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Dan Reid

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Everything posted by Dan Reid

  1. Aye, she's a purty lass, no doubt, but I don' know if'n tha's such a good idea." he eyes her up and down. "fer some reason she gives me the chillys...hehe"
  2. walks in wearin a kilt and a brace of pistols and carrying a set of bag pipes..."Is this were the party is?"
  3. " I see ye be fine Irish lads" Dan says as he takes the flagon from Liam. "It be a good thing fer us Celts ta stay t'gether if'n ye know what I mean. I be called "Bloody" Dan Reid" says Dan as he dofts his crimson bonnet. "I be from the shores of Aberdeen an' me kin before me from the highlands. Twas a sad, sad day when I was forced from those bonny shores" he sighs, tugging at the tartan sash around his waist.. with a shake of his head " Enough o' that. I be in the market fer a sound ship. Quick as the wind and the bite o' a shark she must be. Fore I tend ta make me fortune wit' her plunderin' them braggin' Spaniards" he winks, " an any other with the misfortune ta cross her bow. Light and fast wit' a shallow draft. Do ye be knowin' bout such a ship here abouts?" Dan asks taking another drink of his ale.
  4. "as ye wish, lads, as ye wish" he smiles as he notices their hands resting on their pistols. "I've been ta Espaniola. Nice place, that. But come, come, drink up me hearties...the ale's free ye see...no tapster. I plan on bein' roarin drunk by th' time 'e returns. Then laugh as 'e wonders where all 'is ale has gone." Dan lifts his tankard in salute and takes a pull of the dark brown ale. "Le's talk o' ships and wenches." he says, wondering just how much they know of the murder he committed. "Ye have th' look o' fine sailors an' I be lookin fer a crew perhaps." he takes another drink with a smile, keeping his hand close to his pistol.
  5. Dan notices the two stout lads looking in the door of the tavern. "Come on in, lads. The drinks be on me seein as how the tapster done run off ta fight that wee spark. I seen ye as I was leavin' that there shoppe and I be wonderin' to meself 'why's two strappin' lads like these not helpin wit that bit o' blaze?' So I says, says I, these must be what may have started yonder blaze." he winks. "Come lads, drink up. Mayhaps we have some business to talks about." Dan lays one of his pistols on the bar. "Just in case, ye see." he says laughing.
  6. Leaving the doorway of The Three Crowns, Dan makes his way to the shoppe next door. Finding it empty, he searches behind the counter until he finds the money box. Prying the small lock off with his dagger, he empties the contents into his hand. "hehe...nothin' like a fire ta keep one's attention" he says. Pocketing the coins, he walks calmly out the door and into the next shoppe. He continues down the street, searching shoppe after shoppe adding to the jingle in his pouch. He notices Tess leaving a shoppe and wonders why the keeper is not out battling the blaze. With a shrug, he enters the shop, pulls a pistol from his belt and shoots the shoppe keeper between the eyes. Then taking the contents of the money box still on the counter he notices a sparkling bauble still clutched in the keeper's hand. "I'll be taken that, mate." he says to the corpse. Prying the shiny jewel from the dead man's hand, he turns and with a whistle walks nonchalantly from the shoppe. "Easy days work" he says to himself as he returns to The Three Crowns for another tankard of ale.
  7. name: "Bloody"Dan Reid occupation: Pirate discription: 5'8" 200lbs grey eyes, red hair, tatoos. history: Scottish upperclass on the lam for murder of a noble. Served in the military and in the King's navy as a midshipman before jumping ship somewhere in the Carribean. An able swordsman but prefers the brace of pistols he carries across his chest. When the pistols are done tho, he switches to cutlass and bording axe. Someday hopes to captain his own crew and ship. Enjoys the jingle of a guinea so will do most anything to acquire them. Drinks like a fish, fights like a devil and is a most dastardly individual.
  8. Dan steps to the door of the tavern and watches the conflageration grow steadily larger. "hehe...I'de like te meet the lads what started tha' thar blaze" Watching the people scurry hither and yon is quite pleasing. He continues to nurse his tankard, smiling, as the smoke rises to the heavens.
  9. "That we bit o blaze..."he laughs to himself. Slinking quickly between the buildings he hopes no one has noticed him. "hehe...I wonder if they think I had somethin ta do wit that little fire? After that weddin' this town needs some real excitement." He slips quietly into the tavern and orders a tankard of rum.
  10. noticing the glimmer of gold displayed on the table, Dan begins to eavesdrop on the conversation.
  11. Walking into the tavern I looked calmly around the commonroom. I walked up to the bar "Bar keep, I be havin' a flaggon o' beer if ye please" after receiving my beer I take a seat toward the back of the room. Smiling wickedly I think to myself "I wonder what these swags be thinkin' now that "Bloody" Dan Reid is in town"
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