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Ahoy Shipmates, My dear PIP family, I will not be able to attend this years festivites. Though I will miss you all my school duties must come first this time around. Much love to you all. Fair winds and Fallowing seas and a safe journy to all. Ye SHip's potter, Salty PS sending the lads down, dont let wee hamish take o'er the town too much.
that apart from hollywood, what the pirates were seeking was not gold and jewels, but whatever trade goods, slaves, etc was aboard ship. patriot pirates outlines the importance of what goods the pirates brought back was to colonial economics. and how the politics were played out on an internatinal level of hide and seek. taxes and tatics.
prayers to the lass, fer a speedy recovery
ok, here is my two cents, yes i am working one a protrayl of a goodwife, or working class female. to play the part true, i have only a few options, i dont wear my glasses and make brooms, pottery, or beg for my bread. OR I wear my modern glasses and interacte as a teacher of this is how we are trying to protray aspects of life back then. for example, cooking and handicrafts. for me i mostly feel like just one more body in camp, i stick to the camp and do what ever i may to help explain that this is likely how certain aspects would have been done in the time period. Am i saying that my gear and garb is 100 % true to what it would have been, no. It is what i have til i learn and do better. please understand that my take on history is that, it is a personal story that has been passed down to us or more likley inferrred from documents, letters, papers,books, etc. What makes this a great hobby is that we can take our modern capacity for learning the past and try to come up with plausible ways to share a moment in time with the public and each other. I have for my part NEVER heard anyone say that i lived in this time and this is the exact way that I did it before (unless as a joke). for some one that is leagally blind, my choices would have been serverly limited in this time, if i had survived at all, and given my medical issues i would not have to worry about that having occured. So do i want to be a begger which is probably not allowed at most events..... or play the line as part actress and part educator. i chose the latter. ye ships potter, salty
congratulations you yer misses an ye.....fair winds and fallowing seas til and past the wee ones arrival.
to sutlerjon, best of luck mate, and yes the scars are impressive , heard tell of a potter lass with one that looks like she took on a whole pacel o cutthroats. best of luck again, mission, medically though not byany means a passion of mine, would not the alchol ingested thin the blood, in an already tricky situatoion? but it is a grand antiseptic, but alas that be alchol abuse. cheers mates. salty
oh yeah, haeing a bairn, will change every aspect of your life, not just reenacting. One thing with parenting you dont get to chose any longer what you will or what you will not toloerate with the presence of said young. Until they are 18, they are a part of you good and bad. Yes there are times when the wee lad does get in the way of what i would like to do, i know that would be the case when i decided to become a mother. it would indeed be naive to think that having a babe will not change any aspects of your life, and those close to you. I do know people that thought having a babe meant that they could still do as they wanted til all hours, how you choose to deal with that fact depends on your own personalty. on a lighter note, baskets are good when they are little, ikea stocks some nice sized ones for use of hauling gear and babe, not knowing what area you hail from i am sure there are similar places. Garb is easy both sexes wore a shift and cap, an note if you dont tell the lads they wont know for a while, nor think anything of it. diaper covers are good as well, as for pc bottles, just hold the reagular ones in atowel no one needs to know, if breastfeeding, a shawl is handy, and reduces the worry of bottles too. there is also no reason that having a baby has to negate all the pleasures of life you hold, just bring the little one along on the ride called life. Main reason for having kids is to continue the line. Never hurts to get new blood into the hobby either and there does not seem to be an age requirment.
Though i be of niether religous sect, as pagan through a through, i take the toast and offer ye one in kind. Slante forgive the spelling hope it is close, cant see the screen to tell. salty
lady, i can and do speak from first hand expiernce. my first reenactment event that i dressed as a woman for i was already 5 months pregnant. I helped load and set up the camp and take it down in a rainstorm. I dressed in the same clothes you will see me in at events now, until i finish some new outfits that are in progress. I found the biggest challage was actully people looking at me like i was insane, though as connie said you really do find out who your friends are . As callenish said i was at an event that was 2 weeks before my due date, and my dear friend was begging me not to make her deliver me, had that indeed happened I could not have been in better hands. Though going into labour would indeed have been something that women did when and where they were, going into it in camp was an interesting but unneeded worry. as for traveling with wee hamish, he is a campion traveler and a mild mannered wee fellow, this will depend on the given personality of the babe and parents. as a little one he slept most the driving time, got feed and changed on the road as needed. now he actully stays awake for some to the trip and delights in seeing the world. this is not to say he does not have his momentst, but with a bit of prep work and patience anything can be surmounted with realtive ease. in camp the niciest thing is to know that there are many "dutch" aunts and uncles about. like the tightknit community we tend to be it is the same if there are childern about. it is a lovely example of the concept that it takes a village to raise a child. As our forefathers and mothers have done this for milinia, it holds true in this day. I will add a quick and hearlfelt thank you here for the help along the way. as for being a healthy safe enviroment, the more they are exposed to the healthier they will be, you do the best you can for them the same you would at home. somewhere this modern world has become germophobic, before i get any slack from parents out there, it is as easy to keep the kids clean and safe in pc camps as it is in a normal house. Sometimes much easier in my case, grins, hamish is learning life both ways modern and a pc camp, i hope this will lead to his character later in life. So to any and all parents or would be parents, dont let the thought of wee ones diseude you from continuing in the hobby/ lifestyle. Kids just add another facet of life to the camp and allow for more teaching moments, both to the public and the childern. one example of this was the cradle basket callenish tied into a tree at PIP 2008, and other events, people could not belive that there was an actul baby in the basket asleep, hang basket, add babe, cover with blanket and allow the wind to rock said babe asleep. easy, safe, and could go about cooking and working within sight of the basket with no fear of the baby being hurt. in closing,have fun with it, the kids can deciede when they are older not to be interesting in the hobby anymore, or not . ye ship's potter, salty
shocked does nae even begin to cover it.....
how true on the wedding dress, draper has a book on making bobbin lace, sometime, in my non existent free time i may purchase and try to get good enough to do a camp demostartion. if i really want to drive myself the rest of the way to insanity this year. ebay and thrift shoppes are good places to find lace that may work for pc projects as noted before hand
G'day, Sir mighty fine looking work on the pipes, though the consesus in this house is we both like the running cockscomb. cheers, salty
aye there be something wrong with a society that wishes the ones they love most happy vd. mercury not withstanding a happpy day to all
happiest of natal days, cap'n many returns on the day a toast to yer health salty
Lady Seahawk, I will go to the post office today and enquire as to if they can find said package, I know Callenish and I are both more the slighty upset over the way several of the packages sent out that day were handled. Two have indeed arrived safely, this is the last to try to locate. I bid you good day and hopefully this will reach some comclusion. alas with life there is not always a happy one, will at least try to bring it to a close. Incidently I was not even part of this and i would be upset at some of the "gliches" in mailings I have seen occur of the past round. ye ship's potter, salty
absolutly stunning, no pun intended, but that is a lovely bit of rope work, lad. Many compliments.
Black Fox, many thanks for the partial refund after two years, as to my not being able to fill in my address properly, mayhaps if you would have checked your email, you would have seen the change of address notice i sent you, if you would like i can post that one as well. As i have eccletic taste and try for a wide variety of magazines, i had no issue with any of the other 6 magazines, i subcribed to, with being capable of filling out my information correctly, only yours. That said and the matter dropped, hopefully you will see fit to deal in your "business" whilst I will go back to mine. Salty
Black Fox, My good try though..... I did subscribe, and buy back issues, now i will post me email invoices, SENT FROM YOU, ya wanker. NOTE to all pirates, DONT waste your time or hard earned coin on this rag , or any others he may be affilated with. for example here is the last time i didn't SARCASM subscribe. Dear Gretchen Sproat, You sent $22.00 USD to The Pyrates Way, LLC for a subscription payment. ----------------------------------- Payment Details ----------------------------------- Subscription name: Gretchen Sproat Transaction date: Aug 1, 2009 And the year before that i didnt suscribe to either Dear Gretchen Sproat, You have successfully signed up for a subscription to Pyrates Way US Subscription ONE YEAR using PayPal. Your first subscription payment, for $22.00 USD, has already been sent to The Pyrates Way, LLC. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Subscription Details ---------------------------------------------------------------- Date of sign up: Aug. 1, 2008 Subscription Name: Pyrates Way US Subscription ONE YEAR Subscription Number: S-35904673YA7479011 Oh yeah, I DID, and never got any of the issues for that year either. Two years Black Fox two years and though most of us are honest pirates, you are not. but before you start calling people liars and whiners, pray they dont have the proof to show just what a lying sack you are
lady, i dont know where or why the damnable package has not showen up, I sent them on tues the 19th and am trying to track them on my end. let me know when they get there, assuming they shall. Salty
Reading a bit on a favoured page, Myths of reenacting
just a hot cuppa breakfast tea, wee bit early to be adding the cap'n to it, perhaps later if the weather stays cold
silas, for hand dipped candles, you can try a cotton, or linen string, waited with a washer as you dip and cool them. good luck
best wishes for your complete recovery and thanks for the tutorial