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Everything posted by Salty

  1. 71 % pretty strange and not normal,, my question to all is define normal. Never have been never will be ant that quiz does not allow for true answers to be given. fun anyways
  2. geologist by proffession, potter by trade
  3. Thanks lad will check it out and see if it may help at all
  4. aye i dream when i sleep and when awake some days, as for nightmares well i lived all of mine and back again so they matter not. writing them down can sometimes help with interpetation and remebering. be they pleasent, scary, phophetic they all can be seen as gates to another part of yer being. trust them and use them well.
  5. right now trying mugs, jugs, and varous othere assorted pieces that may match the styles a bit in red and white stonewares, going to mix up a blue glaze and a clear to see what results i can get. will post pictures as possible
  6. Thanks for the luck with the potting, looking for a suitable sacrifice to the kiln gods and as soon as they be appeased hope to post some pictures o teh ware, may not be exact but it holds rum an ale which be what a mug do.
  7. aye, should have guessed that one thanks for the insight
  8. aye to quote another "all who wander are not lost", to add me own bit to that some o us choose not to be found.
  9. hey wait i am old!!! callenish lad age be a state o mind and we both have moved out.
  10. pardon but what is Goap? too new to know and to answer the call one must know the sound o the post .
  11. bit late on snip with short cut so populate to increase
  12. aye jacky pictures will be posted as soon as teh work is outs the fire and cool enough to grab and photograph
  13. aye, and who would o thought that a landlocked potter would captyre the heart of such a rogue as callenish, aye he be me mate and dear friend. and to the lass'es o this fyne pub, he be mine as long as he chooses and i'd aim me pistols and cultlass to keep the gunner. but i still share good humor with all and a pint of rum for thoise who favor, or whatever else yer posion be
  14. Thanks gentleman for the advice any thoughts on colours?
  15. ahoy to all and any, would like to know what ye expect from a potter in terms of type of ware and colouration. new to this forum so i ask a bit o time to learn as well thank ye.
  16. to any and all who have bid me welcome, many thanks. To the few questions posed i can answer yes to all if ye seek drinking vessels tell me what you look for or would like; and as for callenish aye suspects we both be. Thank again and hope me posts get better as i learn the pub. :) thanks again mates
  17. to all who and any i bid hello. New o course to the pub and most things pyrateical. but i ha'e a care to learn and offer what i may in return. Right now looking to introduce and find if there be any interest from any one in historical pottery and the like. Any help or knowledge would be greatly enjoyed and returned as in kind. and as any o me friends know the first round o drinks is always on me after that ye be on yer own.
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