yeah, as you can tell, I have no tolerance for people who are mean to animals. Had to deal with this BS all my life and I am SOOOO sick and tired of it. ~Lady B
  11. Hope your day was better yesterday, Syren. Feeling pretty crappy, bummed and down in the dumps. Had a fight with mom yesterday which just... belittles me (like always). She's pissed that her place is a mess (not my stuff) then turns around and gets pissy cause I don't have a job, claims I spend too much time on the computer (doesn't matter if I'm looking for a job or not), and that I'm stuck here with her and my step-dad, that i'm a burden to them and my cat is, too, etc. Says I do nothing but sit around and wait til the last minute to do anything. pretty much believes I don't do a thing around here. Which this severely bummed me out yesterday (and still today), giving me a massive headache and feeling absolutely worthless. Oh, how I dream and beg God to get me out of here. And oh have I tried. But apparently, not done it right, not good enough, etc... That there is something wrong with me cause I can't seem to stay on my feet, I can't do anything it seems. So, yes, I'm severely bummed out. And hope that things will get better.... eh, I don't know if it's there. I have to go see someone to help me. I swear, if it wasn't for Magellan... I'd be dead. I need a miracle.
  12. Sorry for the double posting. Just letting you all know I won't be attending. Wish I could but can't. Long story short, too many issues and conflicts right now that doesn't allow me to make the trip. I'm sorry to all. Again, wish I could be there. Do have fun though. ~Lady B
  13. So sorry about your kitty, BriarRose. Tears well in my eyes reading that. It is tough when a much beloved pet passes on. They have become the much beloved family member. Everyone (pets that is) is just darling. :) Magellan, BTW, turned 3 yrs old April 6th. Alas, he didn't have a big "bday" or surprizes or anything. But that was ok with him and me. He has his fun jingle balls, the dressage whip (which had become his new kitty toy), and of lovin' from everyone including "mom" (aka me). Oh, and his Fancy Feast. He's more content with his Fancy Feast. Goes nuts when he doesn't have it. Funny kitty. :) I try not to think about the day when he will no longer be with me. He's been my baby since he was born, hence why I know when his Birthday is cause I witnessed his birth. He's been with me since. I'll have to post a new picture of him. BTW, he's quite the pirate... he's been occasionally trying to get into the liquor cabinet, where the Pirate's Choice Rum is. LOL... it's hilarious. :) He knows how to "flip" the latch. Looking forward to seeing the pic of the new wee furry sweeties, Will. ~Lady B
  14. Hmmm.... Damnit, Patrick, why did you have to be so far away. I'm looking at my doglock right now. This is still a new pistol and barely used, I've only attempted to fire it at one event. Again, hence my flint shattered on me with no shot fired after the "click click click". What did you use to file the frizzen spring down with? Need to see if I have it. How much did you file off and how much was left, etc. I don't want to screw this up. nigh $300 pistol... I don't want to waste my coinage for this loverly pistol. ~Lady B
  15. Painting, huh? What color and where if you don't mind my asking. :) I'm good. Not sick. Allergies aren't bothering me. Stuffed again from my leftovers from Dodici's (OMG best place to eat!) and back to repacking the clothes cause the box they were in... is falling a part and too big. After that is cleaning and other chores. Hopefully this evening, will FINALLY finish up on the quilted petticoat I've been working on for what seems like FOREVER! Gorgeous day outside but can't take my cat for a walk (he's not suppose to be here). Bummed a little about that and so is he. He's cute when I walk him on his little kitty harness. :) ~Lady B
  16. Wish people around here wouldn't look at you like you were a Mental Ward escapee for wearing period attire.. hell, even at Halloween! OMG, tigharses they are. And those who dress up are... well, the half-arse cheesy lookin' type that think they rock. That is funny nonetheless, Bess. :) Well, wore my Jas. Townsend ladies shoes (with the squash heel that I don't know if they offer any more, they should I LOVE these shoes), with my cotton muslin period shirt and the plain cocked hat to the Tax Day Tea Party in Cedar Rapids on Wednesday. I couldn't wear a full outfit cause I had an appointment and a couple places to go. Felt so much more comfortable wearing them... cause they were comfortable. Next Tea Party I'll wear a full outfit. ~Lady B
  17. Starting to dig back into a Chocolate Kahlua cake that is THE ultimate "Death By Chocolate" cake! OMG, is it good! ::Drools::: and soon will dig back into my leftovers from lunch (with mom) at a local eatery called Dodici's - little restuarant with a small coffee shop next to it in an authentic Italian-European style, the family who runs it is some are from Washington (iowa), while others (like the cook who is the Son in law) is from Italy. And I tell you, the food was extrodinary! Best I've ever had that's Italian. And a Peach Smoothie that was so perfect I'm ready for more! And fresh bruschetta bread that was SO fresh it was still soft inside and crusty on the outside and very warm! Oh, so perfect. :) Mmmm.... OK, am I making anyone hungry yet? I'm not kidding folks, if ever you get this direction you MUST eat at Dodici's, either the restaurante or the coffee shop. It's SOOOO well worth it. Great food and drinks. Mmmm...... :::Takes a bite::: Mmmmm..... ~Lady B
  18. Uhaahh! She losing her hair! Hopefully someone 'll purchase them, m'dear. ~Lady B
  19. It's an interesting example of the variety of colors and means used, like the piping, the buttonholes, and especially the colors, with the blue and red but the Lord Orkney regiment has red and white which is most interesting. Another justacorp was yellow as the pirmary outside color and blue with the inside & cuff color. Wide variety of colors and the varied decor/trim differences. BTW, curious to know what those who are portraying military, which military and branch they portraying during the GAoP. ~Lady B
  20. Awesome, awesome info. I just had to toss these in, too. Awesome info I think. on the uniforms, too. This comes from the website for Lord Orkney's Regiment of Foote, looks like a living history group portraying a regiment during the timeperiod of the GAoP. Saw this after doing a Google search for Justacorps. Link to the website, looks like some good info, too: http://www.geocities.com/ancasta1/index.htm And interesting selection of the uniform justacorps: Hope this is helpful to some degree if ye haven't gone there already. I have an image, too, of another regimental of the timeperiod even if it is a replicated justacorps. Lemme find it.... :::Dashes off to find it AFTER cleaning up after the cat! then feed him then off to lunch with mom::: Ok, will take a wee bit longer... ~Lady B
  21. Ahh... so, it was Hannah. Thought it was from one on the Pub. :) I loved the shoes at that place. Whenever the Fates grace me with stability again, I'll obtain a pair from them ( plus other places like Fugawee, yes, I'm turning into a garb whore). They do look nice pairs. They look more like the ones in the museums which impresses me the most. Ye be welcome, Michael. I am rather curious about the Reenactment Shop, too, with their goods. I've not heard anything about them much enough to really give a yay or nay. But their products do look good. ~Lady B
  22. If ye've ordered from them, do let us know about how their shoes are/review them. Always curious about the reenactment shoes out there. Someone sent me this link via MySpace messaging (I believe they are on the Pub, too) of a place over in the UK that offers period footwear. Their footwear looks a little closer to the period. http://www.re-enactment-shoes.co.uk/ Some of the post 1550 shoes would work. So if anyone has seen them, ordered from them, let us know with a review. They look like good shoes and none too pircy. ~Lady B
  23. Thank ye most kindly fo' th' tutorial for the cooler chest. :) Will have to see if I can commandeer my Uncle's woodworking shop to make one. Aztec... oh, coolies. :) Again, glad ye can join us here. Hope ye find lots of fabulous info. ~Lady B
  24. Welcome to th' Pub, Old Horse. Umm, dare I ask HOW ye got that? Hehehe, well, healthy or unhealthy... it's piracy. And don't let others question yo'r interest in light of the recent piracy acts off Africa. Awesome piccie of the Fort. fantastic shot. And the cooler chest... DUDE!!!, I've been wanting one of those for a few years now! Difficult to keep food and drink cool when at the reenactment camps. This is the perfect way. Shall look forward to more conversations and the sort. And as for a drink... um, how's about... a Tequila Rose for me. Oh and BTW, awesome avatar. Mayan Warrior? ~Lady B
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