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Everything posted by Kenneth

  1. Good Lord!! I just found this! Thank you ladies..My Birthday on my profile was off, it had the 11th of November, so I corrected the date to my true date which is the 30th of November. Thank you both for thinking of me..
  2. Very nicely done Chole!.....very sharp indeed!
  3. Saw pictures of you in your Sailor kit at Ojai... you look really good, and have a great attention to detail!

  4. So Depp confirmed Pirates 4 then? Does that mean they will make it or he will be in it IF they make it? http://news.my.msn.com/article.aspx?cp-documentid=1695835
  5. Yeah Stynky.....I was dying without my Pyracy Pub...I'm buying you some Irish spring my friend!
  6. A couple people have told me they bought the Loyalist shoe and it's very very uncomfortable, has a cowboy boot like heel (tapered) and the leather is thin......I realize people gave reviews when they got their shoes and tried them on, but how bout some long term wearing of said shoes.....Any reviews? Any complaints? Any praise?
  7. We had such an awsome time!! Our first time camping and everyone made us feel right at home...Thank you Tales (TO7S) for letting us in and your hospitality..Ransom and Chainshot, Red Handed Jill and Iron Jack, Poison and Saber, Jacky Tar, Mr. Smee, Rumba Rue (She always has a smile) Arthur of Kent and finally the evasive 1st Mate Matt whom I finally met for a brief second... It was very nice meeting Graydog and his crew Alliance of the Double Cross....I think we had a little Bromance going on there for a second...Thank you everyone for inviting us into your camps and sharing food and drink and making us feel welcomed.. The things I'll always remember are... The best Rum cake I've ever tasted Watching Ransom hold a Cookson Fowler that was taller than her (I have a picture of that) One of our Ladies being kdnapped and held for Ransom by the Double Cross crew...(I really was waitng for Graydog to fire that Swivel Gun) Freezing in the boat at 3am and having to Pee.. The Tales Duck on a leash Mr Smee and his Navigation lessons (Geez that guy knows his stuff) The dirtiest out houses in the west The Rum Runners social club and being denied entrance ( Don't worry, I pee'd on there camp fence at 3am ; ) ) I hope I didn't leave anyone out!!
  8. Thank you Thank you!! Can't wait to see some of the pub members...and of course the Tales crew!
  9. Whoo hoo!! Our first year having a camp at Ojai!! Any tips or pointers on food, water and shell phone charging?
  10. Christopher and I survived a clam attack of the coast of California....Actually a hundred miles inland, but none the less these blood thirsty clams were relentless.....Were lucky to be alive!!
  11. Yer only wanting to deglaze, then dye ....right over the bone color..If you want to strip the old color off completly you have to use a reducer.. Just rub the deglazer on, wait a tick, poke the leather with yer finger and see if it's tacky, then rub in yer dye like yer shining shoes. Apply a second coat after a few minutes and they should look really good.. This is what I do and it works for me......
  12. Yup yup!! The dreaded Quagga mussel!! ooooooh. Check it out! http://www.lakecasitas.info/
  13. They won't let us put any boats in the water cause of some lake mussel thing. You have to take yer boats to the lake and put them in quarantine for a couple weeks before you can float em....
  14. We'll be there the first weekend....
  15. Thought the same thing myself...You can get slapped around for pointing a musket at ones head!
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