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Posts posted by BLACK JACK SHALAQ

  1. ;) Ol'Black Jack will be donning Santa attire once again this weekend. I'll be skeerin the snot outta the buggers at our local VFW post and Eagles Aeire. I can't wait ta see the lil sneveilin' wretches n' all da pissed out moms n' dads!....Tis' my lil' offerin fer da holidays! :lol:
  2. ;) In my arsenal I have, 2-9mm Berettas w/6- 15 round clips. 2-1911 Colt .45 automatics w/4- 11 round clips. 1- Vintage M1 Garand (it was me pappys). 1- .203 Enfield rifle. 1- 1903 .30cal bolt action Springfield. 1- Mausberg 12ga. pump shotgun w/ interchangable slug barrel. 1- Remington 12ga. pump shotgun. 1- 30/40 bolt action Krag. 1- winchester .30-06 bolt action w/10x scope.1- .223 Bushmaster AR15 w/ 12x scope w/ 4-30 round combat clips. And finally...my baby.....45cal thompson machine gun. ;) ....Come and get me! :lol:

    PS If you think this collection is outrageous, You should see my sons! ;)

    Oh yeah ...and my sling shot I had since I was 12 yrs. old...

  3. here, here Black Jack! I knew I liked ye...even though ye do scare me a little at times..hehehe :D   ;)

    Now the man o Scarlets dreams would be:

    me best friend

    someone I enjoyed talkin with, being with, laughin with

    a man who enjoyed letting me be me...but who could rein me in if I got carried away

    someone who could make me laugh

    a pirate o course (he'd have te be stealin me heart after all)


    stronger than me ( I don't mean muscles )

    ye think if I write Santa, he'll put "Mr. Right" under my tree or in my stockin?  ;)   ;)

    ;) Well lassie, da santa I know kin Shake yer tree n' wanna get inside those stockings of yers! :D HAR HARRRRRRR ;)

  4. *Sighs*  Hubby forgets mine.  Every year.

    I feel for you - two years in a row my husband gave me nothing for Birthdays or Christmas and the third year, I decided I wasn't going to go through another sad holiday with him. So, I told him I didn't want to be married any more the day after Thanksgiving. He moved out the following week while I was on a business trip and pretty much wiped me out of everything - but I am so F*ing happy now that I am single, it makes no difference! Simply put, I thrive on attention.

    Rummy baby,

    Am I to understand that yer hubby, the man who suppose to be the love of your life NEVER got you B-day or Xmas or Valintines gift the entire time he lived with you? Girl, that sh*t DOESN"T FLY in this household. If you were my wife, you'd be treated as royalty....Just ask My current wife of 27 yrs. Yer ex needs to be beat to a blood stump! :ph34r:

    :ph34r: Black Jack

  5. When I was a lil' shaver me mum called me "HEY YOU"! And me dear ol' pappy called me "Dumb Ass"! Me tenth grade history teacher Ms. LaBlanc called "The Police". When I was a senior in high school, me parole officer called me "Cuffs". Me Football n' wrestling coaches called me "Hardcore n' Hard nosed n' 175lbs.CLASS STATE WRESTLING CHAMP". Me senior drill instructor in boot camp called me "Maggot". Me Gunnery instructor called me "EXPERT". The wenches in town just off base called me "Saddle Horn". Me enemies aren't around long enough to called me anything. Me best lass(my beloved wife), calles me.."Everhard n' A Slooow, Smoooth ride". Me son's call me "Sir". Me friends call me "Chief or Gunny or Tug".The President of the United States called me "Marine"My late father-in-law and good friend called me "Son"(God I miss him)....sigh... :ph34r:

    :ph34r: Black Jack

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