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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Or better yet, Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice Cream....so many pies to choose from....
  2. Cool crisp Lemon Meringue Pie or Chocolate Pudding Pie with Cool Whip....Mmmmm delicious
  3. Ah, The new Battlestar Galactica is one of my favorite sci-fi's to watch. Unfortunaltely with my schedule this past season I missed alot of episodes. I am looking forward to renting the season set. Although the series can be dark it is very fasinating to see how it all plays out. Every episode is like watching a modern day Shakespearian play. And I am truly curious about the cylons. I find their beliefs and attitudes very intriguing.
  4. “My dear friend and friar, thank you for your kindness and generosity.” Friar Thomas quickly set the cart in motion. “It is just a few blocks from here Friar Thomas.” They traveled quickly and discreetly through the streets. At last they came to her destination. Jumping gracefully down, BriarRose gathered her belongings and placed them on the doorstep. Friar Thomas took her hands and spoke, “Be of faith my Child. Believe that you are in God’s hands and he will take care of you. Know that I am your friend and servant always.” With that he jumped back up on to the cart and left. Standing alone for a moment, she almost succumbed to a fit of both tears and laughter. Sighing, she turned to knock upon her trusted friend, Maeve’s door.
  5. The room was small and confining as she paced restlessly back and forth. Usually BriarRose found a sense of tranquility and peace with in the confines of her room, but tonight she seemed to sense something in the air. Heaving a heavy sigh, she tried once more to lay down upon her cot in the hopes that sleep would over take her. There was a light knocking at her door. BriarRose quickly got up crossing the small space to open the door. Friar Thomas was standing there with a look of deep concern upon his face. “Dear Child, I am sorry to bother you at such an hour, but I have just received a missive of great importance.” He handed her a letter with the crest of a lion broken upon it. Her hands shook as she read the contents. Looking up she asked, “What am I to do?” Friar Thomas shook his head, “I am uncertain, but you must leave immediately before he comes. I will try my best to dissuade him of your whereabouts my Child.” “I must hurry then. I have a place I can go for now. Will you help me to get there?” “I have a cart and donkey already waiting for you.” “It will take me only but a quarter past to be ready.” “Then I will wait for you outside.” Friar Thomas turned to leave as BriarRose shut the door behind him. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves she quickly packed her meager belongings. Although she dressed plainly her stature and bearing were unmistakeable for that of a lady. Her warm copper tresses flowed down her back as she fought to tie them up in a black ribbon. Finally ready, with a few minutes to spare she quietly let herself out of her room. Her slippered feet made very little noise as she walked down the hall to the side door entrance. As he had promised, Friar Thomas waited for her. “I will take you to your destination, for I trust no other.”
  6. I can only agree with Hester that my interest truly peaked with the style of Adam Ant. In high school I created my own style by dressing like him and playing the part of a pirate. But my true interest and love began as a young child. First with Peter Pan, Black Beard's Ghost and of course Sinbad. Peter Pan will always be the story most close to me own heart. And one day I hope to ride aboard that magical ship.
  7. If I had an actress to choose to play me as my pirate persona I would choose either a young Goldie Hahn or Sandra Bullock. I am fun and free loving and both actresses could pull it off if they were playing me.
  8. Well what have I been reading....actually I have a tendency to read more than one book at a time. It keeps me from getting bored. Right now I am reading....The Guardship by James L. Nelson. I find it to be a very nice historical fictional piece. Women Sailors & Sailors' Women by David Cordingly is so far very interesting. I am also reading Viruses, Plagues & History by Michael B. A. Oldstone, which is quite fasinating. And I just got a new book that I started reading through called The Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures by John & Caitlin Mattthews. I am always looking for good historical fiction and nonfiction books to read so if any one has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
  9. I have been reading through the posts and I have found every one's descriptions and thoughts on the sense of smell very interesting. The olfactory sense is the both the strongest and most primative of all of our main five senses. The sense of smell can not be duplicated in any way. And it is the only sense that can trigger both memories and emotions. A whiff of perfume or the scent of a warm freshly baked apple pie can transport each of us back to a time and place with in our lives. For me the smell of the first snow fall, or the first spring rain can transport me back to childhood. The whiff of the perfurme Evening in Paris reminds me of my mother when she was young and carefree. The tantalizing smell of crisp apples reminds me of Halloween and the sweet tangy scent of oranges or tangerines reminds me of Christmas. For me the sense of smell is very provocative and powerful. And when a scent transports me back in time I cherish the moment and the memory.
  10. Although I joined the Pub last October, I am just now finding the time to go through some of the forums. I read all 8 chapters on the The Black Rose. There is some editing that is required, however, I truly enjoyed the story that you have created. With a little more meat and bones to your story you could go very far with what you have created. I have read many books through out my life time and my thumb of rule is if the first paragraph doesn't pull me in I put down the book. Your story captured my attention and I continued reading to the end...I hope there will be more soon to follow. I look forward to see where the characters go from where you left them. So please continue and do not get discouraged. I will be waiting to see the next chapter.
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