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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. A model of Elvis Presley's 1956 "Pink Cadillac"
  2. Classic Vehicles 1935 Ford Pick-up 1940 Willy's Pick-up
  3. Oooh, Yeah, another Pinata. I love Pinata's. Hmm, in Celebration of me dear Captain's Birthday, mayhaps I have a Drambuie on the rocks?
  4. Well last night we had BLT's (bacon, lettuce and tomato) with cheese and mayo on toasted buns. Our side dish was corn. Then for dessert we had Dark Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Fudge icing. Tonight we are having.... Honey Mustard BBQ's with left over corn and a salad.
  5. The Smooth Jazz Channel....
  6. Relaxing for just a few moments before picking up me wee lad from the sitters. Trying to give him some extra play time with the other kids.
  7. “Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Christopher Robin to Pooh” A.A. Milne "A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.” Anonymous
  8. "I love the night. It's the only time I feel really alive." Helen Chandler
  9. 1) One thing you ate today a toasted english muffin with butter, cinnamon and sugar 2) One thing you saw today (big or small) 2 wee black spiders 3) Name of a person you spoke to Dorian 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see Mia
  10. Mmmm, Hester that sounds delicious. I love pears. I am gonn have to go to the liquor store and see if I can't find it. Thanks a Bunch. Mmmm, the smell of pears, apples and oranges....yum.
  11. Aye Saltypots, that is a Wonderful scent.
  12. How about a Birthday Cake to go with that nice vintage port?
  13. I don't know why, but this quote kinda hit me funny bone. "When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, 'Why god? Why me?' and the thundering voice of God answered, 'There's just something about you that pisses me off” Stephen King
  14. BriarRose and Maeve sat drinking meade and conversing quietly. Every once in awhile they could hear the men in Preston’s room laugh boisterously. Maeve smiled and shook her head at the commotion that came from Preston’s room. “Tis very good to hear our patient in better spirits.” She said as her and BriarRose giggled at the sounds coming from his room. BriarRose yawned and shook her head, “I am sorry Meave, dear, but me thinks I may need to go to bed. I did not sleep well at all last night and I am starting to feel it sorely.” Maeve looked at her friend for a moment with concern noticing the light circles under her warm blue eyes. “Ye go on to bed, Briar, and I will see to our patient in a bit.” “Thank you Maeve.” BriarRose said as she set her goblet down. She stood up and smiled at Meave, “Goode night to you then. Please don’t stay up too late. You need your rest as well.” “Don’t you be worrin’ about me, go on now to bed with ya.” BriarRose laughed as she turned to go up the stairs. From the fire place Mandrake stretched and wandered up the steps with her.
  15. Mmm, well it appears we have some things in common Captain Tito. So what kind of books do you like to read?
  16. “One should act in consonance with the way of heaven and earth, which is enduring and eternal. The superior man perseveres long in his course, adapts to the times, but remains firm in his direction and correct in his goals.” I Ching
  17. A Cape Cod (Vodka with a wee bit of cranberry lime juice)
  18. Teddy Bears.....at Christmas the house is usually covered in Teddy Bears. I love all kinds of Teddy Bears.....I just can never resist them.
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