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Everything posted by Salty

  1. aye tis a grand and special thing that first kiss
  2. blessed be and happy new years to all in the pub
  3. notes an asking questions from folk who have a handle on the information i want to know.....and more notes and research
  4. smacks some wot o the question of was shakespeare really written by shakespeare, unfortunenetly we shall never know what was writtien by whom, however it is fun to try an figure it out based on information.
  5. very random ever notice how the eve quiets down in the winter monthes even without the snow would normally have sorry me rum be kicking in
  6. girl guy male female equals yin and yang
  7. tis legal and by area how much ye can make depends, but it is norammlay enough to make it fun and tasty. recipes for said spirits are sometimes passed down from family members but several should be found with a bit of searching. setting up the apparatus : purchase one or make yer own , give me a bit an i will dig up me directions on it
  8. Salty


    Capt Morgans tattoo rum is dark and spiced and very good plain or mixed
  9. Good Sir, I will look to attend with Callenish should my kit an trade be enough to do so. ye potter wench, Saltypots
  10. ironing, ironing...... was thinking 2008 hell who knows what this year shall bring
  11. aye seems dat way.....jus remeber hollywood couldnae get history nor science right if they walked up and booted em in the arse
  12. twas the day s before new years an all thru the pub the drynks were poured and the gaity o misrule was heard..........so fer all threads to host good fun and good cheer that thyne pyrates soon would be there its "late" an way to tired to make it rhyme but twas an attempt
  13. Lady, Goddess or God grant you what peace they will; an though it will not change thy loss give them what pain and sorrow there is to be taken away to ease the passing o yer mate
  14. To all i bid thee good tidings..... for meself fer once i will say that i am not sure how to pull my life together but i be trying. to my beloved Callenish I'd like to say that i love you and hope to see you soon may every tide turn well fer us in teh next year + as many as we have together to all who have gracefully answered and accetpted my questions and comments on teh pub these last monthes thank you all Slainte
  15. in humble opinion and being new as well it would be hard to pick just one.....but for everyones effort a heartfelt thank ye be meritied
  16. hmmmmmmm....Gaia with a human overpopulatio= muddled earth
  17. Merry Yule to all pyrates and lubbers alike
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