BriarRose and Maeve sat drinking meade and conversing quietly. Every once in awhile they could hear the men in Preston’s room laugh boisterously.
Maeve smiled and shook her head at the commotion that came from Preston’s room.
“Tis very good to hear our patient in better spirits.” She said as her and BriarRose giggled at the sounds coming from his room.
BriarRose yawned and shook her head, “I am sorry Meave, dear, but me thinks I may need to go to bed. I did not sleep well at all last night and I am starting to feel it sorely.”
Maeve looked at her friend for a moment with concern noticing the light circles under her warm blue eyes. “Ye go on to bed, Briar, and I will see to our patient in a bit.”
“Thank you Maeve.” BriarRose said as she set her goblet down. She stood up and smiled at Meave, “Goode night to you then. Please don’t stay up too late. You need your rest as well.”
“Don’t you be worrin’ about me, go on now to bed with ya.”
BriarRose laughed as she turned to go up the stairs. From the fire place Mandrake stretched and wandered up the steps with her.