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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Happy Birthday Bilgemunky purveyor of rum and radio and Harbormaster gold toothed scuba pirate and namer of a cannon in me namesake :)
  2. Silence followed Bill's statement once more, but for the clatter of the surgeon's knife dropping against the wooden plate as she hastened to quiet the utensil. Sounds above them indicating the change of watch filled the space but could not drown out the volume of Flint's words. Miss Ashcome wondered if Mr. Flint had gone mad from his injuries. Surely in his condition he was functioning on some store of adrenaline and she expected him to fall from where he sat at any moment. Brocke sat as if frozen, his face reflecting a blend of the plea for Bill not to repeat what he must have divulged earlier in private and fear for what might befall his fellow crew man for what was now laid out before the Captain. Jenny drew back slightly in her seat should the man become suddenly violent. Flin't face remained calmly earnest and all eyes turned to Captain Lasseter.
  3. Red Cat neatly followed Nate's bearin's an the others rowed wit all their muster. As the small sail billowed they pulled quickly away from th' ship. Cat began t' snicker finally erupting in a wide grin an laughter along wit Nate as the others faces had been fixed in pure panic 'fore he let on. She knowed his sense 'o humor an nearly fell off her seat next t' th' tiller at th' sight o' them. They had just moved far enough t' be outta harms way when th' Flodden fired an th ship erupted in splinters.. th' mainmast falling wit a mighty crack. All ducked in th small boat an headed wit even more urgency away from the Flodden. Cat held to th tiller as th' others pulled in th' oars letting th wind give them haste as Nate still grinnin pulled out his glass an looked towards th two ships."Oi them specters are none too good in a fight! Canna hold a linstock wit ghostly hands" Cat stated chuckling glad t' be away from th' strange an smelly crew.
  4. Miss Ashcombe placed the Captain's hat on the desk as still damp garments hung on their pegs in the ward room returning to the table as he toasted his men. She started inwardly at the news of Preston. Not having seen him since the early part of the conflict she now recalled last sight of him crossing the enemy deck as Captain Lasseter led the second wave of boarders across into the fray. Through the night there had been no word of a grave injury nor had he been among those in the makeshift surgery below. But as the Captain now mentioned the ships surgeon, she supposed Mister Pew had been borne over to the Watch Dog and lay there with those others whom had been marked by battle. Her concern grew as she considered the illness which still occupied his body though it seemed to be slowly leaving him. Jenny turned her attention to the men and waited to hear what would be spoken. She noted Captain Lasseter wince slightly from his stll fresh wound as he'd clasped his hands behind him and he leaned forward affecting a casual stance. She doubted either man had noticed. Bill prepared to speak shifting his position slightly at the invitation to bring forth what news had sent him here in his own condition. As Steward she would keep the confidence of what was spoken in these quarters or where need be.
  5. Breakfast tea nice and hot :)
  6. Well I think Jim covered it, godspeed to those people.
  7. lol well..Im glad it was returned
  8. The Pirate network...better than Verizon Who steals a cannon..really?
  9. Cat had all on her she owned. She'd tossed a sea bag filled with wot she'd been able t' grab down into th' boat whar it fell lumpy as Phonse an motioned t' th' others wit her pistol. "Make haste ye lot! Ye hard th' Capin!" She'd been watchin th' ship wag through th' gatherin fog. Her mast tops an pennents could be seen driftin like sea serpents in th' mist wot times th' rest o' the Flodden be obscured b'low 'em. Cat's attention had been riveted on Nate in th' hold an every move b'low til they suddenly scrambled topsides agin. When she chanced a look the distance had fallen 'tween them an th' would be agressors. "Bugger..." she muttered unner her breath, her eyes narrowin at th' scene. She waited fer th' lot t' heed Nate's orders an hie their arses down inta th' longboat. First Tomas, then Roberto an finally Phonse hefted his girth over th' side. She b'lieved th' specters b'low had clear scared th' smell right off the man.. r' perhaps it was jes wot lay b'low tha smelled warse.. As Cat waited she tucked th' dirk in her belt, shifted her pistol t' th' other hand an fished within her coat pokets fer her lucky piece. Fingerin th' talisman she looked over her shoulder at th' fast approachin fog an th' sails within it. Still a distance off but none too far. A challenge were always t' her likin, an her whole self were coiled tight despite th' half grin at Nate's statement t' th Father. He'd not failed them b'fore an she was sure he wouldna now. "Aye " she said glancin t' th' heavens herself wit a nod an back at Nate.
  10. Aye! I be hove to, ta say Ahoy! A Happy New Year with Fair winds and Smooth Seas! Dutch "X" his mark

  11. It's a huge tome of info I've referred to many times. Worth the read.
  12. Ward Room of The Lucy Reciving word that Mr. Marsh had a morning meal prepared had brought Jenny down to the galley with a purpose more favorable than the previous hours had given. There she found Charlie sleeves rolled up looking more himself and ensconsed in his station. Though it was barely beyond the still fresh surgery crowding the space between the galley and ships stores and his demeanor was more sober, she considered as always, how he seemed to fit this part of the Lucy under his command. Charlie Marsh was a man content in and to have his purpose. She stood waiting his attention and he spoke acknowledging her while he kept his bulk bent to the task at hand. All around him were various meats cheeses and sundry as he worked to prepare both a breakfast and the midday meal. While he filled plates and a bowl he extolled the varied bounty brought aboard even considering that he would cook the chickens with small beer and honey and she smiled familiar with the recipie. Jenny's stomach succombed the the smell of fresh eggs, ham, cheese and coffee as she bore the items to the ward room. Two trips were required with so much fare and her side still tender. As she set mugs down among the plates, the ward room door opened without so much as a knock. Jenny started to see Mr. Flint looking a paler apparition in bandages as Nathaniel Brocke who'd been fortunate to incur only minor injury bore his shipmate awkwardly down the stairs. The former attempting to wave off any help. They explained their purpose and she curtsied gesturing to the stern bench not wanting Mr. Flint to bear standing in his condition. "Sirs, please sit," Jenny did not wish to step out of place and invite them to the table, but offered them mugs of the hot coffee and some bread. "I am told the Captain will return shortly" They accepted the fare and fell into quiet conversation discussing the previous nights action and Jenny continued to arrange the table twice replacing items from too small a plate as the ship rolled over larger swells.
  13. Mapmakers will often insert a tiny piece of incorrect information in their maps to prevent the illegal reproduction of their work. Called a “copyright trap,” the fake text might be a bogus street name or even the mapmakers’ initials hidden in the corner of a city park "Hey BlackJohn...is this true?" People didn’t always say “hello” when they answered the phone When the first regular phone service was established in 1878, people said “ahoy.” When first published as a serial in Young Folks magazine, Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island was titled The Sea Cook Dog watch is the name given to the 1600-1800 and 1800-2000 watches aboard ship. The 1600-2000 4-hour watch was originally split to prevent men from always having to stand the same watches daily. As a result, sailors dodge the same daily routine, hence they are dodging the watch or standing the dodge watch. more to follow...
  14. A very Happy belated Birthday lass! Raises a jar in toast!
  15. Happiest of Birthdays Captain Bo a Rhum to you!
  16. Happy Natal Day you old-er salt! Slainte! Hope it was great and filled with plunder
  17. OFM..OMG, Miss Ashcombe passes out..
  18. Whistling also, at sea was believed to bring great malestroms along Curiously along with with cutting nails and trimming beards..
  19. A most glorious bacon filled and exciting birthday to you sah! Many many more to follow. May the road (or the waves) always rise to meet you.
  20. A very Stynky Birthday to you...enjoy!
  21. Aye! A very Happy natal day sah! Bountiful booty is wished..
  22. Hey Girl, just checking in to see what you are up to and of course to write on your profile! *grins* Hope you have a great afternoon!

  23. This morning will be tea and dark bread with apple butter.
  24. Here is a picture of a Pewter Buckle recovered from the wreck of a ship that sank in 1741 just off the coast of Mexico oooh ok..I HAVE TO HAVE ONE OF THOSE
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