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Everything posted by CapnJake

  1. This was a great event for us, Pete! Granted, the second weekend didn't have nearly as lousy weather as the first weekend had, but "enough to do" is relative. There was not enough time for us to catch up with all of our friends or interact with all of the cast or visit all of the great vendors that attended the show. In fact, business was SO brisk on the last day that management decided to hold the event for three weekends in 2007! It was just wonderful to meet new friends at our shows this year (many of whom have made their way to "Friends" on MySpace . . .). Sales of our new CD was brisk and we made a point of mixing with all of our fellow performers (such as time allowed). This event has long legs and I encourage everyone that reads this board to support it in 2007. Dean Calin (Cap'n Jake) Bounding Main www.boundingmain.com
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