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Everything posted by LadyBarbossa

  1. After a moment of nothing, the door opened.... by a young lad. Inside the room wans a gentleman... the keep of this establishment apparently. "Thank ye," to the lad with a slight genteel nod as she strod in gracefully but strong. Her troupe following behind as she meandered over to the table as she was addressed as 'madam'. "Hardly," she replied to Mr Neede with a slight smirk and a deep siren's tone - sweet yet wicked. "Lady Ana will suffice," Then she continued, getting right down to business. "Tis difficult to notice that ye shall soon be in need of provisions. Particularly more spirits. Having recently come to Port Royal and with a hold filled with provisions to sell.... perhaps I can offer ye some... goods? Bottles of madeira, port and various other wines? Barrels of rum and whiskey?" Not taking a seat instead she paced a moment before stopping to face Mr Neede with a wicked smile.
  2. Fabulous images. Looks like fun was had by one and all. ~Lady B
  3. If there be a 2010 PWPF... I'll do m' damnedest t' be there! :::pulls a Scarlet O'Hara::: I swear I will neve' go Pirate Festival-less again! ::: all in sad Southern accent::: ~Lady B
  4. Hehehehehe.... :::dangles a large pouch of gold before Sterling::: Pirate Lady offers coinage to Pyrate Hunter t' berid of th' 'pirate lord".... what say ye? (Tis all meant in fun and play. No real harm is intended. So ye can all put away yo'r swords and pistols and belayin' pins...) All in all, I'm curious to know how this "meeting" went? Do tell, mates? Since I wasn't there nore able t' attend th' "meeting". ~Lady B
  5. Loverly images, Cheeks. Thanks for linkin' them. :) Should see about gettin' TJ over here to post some of his piccies, too. Looking forward to more pictures, mates. ~Lady B
  6. Wish I could have been there. :::sniffles::: Glad the lot of ye had fun. I had hoped that the weather was not so rough like it had been the past two years. Glad it was a tad bit more cooperative. Sorry to hear about the troubles. T'was definitely not I... I t'wasn't there. So... Rats... I presume ye had a charmingly fun Bday nonetheless? ~Lady B
  7. Apologies lass... A hearty belated happy birthday to ye though. Hope it was a good one or a decent one. Get what trinkets and treasures ye wanted? ~Lady B
  8. Can't believe I missed Rats' Bday... both at Port Wash and on here. My sincere apologies, Rats. I'd offer ye PC rum if I had any t' give. Poor pirate lady I be though. Anyways.... Happy belated Bday to ye. Hope ye had a grand time. Dare I ask if Scuttle Sally or anyone else made ye sing th' Piratey teapot song.... again? Ye poor devil. Here's to ye, Rats. We never tire of ye. ~Lady B
  9. Oh, good God! Yes, there are several others out there with either a self-proclaimed title of Pirate Lord or voted a Pirate Lord of the Great Lakes region or the midwest (NOT counting the Jack Sparrow's out there) by their super exclusive pirate group/crew. Not one of those "pirate Lords" recognize the other as a pirate lord, etc. It's very messy and all generally stroked egos of self -proclaimation! Damn! Enough with the Pirate Lord shit! It IS annoying! MerryDeath is right... there are those here in the region who've been pirating longer and deserve the title... but, enough already! The title is over used! Good God!!! Just like Captain is over used. As I've mentioned to Blackthorne.... ONLY way to make anything known is to GET OUT THERE!!!!! Freakin' attend events, get online to forums like this one, chat and connect with pirates all over, read No Quarter Given and Pirates Magazine,.... generally GET INVOLVED!!!! Good God! Tis the ONLY way ANYTHING will happen. Keep yo'r eyes and ears open! Pass along the bloody info! Tis how I learned about that exhibit in OshKosh, WI back in 2005 which brought some of us together and had fun! T'was how I learned about Port Washington was from NQG... Talderoy I started getting to know via MySpace... Many I got to know on here, some of ye I met face t' face!.... listening to the news I heard about North Liberty, IA doing their RAGBRAI as a pirate theme and got involved there! T'was how I learned about the Whydah exhibit and that went over well... Journalist contacted me via MySpace, but since I couldn't do it, I reached out to all sorts of crews, from authentic to fantasy to do the interview. It went over great!... It's bloody well getting out there, keepin' eyes open.... and goin' with the flow! Or as a character from a childhood cartoon said (who was a Navigator): "Go ahead and set sail, then keep your eyes wide open". Plenty of events in the Midwest that are colonial era... not just pirate.. but there is fur trade, F&I, Rev War, 1812, and anything else Colonial related. It's not that others have not tried this or never thought of it at all.... they have... some are successful, some are not. Trade Fairs like the ones that happen up in Wisconsin every spring for the Colonial era are out there. Same with sutlers. Ye just have to keep your bloody eyes open for these events, keep your eyes on the region and elsewhere in the nation and world. Some people can make events, some cannot. We promote some but should NEVER bash one unless by super good reason. Those who are going to Blackbeard's.... bloody well fantastic that ye are... but that's clear out on the bloody east coast!... Likewise with Port Wash, it's bloody well in the upper midwest along Lake Michigan! Location be where those who can make it WILL ATTEND! Those who can't make it there, just don't make them feel bad for not attending that damned event!!! We get where we can! We do what we are able to. Now... let's get our heads out of our arses, stop bein' cocky fools, and wise up a bit more! ~Lady B (a rather furious Lady & does not care who she pisses off at this point)
  10. Damsel in this Dress is highly recommended by Scarlet Harlot. DitD was featured in SH's list of awesome places she recommended. Majority of her stuff caters to the Fantasy pirate rather than the historical but that's ok. Her stuff indeed looks awesome. Doesn't look so costumey. Pity ye can't wear yo'r ladies bodice, Bess. Indeed it's stunning. ~Lady B
  11. Simple to me... 50/50 straight across the board. Ye don't compromise and negotiate with greedy bastards. ~Lady B
  12. Well, my parents just moved into a new house (needs a LOT of work). And I've been trying to convince my mom to let me take on the project of decorating the Guest Rooms. I've a couple ideas in mind such as Roman/Venician shades with some sheers and valances. The one room I wanted to paint in a deep royal blue but they say no.. so, perhaps a soft sky blue or colonial cornflower blue. A full size bed in one guest room and two twins in the other (which is most likely the room the girls will be in when they visit). So... lots of ideas still milling about. At least some of the main floor (as it's a two story) is done with new carpet (ouch price) and walls repainted (from the God-aweful antique white and some 80's floral wallpaper that will make you barf!). The dining room has the original hardwood floors and the original wood molding is white which goes with the new color of two shades of green - one is called Intense Oliver the other is Bonkers with a nice soft, narrow border that is at waistheight around the room with a lovely ceiling fan in the center. And again, that's just the dining room. Place is nice, but still needs lots of work. ::Crossing fingers in hopes to decorate the guest rooms:: ~Lady B
  13. Still have yet to see "Star Trek" & "Night at the Museum 2". Not sure when I will see those. Not having much luck getting to the theater. Crossing my fingers... I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to see "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen". Hehehe I KNEW Megatron would return. That was a given. From the Trailers, this movie looks beyond wickedly awesome! Not sure about GI Joe. We shall see, I suppose. It looks too "off the rocker". ~Lady B
  14. Yeah.... pissing me off with gas on the rise here. Poor Farmers... just as they are planting, the gas jumps up quicker than the first sprouts of corn! Insane!!! Haven't seen the latest at the gas stations. I wouldn't be surprised if it jumped up 10 cents. Last I saw, gas for ethanol mix was $2.34 at least. Perhaps more. Regular is anywhere's between $2.44 - $2.50. Annoying. Frankly, gas jumping up is pissing me off! Now that more people haven't steady jobs and a very limited, fixed budget... plus utilities rates keep hiking up and taxes hiking up around here, too... what the hell do these bastards think?!?! Sorry, I'm absolutely furious! I can't find a job - likewise my dad and other family members and friends - and the rate of nearly everything sky rockets? Including gas? What the hell is going on? US is NOT Europe! Tough enough to make it to events 4 - 8+ hrs away... now they have to hike up gas,... again? Again, I'm furious! And don't get me started on the GM "rescue" BS. ~Lady B
  15. ahhh, very nicely done belt nonetheless. Compliments as always, Michael for such fine handy work. And likewise, Silas. Oderlesseye... that's bloody fantastic mate! I loves it! Definitely MUST put that on yo'r MySpace main photo! Moose... brilliant... as always. Ye've some fabulous attire there. Captain or not... ye look grand. And love the pictures, James. Grand bunch ye have there. What was th' parade all about if I may inquire? ~Lady B
  16. Sterling... by any chance.... could the verticle pockets also be just openings in the frock where a hand can slip discretly under to a waistcoat that has a functional pocket or some fob that holds something of value or something else? Like some mantuas and gowns that have those openings in the overskirting to descretly slip through the slits in the side of the petticoat to the pockets? Something like that? Would almost make more sense than putting something in verticle pockets which can lose items swiftly. Just a thought. Shall have to see if I can experiment on an outfit with verticle pockets of cheap fabric (I've more than I can handle and none of it I can really use as none of it is natural fibers). BTW... is that brown justacorp frock lined? or not? It doesn't seem lined from the sleeves but the body of it does. Be I wrong in this assumption? ~Lady B
  17. A hearty welcome to ye, Yellowbeard. Pleausre t' have ye here with th' likes of we gentlemen and gentleladies scoundrels. A fine establishment ye stumbled upon full of various treasures I dare say hope ye fancy and pilfer. aye, encouragement of hobbies tis a mighty good thing. BTW... since ye be new, ye purchase th' first round... so I'll be havin' a tall Tequila Rose thank ye very much. ~Lady B
  18. It's been a concept by some. I don't know if any have ever flourished and happened. ~Lady B
  19. aye, I be with ye, Rumba! I ADORE finding and searching for a variety of period like items. I've found period style furniture, quill pens, lanterns, bowls and plates in wood, metal or ceramic, and so much more... including that rare occassion, fabric that is period. I've a bunch of items in stockpile ready to be sold such as the recent finds 6 large brass goblets and 6 small brass goblets... great for treasure or to drink from. Even 2 pewter like tankards with a solid bottom (it's not clear see-through plexiglass). Outfits... I usually make finding periods style fabrics at discount prices. Cheaper price for you. Willing to search and swap. Take your piece of The Captain's Share. ~Lady B
  20. I've worked at many jobs who think they are saving money doing things a certain way. But, really, they are not. Yeah... been there, done that. ~Lady B
  21. Annoyed beyond measure. Stuck watching my sister's kids (I didn't agree to it) and had to help my mom and step-dad move (had no choice really). Still in the rut of problems. Really want to go to Port Washington's Pirate Festival... but, not sure how to get there and also scared to cause I'll be chewed out at for going. :::Le sigh::: ~Lady B
  22. Why thank ye most kindly, Mr Mako. Shall send ye a befriendin' message soon enough. Umm, I was pondering of a link or two but here be more than just a link or two on this here other piratical forum: http://pointofthecutlass.com/phpbb/viewtop...?f=40&t=311 I doubt I shall make any of them (pity) however, there be a couple pirates I know up that direction who gave this info. ~Lady B
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