Jenny had stood by piecing together what little she did know, with the new information from the conversation near enough to reach her clearly. Despite Captain Brands more unafected manner of speaking, Mr. Pew's volume at times made it hard to maintain an indifferent air.
She was well used to displays of temper or anger as his rightfully was, given the grisly description of his men's fate. Miss ashcombe was no stranger to such displays from Mssr. Garaud.
She showed no emotion save for paling slightly, as a glimpse of what may lie beneath Captain Brands staid exterior traced across his features at the last of his exchange with Preston. It was a fleeting thing, but nonetheless reminded her that all was not what it seemed on the surface and that she still remained among strangers.
Jenny averted her eyes to the task of replenishing the proffered vessel, doing so with care as the ship continued to toss. Answering "yes Sir" she curtsied before turning to the cabinet to replace the bottle and returned refilling Mr. Pews mug with the tea mostly gone cold as the expresion he wore. Miss Ashcombe did not look at either man and quietly retired back to her place. As they returned to their grave discussion she wondered how the others fared. She longed to ask after Miss McDonough but the situation did not warrant such small talk.