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Everything posted by Rats

  1. Now we're gonna have to do some ghost busting by lantern light!!!! Can't wait!!
  2. And after PIP when we're gone, it'll be haunted by the stench of rum, gunpowder and sweaty pirates!!!
  3. Great ideas folks! I'm just wondering.... wasn't the idea to keep folks at the camps, the beach and the merchants and to assist the Wolf with their endevor...?? (3 times a day firing from the beach??) Avoid moving folks needlessly(heat, terrain, travel time, vendors??) to and from the fort (so they don't skin out early)...???? Also I think the real story is with Reid and Bonny... If I'm not mistaken, Calico was just their meal ticket and something of a goof.... To go through the trouble of a hanging for calico???? MHO... Let the ladies have their day in court and laugh at jack as he's marched off very patheticly to the gallows.... WHy go through the trouble when it's about the ladies???? It just takes away from their presentation... I think we should let the ladies have their day... They've been a regular show and they deserve the credit without having calico detract from what they do... Now if a hanging is needed... One can be arranged.... Only it should be part of and help the bigger program..... or it can be done at the end of the day when we could care less if the crowds go to the fort and leave... It might even be a good way to end the day..... hanging and big fanale free for all in the fort.... The crowds can even be led to the fort by the reenactors in a big group (like we have done at midway) to ensure proper and safe placement.... (especially with the constructiono) So as not to get in the way of the show...Then if they want to leave... Let em! The day is over and we the reenactors can enjoy the tavern in the fort. JMHO
  4. Well done CG!!! The more reds, the better!!! Rats
  5. Good deal! Evens up the sides a bit....
  6. Sounds like we need to keep the gallows right on the edge of the beach or right by the woodline... rats
  7. Aye Captain! Not a problem! Dropped a line to Pete and sent the videos... No reply! I know he's been busey doing the WWI Russ, stuff!!! Hope he's not forgotten bout us! Where is this pic or map about where the camps are???? Rats
  8. London Actress??? My dear Captain, do you mean "Lilly Diver" the wonderfully notorious cutpurse and thief...?? Also if the case being that the reds don't even stay.... Why bother having a complete seperate camp.... mayhaps we need to see what the red count is??? Hope they have some cannon comming!!! maybe we should see about recruiting more from our areas and fill the rank (sniff sniff. checking his pits...) I mean ranks.... Rats
  9. If needed, I plan to bring the wedgie and most everything else will be on the light side... One duffle shouldn't be a problem!! Rats
  10. Not sure... Maybe it was the March's Isn't the Kish tent huge??? Rats
  11. Yes but next year we're not doing pirates...... Next year it's 70's action heroes!!! Shaft! D@mn Right! Shut yo mouth!
  12. Yes folks..... a vicious pirate indeed!!! Just ask him and he'll tell ya!
  13. ...maybe I can just get thrown in goal fer the night and forget the tentage!!
  14. Same bat time!!!! Same Bat channel!!!! I'm thinking the capt has the large wall sleepy sleeper... I ave me a wedgie (and a tent too) that can be adjusted as more of a leaning contraption..... What say's you about the Kish tent??? We had four plus gear for Lockhouse??? I might also be able to borrow another wedgie??? Since it's more military based, the proper tentage won't be out of place...
  15. Alright Sir Eric! All BS aside, I have to agree with you! Let's face it, there are "adults" who push buttons and try to get over all day. Then once they get pinched, they either have a sob story or some other excuse.... There's a time and a place for everything.... However when it begins to effect the class or the school, slam em! Because when it begins to boarder on disrespect and cause a disturbance for other students... I say let him wear his patch during a working detention after school. BTW: I love the look on their faces when they get caught and actually seem surprised that someone is actually calling them on something!! Can you say "deer in the headlights"???? "A car??" (too late) Thud!
  16. Nah mate, I mean what size jacket does you wear?? large (46), XL (48-?) Rats
  17. Rats

    POTC Series

    Yer a keeper Mary me darlin! Well done! Rats
  18. AS Rats wades out into the shallows, until all forms of sea creatures comes before him... He lashes two sea turtles together and.... Suddenly get bit on the arse by one of the many sharks that swam up to eat said numerous sea creatures.... In 90 I learned to dive in the Puget Sound over in WA.... Swear I saw one and I can care less about what kind or how big it was.... Damn near soiled me wet suit!!! However I have to take a dip in the pond! Even if it's me last!! Chomp! Chomp! (Eww Rats!) Spit!
  19. Rats

    POTC Series

    So how much extra pay does he get?? The penguin that is! A right hand and a right leg??? Wait!! Looks like he also lost his left eye!!! Forgot the terms of payment for loss?? ANyone?? Rats
  20. Skinny dipping????? I have one comment my dear Captain.... .........ever seen Jaws?? If I'm gonna get bit by something, so help me......!!! Rats
  21. Safety wh???? Ahm no offense to anyone... But when we hang a pirate.... Rats
  22. Happy happy......? Oh hell with it! Just keep drinking mate. You know what I mean!! Rats
  23. What are the reds planning, since we'll be over in their area??? I know our Capt. has quarters and I have a tarp and a wedge tent, which can be set up in various configurations... Not that the big puddle isn't enough, but what's the chance that nearby building has showers in her??? Rats
  24. Oi Mike, I'm sure the piont is well taken as well as no offense. However, believe me when we say there are folks just looking for a reason to eithr make a buck or snub a nose in reenacting. One way is to discredit or to demand a level of safety from others equipment. Some historical sites also have it in their insurance policy for events that the tentage must be (or so they say) fire retardant.... Remember, here in the US restautrants need warnings on the coffee cups to avoid being sued by people that are unable to drink coffee without burning themselves.. Talk about pirates!!! I'm just going to sleep in in the trees..... (Right Cheeky!!!) Rats
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