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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Icky stuff...mmhmm not too attractive.. Doc might stick to my magnetic key chain... How about a Morgan and coke? Before I start to think lol
  2. slowly succumbing to lack of sleep....... .... ............ what was the question again?
  3. well a t shirt, big poster or shaped pillow signed by a bunch of pirates would be cool and maybe an honorary title? Lady B can you find out more? Theres a lot of pirate stuff for kids. We could each add a trinket to a chest for him..maybe send him the empty chest and then one person a week or two people a week send booty. It would give him weeks of trinkets. I'm sure a sorely needed distraction from what is surely a daily struggle
  4. Miss Ashcombe selects some asparagus and a slice of ham..mmmm thanks Needs apple cider..Im thirsty
  5. Mr. Pew had lingered until Captain Brand passed him and then strode from the ward room to see his superior safely to the waiting Frenchman. A manhunt of some sort was obviously the order of the day and had to be quite serious to bring both Captains ashore. Jenny gathered the wooden plates and utensils to return to the galley. As she made her way below she considered asking details of either Tjaak or Mr. Wenge whom she passed on the way. But Jenny presumed as before, that her interest may raise questions so far avoided and decided against it. How much should a Steward be expected to know? Especially in the Captain's absence? Would he expect her to report certain things upon his return or was that solely Mr. Pews charge? So many questions..she wished she had the irish girl with freckled cheeks and a non judgemental manner to fill in so many blanks which riddled her life at this moment. Uncertainty in her position crept in and out of her thoughts throughout the day and night and Jenny nervously hoped the time was drawing near when they would set sail away from Martinique. Far at sea she could be certain at least of what lay behind her if not what lay ahead.
  6. Red Cat Jenny is Hello Kitty meets Catherine the Great in a tricorn hat.

  7. ^ Candy corn..hands down <What is it about those little triangles? V Pass the question
  8. My specialty veggie stew.....making warm winter beating pot roast tomorrow so no meat today. The sunrise from work...still never fail to stare at it in amazement. Even on 3 hours of sleep. Mom Nate..sorry aint been about mate but Im back! and JT when are ya gonna call? sheesh!
  9. Blaghhh!! LOL that was funny. Thanks!
  10. OK...I know I have heard the word "Uncular" However the only ref I can find is "avuncular" But uncular is more fun..it sounds like one of those Dr. Seuss words my favorite of which is hinklehorn
  11. Good Lord! it IS going to snow..... Thankfully the weatherman likes the phrase North and West.. Ye Poor New Englanders
  12. I'm, with BlackJohn Think Tank. Aye..I have always said my perfect job title would be "ideas person" ..it's a normal reflex for me to be saying " what about....." or "suppose you.." and the occasional completely random question from out of nowhere that renders everyone in the room like an EF Hutton commercial...yeah..I relish those moments Hmm...I can see it...Oversized Papasan chair...extra pillows...fuzzy socks....big bag of cheetos....everything with orange fingerprints on it.. Hmm maybe caramel Pirate's booty on odd days...
  13. snow....boots....cold toes....slush.... Merry we needs a Winterman...
  14. LOL Merry..only you could come up with that stacked
  15. snow!!?? noooooo! its warm-er and windy here
  16. My deepest condolences to you and your family during this difficult time. May you find peace in that your father is no longer suffering and I am sure his love will always surround you.
  17. Red Cat continued t' chuckle a bit..but as she did her eyes ne'er stopped scannin amongst th small boats an out towards their heading. She looked along th deck at the guns the small craft had. They'd located powder, weapons an other stores b'low. Cat sidled closer t'Nate feelin the back o' her neck prick. "Oi..Mister Durant.." she spoke in low tones despite a bemused half smile tuggin at one side o' her lips. "T'all seems a bit too easy now aye? mayhaps we should arm a few o' th guns just in case our um... benefactors come a callin.." Nate looked at Cat who had a gleam in her eye as if she be half hopin fer some excitement before they made land. Nate grinned back at her an gave a nod. "Aye gerl..we'll be at th ready." He patted th cutlass tucked neat next t' his hip and smiled in accord formin a plan in his head he looked skyward..
  18. mmmmmmmm salt and vinegar chips... ever have the wise pickle chips? oddly good
  19. Waiting to finish my 7th day at work.....
  20. Don't forget some Diet coke with bacon flavor to wash it all down Oh will...what say you to knit bacon? Hey Maeve! lol
  21. Bacon wrapped scallops.. Bacon bundles with asparagus and scrambled egg
  22. Woah those are cool
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