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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. LOL... Bat-hoops, hmm? Ooooo... awesome image there, Sterling. Now, be this image the same outfit that Cheeky posted? Be there a lot of images on this? ~Lady B
  2. OMG, Can ye believe it? Now... how old be ye? Well here's to ye... in hopes for a fabulous Bday... Maybe some rum, rum cake, some plundering and pilfering (I leave that to yo'r imagination, Dogge ). Come on now, Pubmates! Hoist yo'r tankards and glasses high in honor of our beloved M.A d'Dogge! ~Lady B
  3. OMG!!!! CHEEKS!!!! It's fabulously gorgeous! Ye've inspirated me now. How's about the pattern to this? It looks a little different than most I've seen. But I hate to say it, almost in the style of the gold ceremony gown that Elizabeth Swann wore in PotC: Curse of the Black Pearl. Almost. Ok... blue gown I'm working on immediately goes up for sale so I can make a new one gown for myself... just like this one but with a different fabric. :::jumping up and down with excitement::: CheekyCheekyCheeky!!! Oooo, I wants... :) :::Drools:::: OH damnit we are horrible. Ye know... will require proper new shoes with them :::Clears throat::: Fugawee :: cough cough::: And jewelry such as a fine pair of earrings... Oh, what finery it will require. :) ~Lady B
  4. I'll back up Michael and Sterling here with that painting and safely say that the waistcoat and breeches are silk velvet while the coat is wool. What kind of wool is the tough question. For all we know could be worsted wool or wolsey lindsay... or some other type of wool. But, it is wool. Oh, and look at the item below the knee? Be those leather gaitors? Hmmm... much like perhaps those type shown in the other thread about shoes... we see the buttons down the side. I've seen a few Rev War reenactors add a couple extra inches to the part around the knee to where it's form fitted about the knee; the person standing up, it's bunched up like slouch socks but when seated... there be plenty of fabric for the knee to bend with ease and no ride up. It works. Mooseworth... I wish you luck with this project. It's a fine outfit indeed. :) ~Lady B
  5. I'm not the one to pose this question but I am also not the one to research it either ...have you doccumentation to support this statement? Would you kindly share it? Not sure how much documentation is out there, but those rare items out there on this subject, some surviving outfits do have raw edges. Example some gowns especially if they have been pinked (a type of scallopping) and regimentals that were unlined were left with raw edges. Wools and some silks were tight and finely woven that hemming was rarely required. Eager to see this jacket of yo'rs, BHP. ~Lady B
  6. Mooseworth... WARNING!!! Period correct encampents are HIGHLY ADDICTIVE!!! Be ready to instantly fall in love with the idea and the comradery that goes with such encampments. Seriously... it's addictive and will snatch and pull you in faster than you can say "WHOA"! :::Clears throat::: in otherwords... you will SO love it. ~Lady B
  7. A hearty Happy Birthday to ye, lass. Here's to ye, with plenty of rum, rum cakes, cabana boys, and much carousing for this fine day of yo'rs. ~Lady B
  8. Welcome back to th' Pub. Ye've been missed. ~Lady B
  9. I think the fact that all three pairs of those boots are depicted with stirrups speaks volumes about the use of boots in our period.... And to be honest, the second and third image in that set looks more like shoes and gaitors than boots in my opinion anyways... Oh, exactly. And as I said, a type of period half-chaps. Still, I know I fancy the idea of these rather than cumbersome boots. When no need for the boots, remove the half-chaps. Protects the fine stockings I'm sure. Or at least used by the smugglers on horseback perhaps. And Dogge has a point there. Footwear depending upon what you did on board. Course, was researched that during the Rev War, some people went barefoot even when they had shoes to save their said footwear from wear and tear to use them for a more necessary situation that required the footwear. ~Lady B
  10. Nope, ye said it perfectly, Talderoy. :) BTW... Talderoy... and everyone at Pirates Magazine.... THANK YOU!!! I think this will rest once and for all all the self proclaimed Pirate Lords out there. People may still claim to be a pirate lord.. but we all will know who the real Pirate Lords are with the rings at least. ~Lady B
  11. What about these? The two from 1720s look like a period type of half-chap. I think this makes more sense as you can add and remove when the time requires, store easily, etc... Be easier to keep than clunky boots. But how common they would be... especially onboard ships... :::Shrugs::: any of these found? ~Lady B
  12. Well, not sure how much help it would be... but what about the Colours that were recently up for auction, the ones captured by Tarleton? Most of those were silk and painted. I guess I've seen a variety of them using a variety of materials. ~Lady B
  13. Ye be correct there, Cascabel. I've been incredibly apprehensive in getting any gunpowder cause of said reasons. ~Lady B
  14. So, umm... Talderoy... when the Devil's Dozen be chosen... what be the purpose and reason for these new Pirate Lords? Will a new group be voted for each year or how does that go? Curiosity, mate. ~Lady B
  15. Hey! All of you out there in So Cal... Roll call! Let us know you are OK. Hope damage is minor. ~Lady B
  16. Ooooooooo.... I WANTS!!!!! Well, one like it.... more like a mini of the Wasa or the Soleil Royal. That is bloody freakin' awesome!!!! ~Lady B
  17. Oooooo... nice. Amazing what the outfit brings out. A deceptive Gentlewoman. Ooooo... ~Lady B
  18. No... yo'r still evil... danglin' all these treasure b'fore us. ~Lady B
  19. So... when you are at events... how do you cook meat? What method works best? How do you roast? On a spit? Hanging all tied up in butchers string above a fire? Slow cook in a dutch oven? On a skillet? Do you cook meat alone or cook it with other foods like veggies? Toss in your how to's here so that others may benefit from your culinary wisdom. ~Lady B
  20. Oooo... I likes! :) Incredibly well made. Aye, I'm keepin' ye in mind. Been ponderin' a good faux cannon t' "train" th' tenderfoots and new recruits at events. ~Lady B
  21. Like I said... I'm constantly finding things... and just amazes me what be out there. BRASS GOBLETS 6 large and 6 small brass wine-style glassess. Perfect for yo'r pirate treasure or even if ye dare, to drink from. Fine goblets and a must have for your treasure chest for sure. Picture coming soon. $10 each for large brass goblet $6 each for small brass goblet * above prices include shipping and handling. I also have more drinkware - wood goblets, small wood glass, black ceramic tankard, pewter tankards either with or without the clear bottom, and glass bottles. Also available... wooden bowls. Perfect for stew or anything else. Able to hold up to 6 oz. $6 each (shipping included) More to come, Pubmates. ~Lady B
  22. Lady Brower... the mantua is gorgeous. :) At least yo'r mantua is unique and ye made it. Any sort of gown is a pain in th' arse and fingers... but once finished... becomes out pride and joy cause we made it!! Naw... Roberts... ye be right. Ren Faire bodices are not the same as proper period Stays. Especially for the era of piracy. Nothing says dedicated than a good outfit. So... now m' question to all ye who be makin' or have made th' mantuas.... what be yo'r persona? Are ye a merchants wife/daughter? Harlot? or somethin' else?... like Cheeky has the two personas (God bless her for such fabulous characters) and each a different dress style even down to the make-up. Ye have the Mantua... now what? Just curious. ~Lady B
  23. Dogge... I've no powder, no rounds... an' certainly cannot fire off m' pistol or carbine in city limits. Th' local law enforcement frown upon that. Oh, I'm leanin' towards it lookin' like I took th' "fine" coat from the body of a fool I shot! :) I might do this, I might not. We shall see. Course if I likes it, do it, then don't want th' hole... I can patch it back up. ~Lady B
  24. Workin' on a new sleeved waistcoat and pondering about a bullet hole with a touch of blood somewhere around it. Would just slightly burning the hole be a bit proper and accurate or is that just a Hollywood farb? ~Lady B
  25. Gotcha. Thanks, Cascabel. :) BTW, fabulous page of ye on Pirates Magazine. ~Lady B
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