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Everything posted by CapnJake

  1. Bounding Main distributes its CDs through CDBaby.com, and through them our songs are distributed digitally via at least 25 websites - well, this is the list: BuyMusic, MSN Music, Bitmunk, Apple iTunes, MusicNet, MusicNow, PassAlong, Ruckus, MP3tunes, DigitalKiosk, Liquid Digital Media, NextRadio, Tradebit, Rhapsody, PayPlay, NetMusic, WrapFactory, Emusic, Puretracks, Interia, MP3-Extension, MusicIsHere, MOD Systems, Destra, Choice Records, Inprodicon, Sony Connect, Verizon, Daiki, Nareos, Napster, GreatIndieMusic, MPGreek, Sonific, USEN, GroupieTunes, Muze, RuleRadio, SNOCAP, PlayIndies, Intent Media Works, Zune, NTT, Goodstorm. We're not the only shanty music group to be distributed this way. I know Jolly Rogers are on there, Seelie Court (60% celtic/30% maritime/10% other), and others. Certainly check out Bilgemunkey's program and look at his playlist. You should be able to track down digital if you have names of groups. Good luck, and thanks for supporting the musicians! Cap'n Jake Bounding Main www.boundingmain.com
  2. Three New Shows Booked for Bounding Main! Port Washington Maritime Heritage Festival - Port Washington, WI — August 4 - 5, 2007 A celebration of the maritime history of Port Washington is celebrated annually during the Maritime Heritage Festival. Tall Ship tours are available for the ‘sailor’ in you! Fine food, refreshments; artisans and entertainment fill your day. Truly, a unique experience! Bounding Main will be entertaining throughout the festival. Check back here for more details as we get closer to the event! Kenosha Tall Ships - Days of Discovery - Kenosha, WI — Sunday August 12, 2007 This summer will be a majestic one once again for Kenosha, Wisconsin, as the city welcomes the return of tall-masted sailing vessels known as “tall ships” to Kenosha’s harbor. Used as the primary means of trade and transportation in the 1800’s, these historic replicas will line Kenosha’s harbor in grand fashion and transport visitors to another place and time. Kenosha Days of Discovery is a captivating and exciting maritime festival featuring tours of visiting ships, sailing excursions, food and drink, music, intriguing exhibits, and an array of family friendly entertainment and activities. After a two-year hiatus this wonderful event returns, hosted by The Kenosha Days of Discovery Foundation and The Kiwanis Club of Western Kenosha. Bounding Main will be entertaining on Sunday August 12, only from 3:00 to 4:30, but we hope to also wander the site earlier in the day. For more information on this fun event, please visit: http://www.kenoshadaysofdiscovery.com/. 3rd Annual Fishers Renaissance Faire - Indianapolis, IN — October 6 - 7, 2007 Bounding Main will be providing "high-spirited entertainment" at this year's 3rd Annual Fishers Renaissance Faire. FRF was created by the Sister Cities Association of Fishers, IN, to honor the relationship between Fishers and its sister city of Billericay, England while immersing faire-goers in the history, habits and lifestyles of the Renaissance period. The Faire strives to involve and enrich their community and visitors from throughout the Midwest with an experience that is educational, affordable and fun for all ages. Even more Olde World adventures will be found at their new location -- on the grounds of Conner Prairie Museum. Their new home will offer free on-site parking with easy access just minutes from Interstates 69 and 465. Featured also is A New Red Lion – the drinks pavilion will become a Beer Garden and Meadery for those over 21! For information, please visit their web site here: http://www.fishersrenfaire.com/.
  3. Cap'n Chris, You've certainly done your work to spread the word amongst your community to talk about this event in the Pyracy Pub. You and your mates should fill out your signatures in your profiles so we all know how to address you in future. Are you going to make a follow-up trip to Port Washington after PirateFest closes?
  4. That might have been recorded IN Cornwall, but the song was contemporary, written by Tom Lewis: www.tomlewis.net. Tom is an amazing international artist and the author or some amazing tunes, some of which have been mistaken for "traditional," but depend upon his copyright, in fact. "Sailor's Prayer," "Marching Inland," and "One Big Ocean" are all his, as well as "A Sailor Ain't a Sailor," (his first song).
  5. There is something about costume contests that people just love. That and parades. As a director of mine (at a large theme park) once said, "Oh, I'm just QUEER for parades!" Be that as it may, everyone loves both, and I'm glad to know you're having the costume event.
  6. Chris, this looks like it is going to be a fun event! I can't wait to see the play - everyone sure seems excited by it! "Human Femurs!" It is to laugh!
  7. Let's hope the paperwork gets to the city ahead of time so the police know there IS a parade this year! That's why the event was so rushed and why traffic was driving through it last year ! Government!
  8. In Milwaukee, Wisconsin this weekend is an event near and dear to the Pirate aficionado: shipwrecks and their recovery - The Ghost Ships Festival. There was an article in today's Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel about the team that explored various famous sunken ships, including Blackbeard's ship. Admission is $25 at the door at the Milwaukee Airport Sheraton. Scuttle Sally (Kim Chavez) from the Port Washington Pirate Festival will be there promoting that event. For more details, visit the Ghost Ships Festival web site.
  9. The Holiday Inn had been less than cooperative with our event. Their management has refused to sponsor the event or provide any comps. I believe they reason that since they're so close to the event they don't need to be a sponsor or offer discounts as they'll get the business in any case. I hate to give them business, but they are RIGHT on top of the festival grounds. It's like buying gas at $2.65/gal.: I hate to do it, but I have to.
  10. That booth was one of the best things about that whole event! A life-saver, if not a throat-saver!
  11. Oh, boy! Thanks! You've just given me an excuse to have Scuttle Sally jump into the drink! But seriously, that is a very interesting idea that hadn't even occurred to me - extending the scenario all the way into the fireworks. Fireworks . . . I still can't wrap my head around that. Okay, press on!
  12. I defer to the gentleman from the Guilde of St. Michael, the Reenactor Liaison, Mr. Chris Last for that task. There were two rev war groups last year but only one was listed on the web site because I only had one name given to me. Do we know who all of the groups are that are participating so far? The Guilde of St. Michael (military) Fools' Gold Crew (pirates) Archangel Crew (pirates) River Valley Colonials Fife and Drum Corps (military) A group named for two ships out of Bristol to which John Wohlers belongs (pirates) That's all I've got so far. I'll have to dig up the name of the last group; I don't have access to that email here, now. I don't know if the Crew of the Scarlet Harlot will be back this year. I've not heard from them, I don't know if Kim has and hasn't told me, and they might only travel in the company of Privateers of Triton's Fury, who won't be with us this year.
  13. Yep, too far for us. A shame, as it looks like a lot of fun!
  14. Excellent! You will be in the esteemed company of The Fools' Gold Crew and River Valley Colonials Fife and Drum Corps, in addition to the aforementioned groups and acts. Chris Last of The Guilde of St. Michael is going to be the point of contact for all of the reenactors that want to participate. I believe he is on this board, but I will mention to him directly to contact you. Welcome aboard, mates! Dean Calin Port Washington Pirate Festival www.deancalin.com/pwpf07/
  15. I am very, very pleased and delighted to say that the fantastic crew of The Guilde of St. Michael will be back as the Port Washington Town Militia. This 16th century reenactment group originated at the Bristol Renaissance Faire, but have since gone on to participate in many Midwest venues, including the recent Reenactors Fest. They will be manning the cannons (supplied by the talented and productive Marc "Propman" Lupescu) and will be involved in living history displays, arms displays, the Pirate Invasion and the Sunday parade. Founded by Tom Charney and Brian Brecht, it is currently headed by Chris Last and Rick Kakouris. These guys are great, and I really looking forward to working with them again.
  16. Looks like it should be a good time! Too far for us cats, however, and bad scheduling to boot. Have a great time, though, and please report back here on how the event came off.
  17. The theme for Bristol this season is "Feast of Fools;" I don't think that is a good sign for bringing in a maritime/pirate group. But, stranger things have happened. Another group that will be performing at the Port Washington Pirate Festival is Starboard Bound. They are a young group that hails from the St. Louis Renaissance Faire, performing sword-fighting comedy shows at several venues. Their web site is found here. I'll announce the various performers as we confirm who is on the roster. Dean Port Washington Pirate Festival Entertainment Coordinator Port Washington Pirate Festival
  18. Recently ordered, received and listened to "Billy Bones and Other Ditties." Fun, jolly disk, this! I have heard snippets of the title song before and knew I wanted to own the whole piece, and discovered that "Dead Men Tell No Tales" sells his music along with the pirate cutlass I needed for an upcoming show. This is a great collection for those of you who like burly, authentic sea-tunes sung by a veteran. I recommend this recording highly.!
  19. I just want to say that it is a great and wonderful thing that you're doing, Bilgemunky. Every Monday night you're broadcasting pirate and maritime tunes - the only one in the world doing it, in fact! And your shows are getting better and better every week as you learn your craft. Great stuff - and great research! I'm hearing things I've never know existed before! More background notes on songs and groups, though, please? Thanks for all of your hard work! I hope listeners are dropping a ducet or two in your PayPal account!
  20. This is, of course, the OTHER thread Bilgemunky was speaking of when he mentioned moving our discussion of the 2007 event to the new thread. I'm very excited to say that the Jolly Rogers will be joining us this year. Are there any Kansas City Renaissance Faire fans that will be joining us to see them?
  21. Great idea, Bilgemunky! Adeau, and see you all on the new thread!
  22. Camping is still a sticky wicket. There is still a campground nearby, but on-site camping still has not been settled. For any of you who were at the event last year you may recall that as you drive north up the hill there are wooded parks on the left and right of the road. We almost got that sanctioned for participant camping last year. The problem was that it would have had to have been "period" camping (no modern tents visible) and there would have to be people remaining in camp to watch over gear. As the parks were set apart from the festival grounds by a few blocks we didn't push that because it would have split the focus of the event. Kim McCulloch, the producer of the show, is still working hard to come up with a fair and equitable solution that will work for the Port Washington government (the "real" ones) and the reenactors. News to follow as it happens. I dropped this URL into the other thread that was started about this event, but I'll repeat it here. Check the "unofficial" Port Washington Pirate Festival web site for a sneak preview of some of the details for this year's event. The caveat is that not all details are necessarily up-to-date or accurate. http://www.deancalin.com/pwpf07/
  23. It seems the original thread was removed by Ye Moderator, so just as well that this one starts fresh. Ahoy, Mates, this is Dean Calin the Entertainment Coordinator for the Port Washington Pirate Festival. We have Big Plans for the 2007 show. We are bringing the entertainers on board now, as well as vendors, reenactors and sponsors. The Pirate Invasion, so popular last year, will now be a two-day scenario. We will once again have a tall ship as part of the show, in addition to offering wonderful cruises through the weekend. This is strictly unofficial, but here is a preview of this year's activities. Some of the data is missing or is subject to change, of course. Unofficial Port Washington Pirate Festival Website. The official site is here. If you want to be a part of the show, either as a vendor, reenactor (Go Fool's Gold Crew!), or visitor and want more info, please drop us a line at admin@portpiratefestival.com. This is going to be a grand event, and I'm so much looking forward to meeting my mates from the Pyracy Pub.
  24. Hmn, point taken. My bad. Thanks for the advice.
  25. Gosh, the Midwest really seems to be far, far, far from the coasts. Honestly, as much as I'd love to get to Florida, California, Washington State or to various points on the East Coast for the fun events there, I can't work out the logistics, either. I think there are considerably larger populations of pirate/maritime fans on the oceans than on the Great Lakes. Unfortunate, as this stands to be another one of a series of really good events. Well, "wish you all were here!" as the postcard says.
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