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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Well I don't remember too much about yesterday.. But if I wait two minutes, today will be yesterday.... Not that anything that excitig happened here either..
  2. The weather was rather....extreme..
  3. Um...not sure I could sleep with that in the house..but it is kinda cool. I like the selller's quote in the EbaY ad "IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Your wife called a few minutes ago. She wanted to tell you that you can spend as much as you want to win this historical pointer. She said that it has far more value and more potential than all the trash you have been buying in eBay. Kisses, she said."
  4. Lady B, I haven't caught the fencing yet. I was waiting for that! Aye NBC ch 4 here has it. I watched the USA gymnastic team last night with me mum. The announcer was a real killjoy. But the girls were great. GO U S A!!!!
  5. Wow a grande time for you both. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!
  6. Aww Rumba I missed it! Happy Happy Birthday Heh.. I know you like these lil things :)
  7. Red Cat stood puzzlin fer a moment 'fore she released th' pistols lock and drew it away from Nates calm as usual countenence. She didna expect t' see him an took a moment t' recognise th' face. He were his usual affable self an she had t' laugh. Shocked an relieved..she did litle more than nod, an chucklin followed him along th sandy ridge t' collect up wot wood was there. ' Shortly they be settin next t' a fine fire an sharin the rations he'd brought. Cat was happier Nate'd thought ta bring rum as well. She took a long pull inbteeen bites an listened t' him recount wot she'd missed. He'd tried t' convince her not t' be cross wit herself for th' stupidity o' th' risk she took, but Red Cat felt responsible now fer him riskin hisself t' come back f' her. She wondered about Roberts, but said nuthin. Shortly Nate lit his pipe an they fell silent watchin th twigs pop n crack an th stars start t' appear.
  8. Red Cat shook 'erself from a trance havin stared out at th glint o' sun off th waves fer a might too long..she stood an stretched checkin for aches an bruises. Still a might damp, Cat turned t' look fer good dry wood t' start a fire 'fore th' sun set. She shielded her eyes agin th slantin rays o' th settin sun an headed up th small embankment in search o' wot she may find.
  9. Red Cat had hiked all along th' beach one way and returned on higher ground above th' crescent cove back t' other. Th' trip back only revealed her pawprints in th' sand below..most bein washed away by th' surf. She'd deliberately walked near th' waters edge for jes that reason. Hot, sweaty bitten by a few bugs, an jus a lil trepidatious, Red Cat flopped back in the sand 'neath the scraggly palms. She'd taken of coat, wesket, an hat and wore only breeches, a shirt an headscarf. She leaned her head back agin th' trunk of one o' th trees an looked up at th few clouds passin through th' sky. They were tinged wit pink at th' edges an it would be dark soon. She said t' no one in particular "Aye, I'll start another fire, but not jus yet" Red Cat was not one ta give in, but she was cross at herself fer such a foolish move an sat stewin against th tree. Her only hope at leat at th' moment was tha someone would come lookin for her. Th' Rakehell was damaged an couldna come so perilously close t' shore..but the jollyboats were sound an jus maybe.... Cat closed her eyes an tried t' shake off a gnawin fear. She tossed a handfull a sand towards th' ocean. "Roberts wouldna leave me behind.." she thought. Surely he'd be scourin th out islands for her. Maybe even take ol Young Nate wit 'im if th cap'n allowed for it...she tried t' think thoughts that mayhap even Silkie might percieve wit her mysterious ways.
  10. This is a HACK It is a torrent downloader from Europe. A torrent is a program that allows streaming, most often used to download pirated movies and software. Partial file name is AND DO NOT CLICK THIS LINK http://sum4count.net/strong It is likely from the lovely folks who hack and are able to post as non members. ADMIN - Please look into this because it is rendering many computers compromised. If your PC has slowed down, this may be why. No offense to the admin. These things are malicious and often hard to detect. The intRAnet virus softeware at my job is the only one that caught it. It freezes the whole pc because part of the program disables Task managers ability to shut down the page. I haven't found much info in English on Google because I don't have the entire filename. Which I will get when I go back to work tomorrow.
  11. Raphael, I love the swordfish bookends! cool! Coastal decor for me is a passion. Theres a lot you can buy, but if you're creative you can make a lot. I've taken a shallow glass bowl or even some of the HUGE clamshell halves you find around here and filled with sand, just stick citronella votives or regular ones in and let em melt right into the sand. it's an easy cleanup and it safe and looks cool. and hell it's cheap! (If you live near a beach that is) I like coral branches too. The problem is I don't like the resin ones. They get really dusty and are impossible to clean. Plus they just look fake. Im still looking for a cheaper source. Aquarium stores are expensive. There are some online dealers but again, still pricey. I have a wind chime I made years ago which is simply driftwood with scallop shells hung from linen string. It sounds nice and the weather only makes it look better. It's small..I don't like big stuff. Pier One is an awesome source for cheap interesting glass stuff and beach grass baskets and raffia. There are also the odd interesting things you find. Just remember not to overkill with tons of stuff. Grab an old wine bottle and age it or find one at a local craft place or pier one and stick a parchment note inside. Small ones make neet invitations. I did some cool island style/tiki on my porch at my old place. Even had an inflatable parrot. Till he "flew" away in a gale one night! Tin soup or tomato cans (the silver ones) cut with tinsnips and filled with sand and a votive make cool lanterns for the outdoor steps. I'll try to post a pic if I get time. Looks great have fun!
  12. Th small snuff tin held some dry powder...enuf fer a few days anyhows. Her powder horn hadn't fared so well an th damp contents were now in two clamshell upon th flat rock Cat took up as a temorary workplace. Th' sun was still high after th storm had cleared an she hoped it would do th' job despite th humidity. A short scouting mission'd revealed no smoke from fires, no ship r' boat an no sign o' inhabitants. Though she knew well there may be. It did however, provde lunch. Red cat dined upon Mangoes an crab cooked over a wee fire. At least th' tiny extra piece o flint had dried quickly enough t' make a fire. Just near th' shore a scraggly stand o' palms gave enough shade t' escape th' heat which dried her belongins scattered about th large flat rock. Cat sat forlornly pickin at the mango an stared out at th' endless sea.
  13. My head hurts....Ill call ye whatever ye want Just pour man! ye are an oddly interestin sort...one of many I'll have t' look up at PIP
  14. The Philadelphia mint produces 26 million pennies per day grrrr..I HATE pennies - These peope must be stopped...
  15. Must be great for them at holiday shopping time PS - Don't forget to erase that stuff you swear you never download PPS - Ive never seen this happen. There'd be a riot in my opinion..
  16. M.A.d'Dogge welcome! An honour. 60 feet?! That had to leave a mark. Glad yer ok. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grilled veggies and feta in a sundried tomato and basil wrap and a Coke Gas go down to $3.09 < Ow! That hurt my eyes lol.. MSM Will and T, Silkie and the PHSB
  17. OOh I've seen this. It is cool. Even though I love airplanes, I prefer to be INSIDE. Just dont trust them parrachute thingys.. But this I'd do. Mission what do you grow in the Winter?
  18. Summin ..r' someone were tuggin at her hand. Th' odd jerks shook her back t' conciousness. Red Cat opened one eye an th gull turned 'is head focusin one eye on her as well. "Bah! let go! " she shouted causin it t' squack an retreat a few steps. Cat tasted sand .."Ptoo!" her feet were oddly wet. She lay there a moment realizin she were layin.. an sat slowly up. She looked at the bird a moment as she tugged off her boots emptyin th water from each one. So much were in 'em she wouldna been surprised had a few fish flopped out. "Wall?! how'd I git 'ere?" the gull interested in the contents of her footwear and almost seemin dissapointed no fish DID flop out, merely stared back . Cat felt fer her cutlass an pistol which were still there. Then looked wildly about. She leapt forward snatchin a small leather purse on a string 'fore th sea snatched it back. She looked out at th empty water an back at the purse, she lamented leanin at th' rail for it, as it nearly washed over havin fallen from her person. She'd carelessly leaned too far an as the Rakehell lurched t' her larboard, Cat had been tossed clean over. She'd clung t' the ladder a moment, but th next wave washed her an her shouts clear o' th ship. She scrambled to her feet an to some higher ground. Off in th distance, just th tip of a mast could be seen. There were some small atolls not far from whar they were an she supposed she'd washed up clingin to th flotsam wot had washed o'er the side wit her. Red Cat didna shout an jump up an down. They'd not hear her , and she may not be alone from man nor beast whar she stood. She ambled back down th craggy rock to th beach an set about searchin within her coat in hopes of some dry powder.
  19. Aboard the Lucy Miss Ashcombe had only just closed the ward room door against the wind as the Ship's Master exited, heading once again into the weather. Mr. Pew was more steady for only the tepid stew she had fetched him and a few moments out of the rain and wind. Given the storm, Mr. Marsh had doused the hearth and what remained in the kettle had mostly cooled. Still, he had thanked her for it and her reserved attentiveness. Insticnt as a woman would have had Miss Ashcombe see him some dry clothing and admonish him against going back out into the weather in his condition, but she kept her efforts to a minimum and her concerns to herself as she was sure he would pay her no mind.... and doubly sure he would rebuke her for such foolish remarks to a hardened sailor. As she latched the door against the wind she heard shouts go up and the sound of several men rushing past the entryway. Jenny fetched up an oilskin from off it's peg and throwing the oversized garment about her rushed onto the deck. She was immediately nearly knocked over by two men as they rushed by, their attention focused forward as shouts of "Three men overbard!" came over the wind. Jenny held to the side of the quarterdeck and made her way as far as she dared staring wide eyed against the rain transfixed at the sudden drama. She feared for whom it might be but had no idea of the small boat beside the Lucy. She spied Mr. Tucker briefly and Mr. Pew just as he climbed over the rail. Jenny crossed herself and stood soaking in the spray and rain until it seemed all had been pulled to safety. Her eyes widened further as she saw it was Captain brand who lurched across the deck with the others, all so wet it was impossible to discern which had just been hauled from the waves. Though one was bruised and scraped badly on his cheek. Mr. Pew shouted to her as they came. "Ash! don't stand about gawking gerl! Have blankets and food brought up fer th' Cap'n an these men! " Jenny jumped as if she'd been prodded and rushed below looking for the young man she'd seen earlier. There were few men yet below, all still wet from runnig to the aid of those over the side. She then ran to the galley finding Tjack and pleaded with him to light the hearth and heat some broth giving hasty account of whom was in need.
  20. Sigh..I can't sleep.. Crazy hours at work...crazy day... Made the news that was only one of a few "moments" last night
  21. Chuckle Don't know what the joke is....but I'll join in
  22. Words are not nearly as sufficient as it is to let you know there are many if us around you and here for you. God bless and If you need anything..you have friends here.
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