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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. Does the Wilson House not exist any more? Wondering if there will be Breakfast with the Pirates this year or not. David Gregory emailed me and they are looking for pirates experienced with functional flintlocks (carbine, blunderbuss, pistol, musket, etc) to help out with the gun fight part of the Main Scenario on Saturday at Noon. Will the Schooner Pub have bottles of PC Rum for sale? ~Lady B
  2. I'm having that issue, too, Silas. Not checked on Goex yet... but Lee's Legion in the NWTA uses Elefant (? - I know I spelt that wrong), I heard of other brands, too. But the brand I see around here constantly is Pyrex. Which I hear is bad to use. Will check about for Goex. That's one I never heard of. ~Lady B
  3. A mighty happy birthday to ye, Coastie. Here be hopes ye get what plunder ye want and enjoy whatever event ye wish t' attend. or some other activity at least. Enjoy th' day! ~Lady B
  4. What are some other recommended brands of gunpowder? Whether shipped or bought via local gunsmithy. And what's the general price I am looking at? Not just per pound, but per container? BTW, safety regulations and drilling in the NWTA does NOT allow packing with a ramrod on the field or elsewhere unless at Colours for Inspection. Ramrod stuck? Ye can't use that weapon until it passes inspection. ~Lady B
  5. :::Shrugs::: I say worth a shot fo' that. Tis the title... I says go for it with Dogge, since he's captain of Marines of the Archangel.. pester that lot of Marines t' nominate ye. ~Lady B
  6. That be fabulously adorable! Tis a whole new line for th' wee wee piratey ones. ~Lady B
  7. Those are bloody freakin' awesome! Wish I could get 40 from ye.. but can't at this time. Bands or not, engravin's or not, whatever ye puts on them... they are bloody fantastic! How's about the next one or some other one with th' mark of King George the 1st. Or some other king? Oh, and... LOVE th' Rolling Stones reference and other craziness. What ye have in mind with these? ~Lady B
  8. Sorry... Not sure what happened there. ~Lady B
  9. Yes, many good Captains out there. But some good Captains may not be nominated cause their crews don't send in nominations. ~Lady B
  10. Yes, many good Captains out there. But some good Captains may not be nominated cause their crews don't send in nominations. ~Lady B
  11. Yes, many good Captains out there. But some good Captains may not be nominated cause their crews don't send in nominations. ~Lady B
  12. Some interesting answers thus far. Hmm... what three items would I take? ::ponders:: 1. canteen or bottle 2. rope 3. pistol w/ dagger built in with plenty of powder, shot and flint ~Lady B
  13. Hehehe.... Awwww... Poor Billy. Why does this conjure a most interestin' image in m' head? (not THAT dirty!shhheessh!) Bess... I'll have to see about getting ye added if ye don't mind. Got the desert Island right now (2 of them in fact) just need the cane sword. Wish I had the points for the Crystal Skull. That's all sold out already! Good God! Anyone on the MySpace one? ~Lady B
  14. Good dog, Phoebe! Ehhh, more like Phoebe 'll bite them, aye, Bess? :) ~Lady B
  15. LMAO! Not a good time to take yo'r slingshot or even use as target practice, eh? :::le sigh::: Back in m' younger days I could have walked across that yardarm likes a cat. :::le sigh::: ~Lady B
  16. I was contacted by a Journalist in the Chicago area who wanted to do an article similiar to the one that was done in the Wall Street Journal featuring Captn Slappy, Jamaica Rose, and many others. I couldn't do this article but did some asking around... and the Brethren of the Great Lakes were able to. Here's the link to the Video Article on this subject: http://news.medill.northwestern.edu/chicag....aspx?id=129615 ~Lady B
  17. Tis ok, Cheeky. Nay, not a charmin' Bday but, oh, well. But thank ye, m'dear, for the kind Birthday wishes. They are more than appreciated. :) Still have yet t' see the Star Trek movie! And... I WILL make Trek Fest this year (Bad Iowan that I am I haven't attended ANY of them since it was established). This year they have Nichelle Nichols, Walter Koenig, and George Takei confirmed from the original classic Star Trek. All this in Riverside, Iowa... Kirk's future birthplace. Drove past the old ware house next to the railroad tracks there in Washington (as I was going to help my parents paint their new house)... the doorway to the warehouse was open and there inside as people were working on them... were the massive replicas of Enterprise and even a small shuttle replica like the Galileo shuttle from TNG. Exciting. :) Again, thank ye most kindly to everyone for the birthday wishes. Greatly appreciated they were. ~Lady B
  18. Love th' name. So.... does that mean ye can take a hemp rope, th' bo'sun's whistle, and a cocked hat and use it t' get ye out of a jam? :) A bloody fantastic Birthday to ye, mate. :::hoists tankard::: ~Lady B
  19. Fabulous image, Rumba. :) M' compliments on ye and MadL. Where did one get those rugs though? Been looking for some cheap ones (since they will be outside), not interested in pay over $20 for them since they'll get crappy anyway. Nice rugs. I want! ~Lady B
  20. Oy! Happy Bday, lass! Hope ye had one hell of a pre-birthday party. :) Now... we celebrate again... rolling barrels of rum and feast on rum cake... Mmm... Here's to ye and a great Bday. Again, Happy Birthday, Jessi. ~Lady B
  21. Dogge... what fearsome reputation? Tis a cute video nonetheless. Shows our sweet natured side t' we pirates. LOVE that mini-broadside!!! Those wee cannons are darling! I WANT ONE! Ok.. not one, lots of them. But they are darling. Fabulous images and vids, MarkG. Thank ye. Ummm... the battle on the mainyard... Too funny. I shan't say what it looks like. ~Lady B
  22. Talderoy, does this count fo' th' ladies, too? Puttin' on their big boy pants? ~Lady B
  23. :::just about to reply to all until Jenny taunts with a lot of gold:::: Ooooooo..... ::Shakes head:: Anyways.... Well, either way, Syren... Tis a perfect time for it. I know, Dogge. I wanted to go. Long story really. Silas offered but no way t' meet up. So... I unfortunate was marooned in boring ol' Iowa. Didn't even get t' see the Star Trek movie either! :::Grumbles::: But at least ye had extra rations of rum. And thank ye fo' havin' a drink though in my stead. Aye, Silas... next year. One way or another... shall get there. And thank ye Sterling and Mermaid for th' kind wishes. Much appreciated. ~Lady B
  24. Coolies. Those of ye here on the Pub, I've some ideas to add some atmostphere (safe and fun) to Fest. Scenarios be the main thing... with we pirates and non-pirates interacting to add to the experience of the spectators who are attiending. Anyone interested? I've a list of scenarios we can use. I'm checking with Barbayos and the River Valley Fife & Drum and some others who most likely 'll attend to see if they wish to d some scenarios. NONE of these Scenarios will interfer in ANY way with the main scenarios of the Festival. ~Lady B
  25. Awww... that is SOOOO cute!!! ~Lady B
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