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Everything posted by CapnJake

  1. CapnJake

    Cap'n Jake

    Cap'n Jake of Bounding Main http://www.boundingmain.com
  2. Bounding Main Concert - Skokie Theatre - November 15, 2008 This is a year of firsts and we're closing the season with another - Bounding Main will have a show all to ourselves at a wonderful music venue, the Skokie Theater. Bounding Main has been entertaining at tall ship events, maritime festivals, music festivals, renaissance faires, pirate gatherings and now we will be performing at this beautiful, centrally located venue. Come hear the music that has brought joy to so many, see the show that has made so many laugh! Come learn a thing or two about the traditional music that we sing about! Showtime is 7:30 and tickets will be $15 in advance, $20 at the door. http://www.skokietheatre.com NEW! Download the poster for the show here! http://www.boundingmain.com/pdf/Skokie_Poster_01.pdf From Gunner Maggie! Are you planning to come to our show at the Skokie Theatre Nov. 15? We are working hard on bringing you some unique goodies in this show, including several new songs. We hope to see lots of you there! How would you like to stand at the microphone and introduce Bounding Main, welcoming us onto the stage for the Skokie show? Here's your new contest: 1. Write an introduction - it can be as long or as short as you like, but remember that humor goes far with us. This is your chance to bring out that long-held secret that only you know about us. Or pull out your best Ed McMahon impression. Or, you know, just say a few kind words about your pals in Bounding Main. 2. Send your entry/entries directly to me, by email. 3. From the entries, we will choose the top 3 finalists. We will call you up and have you do your intro over the phone On Sunday Oct 26, and from there we will judge the best of the best. The prize for the winner: Introducing Bounding Main in a pivotal show! and 2 tickets to the show! The deadlines for entries is Wednesday Oct 22. Gunner Maggie maggiehannington@hotmail.com
  3. What (if any) be the legal ramifications fer doin' so? The legal ramifications vary. The lines you quote in your sig are by John Connelly and he briskly pursues fellow musicians for his royalties; I don't know that he would take legal action to recover his due. If you crib a tune from the public domain there are no worries. If you borrow from Elton John his label would certainly slap a "cease and desist" order on you if you recorded the piece. If you were just performing it, chances are likely you wouldn't get caught, but you would theoretically owe your .09ยข per performance to RIAA. (Not that RIAA has every paid US anything for any of our music played on various broadcast and internet radio stations . . .)
  4. I've been doing a lot of research on this topic for an article for one of the two extant pirate magazines. Strictly speaking there are NO pirate sea shanties. To be a stickler for the history, there are maritime songs still around that date from as far back as Elizabethan times, but they're not "shanties," per se. The sea shanty form dates after 1840 and ends about 1930. (Richard Henry Dana wrote about maritime work songs in Two Years Before the Mast but never referred to them as shanties.) The golden age of piracy is generally considered to have run from about 1650 through 1720; there is no overlap between the two sets of dates. But certainly there were still pirates between 1840 and 1930 and as all pirates were sailors they would have sung shanties themselves during that time. Interestingly, since we've seen that sailors tunes are often taken from the shore and given a maritime treatment, the musicians aboard Teach's ship were as like to be playing rustic versions of Pacabel and Scarletti tunes as anything else!
  5. Oh, wet! Still and all, an enormous amount of fun, weather and all. If you want to have a good time, you'll find it no matter what. I feel bad for the vendors who lost out on local business for the people that fled the event. And, of course, the producer of the show, who must have been very distressed to see the attendance gush away as the weather continued to be bad. Me, I have a flooded basement that I have to go continue to vacuum out. Here are where our pics will be loaded: http://bounding.wohlershome.net/gallery/v/...8/PortPirate08/ Plus one of our friends, Carl Jester, has his posted here: http://www.jesterphotography.com/v/persona...l/piratefest08/ Plus there is some dialog with pics on the Bristol Discussion Page: http://www.bristolboard.com/forum/viewtopi...t=2574&start=30 It was wonderful to see everyone again this year. No less busy for not directing, what with the hit and run singing and shelter singing and all, but still great to get everyone together again!
  6. I am happy to say that Bounding Main will be performing at Port Washington Pirate Festival and we will have our new CD, "Going Overboard" available for sale. If you can't wait you can pick up a copy on CDBaby or on Apple iTunes. We will have copies of our Operation Share the Shanties CDs for the wounded US Military personnel that we'll be visiting in the Landstuhl Military Hospital in Germany in August. If you want to sponsor a gift CD with a personal message to one of our wounded boys you can do so any time during the day. Plus we'll be singing a barrel-full of fun and exciting new songs! We can't wait to see all of you! Cap'n Jake Bounding Main
  7. I think you missed one . . .?
  8. Well, you'll have to bring that up to Sally, as I stepped off the committee this year because of all of the pre-event business I need to attend to for our little European tour in August. As for the web site: last year and this year the producer chose to manage the web site herself, but she's also managing everything else about the event and may not be free to respond directly. I'd try passing on requests for the site to Scuttle Sally who will pass them on to the producer of the show. We always post our pics of the event on our photo gallery, plus whomever else sends us pics. (It is Bounding Main heavy, naturally . . .) 2005 2006 2007 Enjoy!
  9. Scuttle Sally has the info on the tall ship situation, but she's incommunicado very shortly for PirateCon. I don't know why they're not posting anything about the local hotels, unless none of them are sponsoring the event. The Holiday Inn refuses to sponsor because they don't have to, being so close they're guaranteed a full house. The Country Inn & Suites was purchased by new owners JUST before the event last year and they did NOT honor the comped rooms agreed to by the previous owners - so they're not friends of ours. We stayed at the Super 8 in Grafton and it was fine. There are other hotels within 8 miles of the site that are all reasonable and give you everything you need: a flat place to snooze, a shower and a place to stow your gear.
  10. We're not performing this year, but a couple of us will be there to cheer on Mr. Bilge.
  11. I've looked into getting a gig in town for that event but so far I've turned up nothing. I'll dig into it more after our trip to Europe this August, in preparation for 2009. Glad to know it is as much fun as it looked like! Thanks for the report.
  12. I received confirmation yesterday that Bilgemunky will be joining us as well! On his birthday, yet!
  13. Check out Trossen Los out of The Netherlands. The host speaks in Dutch, but he plays maritime music from all over the world. Google "Trossen Los" and "Ad van Eijk" and it will get you to their web page. Also, Bilgemunky Radio almost every Monday night - and it is free! www.bilgemunky.com Dean Bounding Main
  14. Great to know, Steve! Thanks!
  15. Here's the promotional video: http://www.boundingmain.com/GOb_video.htm The CD is not yet ready at CDBaby or iTunes, so go to http://www.boundingmain.com if you want to get a copy now.
  16. Here is a promotional video for the new CD, "Going Overboard," on our MySpace page. (This is the fastest place to load. the video) Going Overboard Promo Video Enjoy!
  17. "Going Overboard" CD Release Party! Saturday January 19, 2008 7-10 p.m. PADDY'S PUB 2339 N Murray Ave Milwaukee, WI 53211 (414) 223-3496 www.paddyspub.net Deep in the heart of Milwaukee's trendy "East Side," Paddy's Pub is a charming recreation of a genuine Emerald Isle establishment. Host to weekly Celtic music sessions and a variety of concerts in its upstairs music space, hosts Patty and Woody have graciously sponsored our release of "Going Overboard." We have the front two rooms reserved for us! This is a very special date for us as it is also our 5-Year Anniversary! Mingle with the Mainiacs and buy yourself some of the finest imported and domestic beer, wine and liquor available. (There is no food served at Paddy's, but the neighborhood is thick with some of the best restaurants in the Midwest!) Paddy's is a fine and friendly place, but it is a bar and the age limit to enter is 21. Here are directions to Paddy's. Please RSVP to us here! Click here for a PDF of the announcement poster if you want to promote the event at your place of work or for to print one for yourself! Event sponsored by Paddy's Pub and SignSynergy
  18. Here is the cover art for a tease: And you can sample six of the songs on our MySpace page: http://www.myspace.com/boundingmain Enjoy! And please send us feedback about our new release?
  19. I have no news on the event, as I'm no longer involved with the committee, but I did hear an interesting snippet of information: The Port Washington Pirate Festival has become the town's second largest event of the year. This is impressive, as the venerable "Fish Days" has been a fixture in Port for decades!
  20. Hello to all, from Gunner Maggie! The census is winding down, and the number of Bounding Mainiacs is approaching 400. Wow! Going Overboard, Bounding Main's latest CD, is scheduled to be finished The second week of December! This is our most collaborative work to date, and includes a few original songs, a few live takes, a few ballads, and lots and lots of fun! We have worked hard to make this our best CD yet, and we sincerely hope you are pleased with it. We distribute via CDBaby, but it takes them about 30 days to process new CDs, which means you can't get it from them before Christmas, so if you want to order a copy directly from us, write to me a maggiehannington@hotmail.com and I'll email you an order form. As soon as I have the CD's in hand, I will send your very own copy/ies out to you! Shipping time should be about 3-4 days, but in this season, you'll want to give yourself lots of time. I will send out an email, confirming when I have sent your CD. (If it seems to be taking a lot of time, feel free to contact me to make sure I have received your check.) We are including some extra services if you are interested: *personalized CD signing - the profits of which will go to the Deport Bounding Main fund (http://deport.boundingmain.com/) *gift wrapping, just cause. Harrrrrrr! I hope to hear from lots and lots of you! I love getting mail!! ~Gunner Maggie http://boundingmain.com/ PS.We are tentatively planning a CD release party January 19, at a location yet to be determined. For now, pencil it in, and we'll keep you informed! PPS.CD Baby, our regular distributor, takes credit cards, but we don't, sorry.
  21. I'll take the neato foggy weather from '07 - minus the tornado!
  22. There is a page on Tribe: Port Washington Pirate Festival. The discussion is moderated by Bilgemunky. I like Tribe okay, but it goes down pretty frequently: be warned. As for terminology, could we not gather all people attending in a visible fashion, actors, reenactors, variety acts and musicians as "Participants," versus "Guests?" That's not official, just a suggestion.
  23. Jib, if you're looking to entertain at Port Washington the application cut-off is coming up soon. Go to their website, download and return the entertainer's application. The producer of the show is Kim McCulloch, the entertainment coordinator is Tom Charney. The web site is http://www.portpiratefestival.com. Good luck!
  24. Greetings, friends. Dean Calin here. I stepped out of the entertainment director position for 2008 as Bounding Main is running its fund-raising campaign to travel to Festival Maritim in Bremen, Germany in August of 2008. I saw that it was recently announced that Tom Charney, who played Captain Joseph Cotton, the hero of the scenario, has stepped up to the position. I know he will do a wonderful job. Any inquiries about the festival, whether vendors, entertainment, accommodations can be directed to the festival producer, Kim McCulloch at admin@portpiratefestival.com. She will relay inquiries to her staff as is appropriate. As of this date I am not aware of any performance groups that have received confirmation one way or the other for 2008, including Bounding Main. If we're hired back, I look forward to seeing everyone again - and perhaps this year actually having a little time to VISIT with people! Fair winds!
  25. Bounding Main will be performing just a few miles away at the Kenosha Days of Discovery-Tall Ships event. This won't be as immersive as the Port Washington Pirate Festival but there will be tall ships and sea shanty singers such as David HB Drake, Tom & Chris Kastle and, of course, Bounding Main. You can see the event schedule here. Bounding Main WILL be at Bristol the weekend of August 18-19, and it would be wonderful to see our friends from the Pyracy Pub out there! Fair winds!
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