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Dan Reid

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Everything posted by Dan Reid

  1. MacCraige leaned back as he looked upwards towards the deck of the 'Archangel'. "Ahoy the ship!" he called then waited for a reply from above.
  2. hehehe....boy do I know that feeling.. 8 and 5 year old.
  3. many happy returns
  4. beat the sharks to
  5. Cheeky, it musta been all the port we drank, eh?
  6. with the salty brine
  7. MacCraige turned the corner near the stable and noticed two men assisting a third down the street. The one man was easily identified as a seaman but the second, there seemed to be something amiss about him. He continued his way down the street towards the docks and noticed two men split company and shadow the three as they made their way from the stable area. "Now, that be interestin'" he said to himself. The little black dog growled deep in his chest. "Ye feel it too, do ye, mate? There be a black wind a blowin' in this here town. Spanish ships in port and now this. What 'ave we gottin' inta here, eh lad?" he said to the little dog. He watched as the sailor hoisted the injured man to his shoulder and carried him up the gangway onto a right bonny ship. The man in black turned and walked back towards where MacCraige was standing. As he passed, the little dog again growled deep in his chest. "Quiet, you" he said, tipping his hat to the man in black. "G'day ta ya," he said as the man passed. The steely blue eyes of the man stared back as he passed. "Right black wind, indeed" MacCraige said to the little dog when the man was out of range to be overheard. The little dog gave a short bark in reply. The two rogues who had shadowed the three were nowhere to be seen. "Well, on ta the ships, says I" he said, again walking towards the docks. He stopped a passing boy and asked which ship was the 'Archangel' the boy pointed to the ship in which the sailor had just carried the injured man. "Init that interstin'" MacCraige thought to himself as he approached the 'Archangel'.
  8. so Cap'n...ye've taken' th' job as official time keeper, eh??
  9. many happy returns.
  10. true, but if someone were up to the task, the rest of us could possibly pay them for a copy to offset there time and energy. Just an idea...don't know how feasable it is.
  11. the swirling twirling waves
  12. MacCraige awoke the next morning with a blazing headache and the little dog laying on his chest. "Eh...ge' off me ye scoundrel"he said pushing the dog gently to the ground. "Ye drank as much as I and I don' be needin' yer arse in me face of a mornin'" the little dog's tail wagged quickly and it gave a low growl of greeting. MacCraige exited his tent to find most of his crew had faired better than he. Many of them were already at work on the "Reiver" shoring up timbers and repairing the rigging. New sails would have to be purchased from the town as well as a few other supplies. "MacGregor, do ya have me a list of needed supplies?" he asked the first mate as he was handed a trencher and a mug for his breakfast. "Aye, I do, Cap'n. Ready tae go, it tis." the mate replied. "Good man, I'll be headin' ta town as soon as I finish me breakfast. I'll be lookin' ta the supplies and be seein' if I ken find someone what knows of that Dan Reid. I be sure he be here somewhere. Ye ken find me at the Three Crowns if'n ye be needin' me." "Aye Cap'n. Luck wit' findin' that scallywag. Yer brother, he was a good man and we be havin' our revenge upon 'im, eh?" said the mate. "That we will, lad, that we will" MacCraige replied. "I've a place ta start it seems. I met a bonny lass what seems ta know the goins on of this place. Mayhaps she be havin' some information we ken be usin' ta find 'im. Also, I be plannin' on speakin' ta the cap'n of a ship called the "Arch Angel" from what the lass hinted he be knowin' of the comins and goins of Port Royal as well." "Aye, but be careful around the docks Cap'n. There be a Spaniard's ship afloat here abouts. Called the Maligna or some such....hehe....wait till we get the Reiver back ta swimmin' then we be seein' about that little mess." "Aye, Mr. MacGregor. Let's not forget them Spaniards..." MacCraige finished his breakfast and returned to his tent to dress for the days business in town. He dressed quickly and donning his sword he and the little dog started down the beach toward Port Royal.
  13. could ye not highlight cut and paste to the clipboard and print it that way?
  14. the fins, attached to
  15. the crew jumped overboard
  16. I have just that ship on the PR thread...hehe. The "Mist Reiver" is a twenty gun sloop o' war with an all Scots crew...Captained by Hamish MacCraige.
  17. Tai Can Do Won For Tou Ha Sooth....., Tai Kao Shou Dan Reid. What does that mean?...hehe. I know very little chinese. Ne How Shi Shi that's about it.
  18. Dogs!! Save the Rum!!
  19. Gung Hay Fat Choy!!
  20. As MacCraige approached the "Mist Reiver" he noticed that the lads had been hard at it and it would not be long before she would swim again. He felt some relief knowing his beloved ship was not to waste away upon this stretch of sand. Retiring to the tent the lads had set up for him he removed his coat and tossed it inside. He then joined his crew around the cook fire and spoke with them casually as he was a light master and enjoyed their company. The little dog made his rounds, receiving a pat here and there for his trouble from the individual men. The dog was a bit of a good luck charm for the crew and he knew it well. Mr. MacGregor, the first mate, made his report. "Cap'n, we should be able tae push her back tae the water afore long. She'll swim again, I'll warrant yea." "Well done lads, well done. We'll be needin' tae hire us some hands tae set her free from this sand. How goes the repairs, Mr. MacCready?" The master carpenter smiled, "The wood her abouts is not what I'de prefer, cap'n, but it'll do in a pinch." Just at that time a young lad came upon the camp pushing a barrow that carried a nice kegger of rum. "Ah, just in time!" the Captain said tossing the boy a guinea for his trouble. "Tap that keg Mr. Grant and let's all drink tae puttin' the Reiver back tae sea." Mr. Grant, the bosun, hefted the keg from the barrow and sent the boy on his way. "Tae the cap'n!" Mr. Grant called. The lads all roared their approval and soon they were doing their best to see it emptied. The rowdy Scotsmen drank and sang into the night.
  21. that tossed and turned
  22. Stirring as if from a dream he replied, "aye, tis gettin' a bit late. I best be returnin to the Reaver. The lads will be wonderin' what has kept me. Me dear lady, 's been a pleasure ta share a meal and a tale wit' ye. I do hope ye th' best in yer adventures. I 'ave no wee bairns of me own so I ken only imagine what 'twoud be like ta be parted from 'em. This cap'n Sterlin' sounds like a right sound fellow. I be sure he be gettin' ye there safe and sound and in right high spirits ta boot. If'n meself or th' crew o' the Reiver ken be of any service ye have but ta ask." Turning to the tapster "Master Tapster, I be needin' a keg o' rum delivered ta' me lads down th' beach. Have it delivered if ye please." MacCraige dropped a handful of guineas on the bar to cover the cost of the keg and their meal. Turning back to Miss Lilly he took her hand and softly brushed it with his lips. "Farewell, madam, 'tis been a pleasure" whistling to the little dog he turned and sauntered off into the night headed back toward the beach and his poor wrecked ship.
  23. and burn she did
  24. where is everybody?
  25. we have a page for yer suggestions...this ain't it.
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