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Everything posted by Silver

  1. preditors vs aliens????
  2. earlier in this thread we had a discussion about hammocks, bunks or the deck for sleeping. i was reading "jolly roger " by patrick pringle. in chapter 21 the capt. snelgrave story, capt snelgrave writes that the pirates who had captured his ship slept on the deck. he wrote that they use the phrase" lay rough". thanks
  3. i've got to lay off the rum. i thought i saw a pirate ship tree house!
  4. that is a great kit. there are two item in it that are not named. i think one is a early version of the mechenical pencil the other loks as if will fit in the end of the pencil?
  5. thank you all for the advice on the cannon manufactures. sorry to have disappered during the thread but my PC took a broadside of lighting right after i posted the request. had to deep six it and get a new PC and have just got it online. i do like the hearn's swivel and a lighter gun would be more useable ashore and afloat. does anyone have there swivel?
  6. i'm in the market for a cannon and have read some of the threads here about the verious cannon makers. i see hearns and greystar talked about in a positive tone. i have been checking out RBG they have a 36"swivel that would look great on a carriage, a little on the heavy side at 175lbs(barrel only) . has anyone bought from them before?
  7. in "the oxford book of english verse 1250-1918" under anonymous is a verse about the effects of tobacco and ale. it is titled the "pipe and can"
  8. i have a blunderbuss and queen anne from loyist arms both are well made and reliable to fire. they are good to work with and they will answer your e-mails quikly. i e-mailed them last night about the cannon and swivel gun on their site recivied an answer today. the guns come with the vent drilled they have to ship them in two packages because of canadian gun laws, couple of screws and you are in action.
  9. i saw the movie treasure island. it was the later one made. in it they show the sea chest belonging to the pirate who was rooming at the inn. it wasn't very large something a sailor could pick up and carry on one shoulder. having been in the navy and having to move your whole worldly possions in one tripand on your back if it didn't fit in the sea bag or on your person there was no room in your life for it. you learn to keep only what you had to have.
  10. good post coast04. got to thinking i have read that somewhere. pulled out my old boatswain's mate 3&2 1976 edtion and there it is how to hand make a grommet using marlin(tarred line) as the gromment and sew it into the canvas.
  11. you can still buy spoon bits for your brace. they are now called chair maker bits. i googled up a few sites the other day
  12. if you can get a copy of "the mayflower destiny" by cyril leek marshall, it has drawings of the tools brought over by the pilgrims. it shows their wood working tools, cooking utinsels, the lot. it is 1620 a little early but better then later.
  13. i have the same brace. i got mine in a junk shop where did you run across your's?
  14. another book to look at is "the rigging of ships in the days of the spritsail topmast, 1600-1720" by r.c. anderson
  15. if making a tent to appaer to be a sail, sewing in a boltrope and making earings on your conners would be period. checkout "the young sea officer's sheet anchor" by darcy lever.
  16. on the GOF site there is a photo of a RN sailor in a red waist coat, being we all have naval arms and dress of some types, and most of the event are during warm to hot weather, i think a group in a red waist coat would appear as a uniformed force.
  17. i haven't found any diagrams yet, but i did find this site concering early naval gunnery and tactics. it even talks about pirates. google sea-mans grammar and dictionary by john smith.
  18. i'll drink to that! the worst hangover i ever had was drinking cheap hatian rum all night in port a prince.
  19. i'll drink to that! the worst hangover i ever had was drinking cheap hatian rum all night in port a prince.
  20. it could be the rum?
  21. i made a fly from a heavy duty painters cloth, once i had attached the lines to it i set it up in the yard. i spayed the top of it with thompsons waterproofing, it took a day or so to dry. this was many years ago i still use it once a month. i do let it dry out if it get wet before folding it up for storage. spay early in the moring so it wont be too tacky by the time the bugs come out.
  22. thanks william for the pic import. it's worth a thousand words.
  23. search this site for the photo gallery on the maryland dove.
  24. blackdog, goolge this <http://photos.somd.com/showphoto.php/photo/2754/cat/81> that be the galley stove you seek?
  25. has anyone taken the chrome/stainless steel coating off their sword blade? how did you do it and how do you maintan it now?
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