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Dan Reid

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Everything posted by Dan Reid

  1. Im in the midst of a sixteen week algebra class squeezed into one month...hehe....have a hard time finding time to sleep much less write. Hamish is with Lilly and I trust her to use him as she sees fit till I can take back over in a couple of weeks.
  2. Hamish stumbled thru the front door of the Grace with a guard in each hand. As he crashed their heads together and let them to the ground he noticed Sterling being led away by the guards, followed by the man in black who had upset his dog so. "Damnation" Hamish swore as he saw the fruits of his labor go for nothing. Raising his voice, he shouted above the din, "Break it off, lads! Our job be done. Make for the 'Reiver'" he shouted. One by one, the Scotsmen let their final blows fall and made for any available exit, scattering into the night like the mist their ship is named for.
  3. Hamish joined up with a dozen of his men outside the Royal Grace Inn. "There be a problem boys," he laughed, "how ye be feelin about a brawl?" Many quiet laughs came from the Scotsmen as they gathered round their captain. "There be a fellow in there what be in a tight spot. We be causin a diversion ta get 'im away from the watch. What say ye, lads?" he asked, knowing the answer he wanted was already given. "MacGregor, take six o' the boys around ta the back and we'll meet ye in the middle." Hamish popped his knuckles as he grinned. "Now lads, we be not wantin' ta hurt them English popinjays too much. So, no blades, unless ye be needin ta save yer skin. Fist-i-cuffs and pins only. When we be done, the rum be on me." MacGregor chose his men and quickly made his way to the kitchen entrance where signal was given. Hamish looked at his lads and smiled a knowing smile. This would turn out to be quite the brawl. "Alright boys, let's have at em!" with a loud yell the seven Scotsmen dove thru the door of the Royal Grace and launched a spirited attack upon the redcoats inside. Fists and feet flew from every direction as the guard was suprised by the fury of the rowdy Scots sailors. MacGregor, hearing the yell from his comrades launched his own attack thru the kitchen door. He was suprised to find the kitchen filled with red coats, but the suprise was quickly turned to joy as he noticed the look on the young officers face as he and his six men burst in upon them. The Scotsmen layed into the guards, fists flying, and pushed their way towards the door to the common room.
  4. "Lilly, I be doin' me best to see ye on that ship. But, we must be patient. We be waitin' on the good doctor ta call fer us. Then we be seein what ken be done." At that moment, Thomas, MacCraig's young clansman entered the tavern and walked up to his Laird, tugging his forelock. A quick whisper was delivered to captain's ear. MacCraige looked sharply at his young sailor. "Summon th' lads an meet me there. Be quick about it, Thomas, damn quick about it" the boy turned and ran from the room. Hamish turned back to Lilly. "There 'as been somethin' come up. I wan' ye ta stay righ' 'ere in this room till I be returnin, or till th' good doctor returns. I be leavin' Mate here wit' ye. He may be small, but 'es a scrappy lil mutt. If'n ye feel threatened in any way, take yerself straight away ta the 'Angel' an' find Doctor Reiley. I mus' go lass, please do me biddin. " He looked at the little, black dog, "Stay wit' her Mate and keep 'er safe." the little dog barked his reply as MacCraige stood and hurried from the taven back towards the city.
  5. "I would see 'im hanged by the watch." Hamish replied, taking the pipe from his mouth. "But should it come to it, I will be dealin' wit' him meself. If he be a landed man, then 'e may 'ave connections wit' the watch. Be that the case, me an the lads be handlin' matters ourselves. I would be jus' as 'appy to see 'im dangle from me yard arm as from the gallows. Rest assured Mistress, 'e will pay dearly fer 'is attack." Hamish puffed stiffly on his pipe, the cherry burning brightly within the clay bowl. "I be sendin' MacGregor and Thomas off ta find the scoundrel." "Now on ta other matters. 'ow ken I be o' service in helpin ye wit' Cap'n Sterling? We must be patient until the good doctor returns but I would know what I be up against in this endeavor. It seems ta me that the Cap'n and 'is mate not be to fond of lettin' ye on the Angel."
  6. I would like to think he is a Scotty, but I do not know if the breed existed at the time. If it didn't, then he is a mutt that looks like a scotty..hehe. As far as a Scotsman having a small dog like that. Remember, MacCraige is a ship's master and the dog has an important job on board as a rat catcher. I know the Dutch used a breed called a Schipperke for such a purpose. Hamish has a big heart, so the little dog would fit nicely with him, I think.
  7. "So he's alive is he?" Hamish laughed quietly to the doctor. A sly smile crossed his lips, " I always be up fer a challenge, good doctor. Wha' ye have in mind?" The little dog did his best to comfort his new friend as she sat crying. Lilly reached down and plucked him from the ground, cradling him against her chest as she cried softly into the sleek, black fur. Mate, being a gentlemanly dog, softly licked the tears from her cheek. "I be willin' to help ye, doctor, if it be helpin' miss Lilly. But I will 'ave ye know I mean ta find her attacker an' see 'im hanged. I ken put the task o findin that scoundrel to me first mate fer now, but should 'e be found I will be damned if he be gettin away."
  8. watch out for sharks!
  9. Hamish woke with a start, hearing the soft sounds of the woman weeping in the bed he sat next to. "Ah, dear lady, why do ye cry? Do yer wound be hurtin? I ken rouse the doctor if ye wish." he whispered softly, noticing her still form hugging the little dog to her breast. "mayhaps ye be needin a glass o wine ta calm ye?" he turned and filled a glass from the decanter upon the table. "It be near ta mornin'. I should be about findin that scallywag what done this to ye."
  10. hehe...Well he is Irish.
  11. MacCraige quickly took Lilly's hand as she started from her dream. "Tis alright lass, ye be havin' a nightmare. Ye be safe now. Go back ta sleep, mornin' will be here soon enough" he said with a yawn. He settled back into the chair beside her bed and looked to his first mate who sat facing the door, his pistol resting across his knee. "I be watchin' fer a while Ewan, get ye some rest." he said to the sailor. "Aye cap'n, I be a bit tired." he laughed softly. Ewan MacGregor stood and stretched his shoulders before finding a spot against the wall to lean his worn frame. He was asleep before his body was completely stretched out upon the floor. Doctor Reiley sat in the corner, his head tilted back, snoring as if he would shake the shingles from the roof. "Who can be sleepin' wit that bit o' noise in any case." MacCraige laughed to himself.
  12. that holds the monkey
  13. and now we be havin' two murderous scoundrels ta deal wit, Mr Hutchinson and that scallywag Pinon.
  14. Hamish took a knee next to the bed where Lilly lay and took her hand in his own, "Glad I am ta see ye back amoung the livin'" he said and gently raised her hand to his lips. "I hope this rascal o' a dog is keepin' ye good company." A frown clouded his wind burned face, " I be findin' the man what did this to ye. He be seein' th' point o' me blade afore tis all said and done." MacCraige promised his friend.
  15. after a futile nights search for the illusive Mr Hutchison, MacCraige made his way to the constable's office to report the man's name to the watch. As he neared the watch office he once again noticed the man in black who had assisted Capt Sterling to his ship only nights before. Hamish, being in no mood for pleasantries this morning, stormed by the man "Stand aside, you." he called as he entered the watch commander's office, scowling darkly at the man as he pushed past him. After making his report to the constable concerning Ms Lilly's attacker, an angry and foot worn Laird MacCraige returned to the Three Crowns to check on the progress of his wounded friend. "MacGregor, it be me," he called as he neared the door and entered. MacGregor replaced the pistol to his belt as his captain entered and looked down at the still sleeping Lilly McKinney. Turning to Dr Reiley he asked, "How be she doin, doctor? Be she gonna make it?" the little dog looked up from the bed, gave a low bark of greeting and promply went back to sleep.
  16. MacCraige and Dr. Reiley hurried back to the Three Crowns and quickly accended the stairs to Lilly's room. "MacGregor, it be me" he called as they approached the door. The door was quickly opened and the first mate stood aside as the doctor was ushered inside to where Ms Lilly lay asleep upon the bed. The little dog looked up and sencing the man was here to help he lay his head back down and watched the proceedings carefully. Doctor Reiley turned back to the first mate. "Has she been awake?" he asked "Aye sir, she has. She gave the name o' her attacker." MacGregor replied looking at MacCraige. "What be th' evil bastard's name?" MacCraige asked, a dark look clouding his face. "I believe she said 'is name was Hutchison." the mate replied. MacCraige spun on his heel and headed for the door. "I'll be seein' ta him then." he stated as he left the doctor and his first mate to see to Lilly's wounds.
  17. I got mine set up ok...hehe...but it took a while, almost drew me pistol and shot the screen.
  18. poor Mate will be devestated if he don't have you to pet him... This story be gettin' right interestin'. Sterling playin at bein' dead...murders, etc...hehe...all we need now is a Spanish invasion force.
  19. congo rats...hehe
  20. the sailors as they
  21. MacGregor took the glass away and set it upon the nearby chest. "The cap'n be wantin ta hear that name, I'll warrant ye. I am Ewan MacGregor, first mate of the 'Reiver' and I have been set ta watch ye and insure no further harm come yer way." he watched as she pet the little dog. "The cap'n be out searchin for the watch and for a doctor. I 'ave patched ye up as best I can an' I believe ye'll live but need ta have a doctor sew ye up. Ye got a right nasty wound, suprised I am ta find ye alive. Ye must be a strong woman." he smiled again and offered her more wine. "only a small drink, mistress." "There be something I should tell you about the cap'n afore he returns. His appearance might shock ye. He tol' me about havin' dinner wit' ye but I don' believe he was quite honest abou' himself." After taking another small sip Lilly replied softly, "Yes, he told me he was here in search of the man that killed his brother." "That be true enough. We are here to find that man. What he didn't tell ye, what he has tried to hide from all till that man be found, is that he be not solely cap'n of the 'Reiver'. He be not only a MacCraige, but is theMacCraige, he be laird of the clan now that his brother be dead. He has put away his disquise ta help ye. He will find satisfaction for ye." MacGregor pulled a blanket up around Lilly's body, pushing the dog aside, only to have it return as soon as the blanket was still. "Rest now, mistress. All will be well" he said as he took a seat upon a stool facing the door, a pistol upon his lap.
  22. MacCraige acknowledged Mr March and stated, "A right black night indeed an' don' be standin' on no formalities wit' me. I be a sailor tried and true long afore me dear brother met his demise an' left me heir ta the clan. I 'ear ye 'ave had a run o bad luck. Some soldiers told me yer captain be dead. Tis a black black night. I be needin' the service o' yer doctor an' I be needin' it right quick. I know tis much ta ask as yer crew must be mournin' their loss but another life be hangin' in the balance an' I don' be findin' no other saw bones ta answer me call. Miss McKinney, she be knifed in the back by some wicked devil an' lay now on th' very brink o' death itself. Me first mate be wi' her now an' he be skilled at th' healin' but he be no surgeon. I've summoned th' watch but I fear tha' they be havin' their hands full. I be much obliged if'n ye would send fer yer doctor. MacCraige waited for Mr March's answer as he looked around at the soldiers milling in other parts of the docks.
  23. MacCraige made his way to were the ArchAngel lay tied in her berth. As he approached he noticed the gang way raised and the crew at a ready state of watch. He saw a man leaning on the rail above. "Ahoy the ship!" he called out to the man at the rail. "I be lookin' fer Mr March, be he aboard?" Dr. Reiley looked down at MacCraige from the rail...
  24. MacCraige made his way to the street and stood for a moment upon the stoop taking in the nights activities. There was not much to be seen. No townsfolk roamed from tavern to tavern, an odd silence pervaded the dimly lit streets, a silence that spoke of terrible things to come. The only souls to be seen were the many members of the watch. Much more than should normally have been visible on any other night. He stepped from the tavern's door and immediately set off to search for the watch commander. Not many steps were taken before he was accosted by soldiers from the garrison, bayonets pointed menacingly towards his chest. "What business do you have about this night?" the young leiutentant ask as he stepped to the side of the men, a hand resting lightly upon the grip of his pistol. "I be Laird Hamish MacCraige, captain o' the 'Mist Reiver' out o' Aberdeen. A lady, a companion o' mine, 'as been grieviously wounded above." MacCraige pointed towards the Three Crowns. "She be on the very doorstep o' death. I be searchin' fer a doctor and fer the watch commander. Now stand yer men aside an' let me on me way." MacCraige stated with an air of authority. "My lord, there have been many dire deeds committed this night." the soldiers lowered their bayonets. "Why just moments ago two fellows from the Arch Angel bore their dead captain to his ship." the young officer pointed towards the harbor. "The ArchAngel ye say?" MacCraige asked. "I be knowin' that fine gentleman. He be dead?" "Aye sir," came the reply. "There be a doctor there upon that ship. Me own surgeon were killed in the past storm. I be fer goin' there straight away te gain 'is help wit' me friend." "As you wish, m'lord, please allow us to escort you" the soldier requested. "That not be necessary" MacCraige replied. "I would that ye find the watch commander an' 'ave 'im report ta me first mate, Mr MacGregor who is stationed above wit' me injured friend. He 'as orders fer none ta enter save meself. 'Ave the watch await me return, if ye please." "Aye sir, I will see to it personally." the soldier replied. "I be thankin' ye kindly. Now if ye please, I be seein' to the doctor, straight away." MacCraige strode past the soldiers and made his way quickly to the docks.
  25. The little dog gave a start as he felt the hand twitch under him. MacCraige leaned over the prone form of Ms Lilly and heard a soft moan escape from her lips. "Well that be a right good piece o' news. At least she still be with us." he said to his first mate. "Ive done all I ken fer her, Hamish." the mate replied "tis now in God alone's hand. I don' be seein' how the doctor can do more for her til she be come around. Best we let her rest. I 'ave tended worse wounds an' seen them recover." "Tis nothin more we ken do?" Hamish asked "There be no froth from her back nor do I be hearin' no bubblin' sounds so the lung be not hit. We could seal th' wound wit' a hot poker, like we did in olden times. Only I 'ave seen that cause th' wound ta fester. Best we leave it alone fer now. When young Thomas returns I will send 'im for medicine if that blasted doctor 'as not been here." Hamish could not stand the thought of branding the woman's flesh, she had suffered enough pain. "Do what ye ken fer her, Ewan. But leave off wit' the poker. I will be visitin' wit' the authorities ta see wha' they mean ta do abou' this. I be leavin' the dog, she took a fancy to 'im an' he might bring 'er some comfort. No one be enterin' this room 'cept for me and Thomas. See ta that, an' while Thomas be out gatherin' yer needs 'ave him send fer two o' the lads. 'Ave em leave their muskets fer now. We don' want no trouble wit' the garrison unless we 'ave to. Post one o them in the hallway an' the other in the common room. "Aye, cap'n, I be doin' as ye ask. Watch yerself out there. We don' be knowin' what kinda hornet's nest ye have gotten us inta." the mate smiled. "Watch over her, Ewan, she be a good lass. Mate, stay here" he said to the dog. The little dog lay back down with his head on Ms Lilly's chest as Laird Hamish MacCraige, a title he thought never to use again, strode from the room to find justice for his injured friend. :angry:
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