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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. There is a British ship of the line "The HMS Edinburgh" built in 1721 one of the first dual gun deck 70 gun ships of the line according to what I have read. It's also a bit if a gaudy ship...so if youre looking for a little flash as well you might consider it. As for sailing times, you have to consider season and speed etc..
  2. A banana filled happy birthday to you :)
  3. Agreed... but I'd warm it up a wee first
  4. I always find this stuff fascinating.. The huge Sumatra quake a few years ago was said by geologists to have vibrated the whole earth.. Chile Earthquake May Have Shortened Days on Earth Tue Mar 2, 10:00 am ET The massive 8.8 earthquake that struck Chile may have changed the entire Earth's rotation and shortened the length of days on our planet, a NASA scientist said Monday.The quake, the seventh strongest earthquake in recorded history, hit Chile Saturday and should have shortened the length of an Earth day by 1.26 milliseconds, according to research scientist Richard Gross at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "Perhaps more impressive is how much the quake shifted Earth's axis," NASA officials said in a Monday update. The computer model used by Gross and his colleagues to determine the effects of the Chile earthquake effect also found that it should have moved Earth's figure axis by about 3 inches (8 cm or 27 milliarcseconds). The Earth's figure axis is not the same as its north-south axis, which it spins around once every day at a speed of about 1,000 mph (1,604 kph). The figure axis is the axis around which the Earth's mass is balanced. It is offset from the Earth's north-south axis by about 33 feet (10 meters). Strong earthquakes have altered Earth's days and its axis in the past. The 9.1 Sumatran earthquake in 2004, which set off a deadly tsunami, should have shortened Earth's days by 6.8 microseconds and shifted its axis by about 2.76 inches (7 cm, or 2.32 milliarcseconds). The Chile earthquake was much smaller than the Sumatran temblor, but its effects on the Earth are larger because of its location. Its epicenter was located in the Earth's mid-latitudes rather than near the equator like the Sumatran event. The fault responsible for the 2010 Chile quake also slices through Earth at a steeper angle than the Sumatran quake's fault, NASA scientists said. "This makes the Chile fault more effective in moving Earth's mass vertically and hence more effective in shifting Earth's figure axis," NASA officials said. Several major telescopes in Chile's Atacama Desert have escaped damage, according to the European Southern Observatory managing them. The stuff of superstitions past I'm sure as well...
  5. A foot of the white stuff and it's still coming down...
  6. It's gorgeous..I love period paintings. The colors are so much more alive, the ones where the setting is not so contrived let you use your imagination as I'm sure the artists did when taking a little "creative license. But still they evoke the feeling. That's sort of what art is about to show life but also let you feel it. Nice find.
  7. A tankard to you Sir, for your troubles...that is dismal news. I've not heard anything but compliments on the FTFP. Here's hoping..
  8. Either or...history shouldn't be on some wealthy persons shelf..but available to the public.
  9. Thats awesome...I wish someone would publish online..I've looked myself why not share these things instead of putting an price on history?
  10. Happy Birthday Sjöröveren Grattis på födelsdagen!! Ja, må du leva
  11. Miss Ashcombe goes to the galley and reaches waaaayy back in the cupboard..juuuust in case there's a can of the vile brew to refresh the memory .....dust...old hard tack....hmmmm
  12. I'm not an expert, but if you were "clearing for action" I would think there might be more than one linstock in use..or perhaps a flint and steel ducked below the gunnle.
  13. It is a shame..glad they all got off safely and yes agreed on insurance, it's paramout because people will assume 1) You know what you are doing. 2) You have taken the necessary steps to cover accidents etc. (See #1...) Consider the cruise ship fire where several groups of employees spoke different langueges making emergency communication a joke.
  14. Slush Fund Most people think this term originated in the smoke-filled boardrooms of corporate America. Surprisingly, however, it can be traced back to some clever ship cooks who saved the slushy mix of fat and grease that was left over after every meal. The slush would be stowed away in a secret hiding place until the ship returned to port. The cooks would then sell the fat to candle makers and other merchants, earning themselves a tidy sum in the process. Thus, the term “slush fund” refers to an illicit cash reserve. By and Large A sailing vessel was considered seaworthy if it could sail both “by” (into the wind) and “large” (with the wind). This term has come to mean “generally speaking” in modern parlance
  15. Wide eyed Cat urged Roberto, Phonse and Tomas on along with NAte. Looking around urgently she grabbed up a pike which lay in the bottom of the boat to push agin th' reef if they got that close. Moving closer to th' gunnle she peered inta th' water which were still deep enough as th' longboat began t' turn. Those on th' oars rowed all th' harder "Oi Nate!! Some wind in th' sheet would be a right nice gift from th' Father right now!"
  16. Agreed for sure. :)
  17. Seeing Bill Flint return so quickly Miss Ashcombe excected another strange utterance. When he entered, his face was full of urgency and concern unlike the calm of before. As soon as he had spoken of Preston's condition, he turned on his heel and descended towards the Ship's Master's quarters with Captain Lasseter in haste behind. Jenny followed after both to fetch the churgeon, but as she neared the berth Miss O'Treaisaigh already in the company of Charlie Goddon rushed past to join the others. All heading in urgency to Preston's cabin.
  18. He will be missed Didn't watch that often, but it was always interesting/entertaining..he was a true seaman. Sad..
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sendai1868Cannons.JPG This is the image that went with the article..interesting
  20. Cider and rum with a little cinnamon
  21. Heads ashore to the Inn for something hot to drink to take the chill off
  22. There is a reference or two from the 1860 - 70's of the Spanish, Japanese and Vietnamese using wooden cannons which were wrapped in steel bands stem to stern or heavily wrapped in rope and fired wood or ceramic projectiles. Though I would guess the deception factor was the norm. "Wooden cannons were notoriously weak, and could usually fire only a few shots, sometimes even just one shot, before bursting" Wouldn't want to be anywhere near that one..
  23. Happy Birthday to the Half Moon Marauder :--)!
  24. The two women made their way wordlessly to a berth suitable, too weary to ponder further the intricacies of Preston's condition. The Captain had exhausted all that could be asked or answered and only time would tell. Jenny provided the churgeon with a wool blanket and further reassurance that her rest as ordered, would not be interrupted unless absolutely necessary. Maeve settled with tired word of thanks and was asleep almost immediately before Miss Ashcombe could inquire if she had further needs. Jenny returned to the ward room knocking twice and entered to find Captain Lasseter still at the table though he had removed his coat, hung his baldric in it's place and rolled his shirtsleeves. She freshened the basin and replaced the remaining chairs against the table. With any luck and no further interruptions sleep would find those in need.
  25. Miss Ashcombe stood by from clearing the last of the meal as the two men took their separate leave. Maeve poised on the edge of her seat ready to assist and Mr. Brocke still wearing an expression of concern walked Bill half way to the the few steps. As Flint bore his tortured frame and now thoughts from the ward room with what dignity he coud muster, he knew he was right to hand over his post at that moment, keenly aware of the eyes at his back. He straightened a bit knowing it would bring the Captain and the crew as well, relief to have one less officer compromised at that moment though he was now sure of himself. He wondered further as he descended into the surgery what the news of Preston would be or how fast such news would travel. He was sure he would hear some word by nightfall and hoped it was not grave. As the door closed behind him, Miss O'Treaisaigh settled back in her chair with a sigh relieved to have not been needed at that moment. Once Brocke had excused himself, the room seemed at peace. For a moment the three remained silent content to have no more than the sould of the waves slapping the hull in concert with muffled sounds from above and the Captain's yawn to occupy their tired minds. As Miss O'Treaisaigh collected her thoughts on his request, Jenny returned from the sideboard with a still hot pot of coffee and poured with care into the Captain's cup. The wear of the previous day and the pending report of his Ship's Master showed upon his face as he allowed himself a less official composure in this more private setting. Miss Ashcombe wondered if the statement of Bill Flint or the unknown condition of Mr. Pew wearied him more. She settled in her chair folding her hands around another of the china cups as they waited for Maeve to begin.
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