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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack
say Mr. Red Wake, could tha kitchen o yers whip up a bowl o old fashioned Irish oats n a big mug o black coffee fer a gerl. I fear tis gone be one o those days, *Yawn*
When you have a dream about a rubber replica dog toy of the Whydah shoe & the first thing you do in said dream is to measure the width of the latches & then proceed to complain to the other people in the dream that the makers of the dog toy have no idea what they are doing because the measurements are some minuscule amount over the original. No more reading before bed for me!
Gee, darned good thing I read this thread or I would have missed that announcement Kass! Not that I've been anxiously waiting for the new site or anything. Nope, no interest what-so-ever, certainly not. Looks great of course.
I'm not sure whether to laugh or not. These are frighteningly true! Pardon me while I go get drunk & grope some people.
^ beer usually because I'm cheap. Though I won't turn down rum either. < great, now I'm hungry. Oatmeal anyone? V What would your fancy "Sunday" breakfast feature.
^ yep. Won't regale you with the story though. It's terribly embarrassing. < Foxfire's spell check is the greatest invention known to man. Look at me ma, I didn't have ta learn ta spell after all! I jest fix wot tha little red line tells me ta! V what was your worst subject in school/education?
Welcome Haunting Lily. Better ye missed PIP by two days than by the 2000 some miles I missed her by. There's always another year. well, if yer a smart pirate n' don't go gettin hung in tha meantime. Since yer buyin I'll be takin a rum afor heading back ta tha werk I should be doin'. Jest don't go lettin on ta tha captains that ye's seen me
Welcome Crimson Blade. Good ta see ye figured out tha images. Now if ye don't mind, I ken use a drink, free o course since yer tha new un. Rum Ray n' none o tha fancy stuff wif it.
"Fuel Mr. Tar? Nay, river cane. Best torch material round. Smokes up like tha devil o. 'ere Eye's bring that flame down ta reasonable height fer a gerl now" Eye's lowers the lantern down to within Jane's reach, while still looking anxiously into the darkness. Jane flips back the opening, shoving the flattened end of cane torch in the small opening. The area grows darker for a moment before the dry material catches and the glow begins to grow. Jane removes the lite, cupping a hand around the young flames and blowing on them encouragingly. "There now, We ken see wots..." her speech is cut short as Eye's knocks something over, a plume of dust swirling around them. Jane begins to cough and instinctively reaches out, her free hand settling on something thick & sticky. "Ehhh!" Jane grimaces, prying her hand free with some measure of effort. She curses, trying to wipe the offending substance onto her slops unsuccessfully. Suddenly the entire group goes deadly silent as the wood below them begins to tremble.
Jane watches as Ransom joins the others in the dark pit. She turns, inspecting the knot around Mike's ankle. She shakes his arm, checking that the metal hook is firmly secured into the tavern floor. She then peers down the hatch again, satisfied that the rope will at least hold but still unsure about exploring the strange hatch. It's terribly dark and nearly impossible to see even the end of the rope. The faint voices of the others can be heard echoing below. Jane tosses her sack of random tools & other assorted bits across her chest before dropping her legs over the opening, calloused hands sliding down the rough rope. She lands in the darkness, bumping into Ransom who's busily muttering something about spiders. It's just as dark on the supposed under ship as it looked up above. Jane stoops, rummaging in her seemingly endless sack of junk. "Oi Eyes! Did ye 'ave a spark. I thinks I've found an old torch in me bag o tricks"
^ Take out the "never had the guts part" for me 'cause I always manage to find the guts someplace to do things when the opportunity arises. For something I've always wanted to do & never gotten to do, go into outer space. Or at least go on that airplane where they drop you & you're weightless for a little while. I want to do that on your holiday Red Cat. < babbling incoherently thanks to being so over worked & tired I can hardly see straight. V where's the strangest place you've fallen asleep?
Texas aye? Wot do ye like ta drink down there bouts? wot er tis I'll have two. Welcome ta tha pub. 'ere's hopin ye find yeself a crewe.
We're not dead in the water Captain Sterling. Limping but she hasn't sunk yet. I'll be darned if anything is sinking on my watch Striker & I aren't writing much now due to other obligations. I know we both have plenty of plans to keep our story line moving forward once life gets out of the way again. Pissed off Spaniards, romance, murder, mayhem, and old friends. It's going to be great fun! Have no fear, come Jan things will get rolling again.
More Fabric Finds on E-bay
CrazyCholeBlack replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
That first seller "fabric supplier" usually has a lot of well priced wool. Worth keeping an eye on their listings in general. -
I knew I could count on you guys! I'm printing out the lyrics & playing the instrumental x-mas CD so we can' sing along. It's a pirate holiday this year!
^ I'm thinking of going to NOLA for that pirate con. next year if my friends house is finished & I can get the free lodgings. < 3/4 Matt? Last I heard it was only 1/2. V What one TV show will you absolutely never watch?
TTTrying tto wwwwarm upppp affter bbbeing outtttsssside ffffor thththte hhhholidday ppparaddde thisssss eeevennning. I'm ffffreeeezzzzing!
Looks great. Putting it on the calender. Thanks for the heads up Dean!
Jane bursts out laughing as Red Cat hits the ground, passed out from too much thinking. "Oi, Ransom. Try some o that garlic. O som uns boot. That'll bring 'er round right quick." Jane scoots over to the pile of Cat, proping the other woman up while smacking her cheeks a few times & inspecting her eyes. She pries off her own shoe, waving the worn leather under the Cat's nose. Red Cat's eyes pop open, her arms swinging around wildly trying to escape the horrible odor. "hey hey! Wot'd ye know. Not such a bad sawbones I am. Should'a taken a diffrn' job." Jane smiles at her success while Red Cat topples forward, continuing to gasp for air.
^ I love the weird al videos. They're about the only ones I can remember seeing actually. < long night, must sleep, will have *good* dreams V favorite cheap food?
that's awsome Red Cat! So far the only one I've got is the Scurvvy Dogs version of Three Ships which has the line "what's on those ships all three? Drunken pirates full of rum"
^ I've cried at a lot of movies, depending on my mood at the time. Yes, I'm a big softy sometimes. < Hates to admit that the "Hillary Duff Concert DVD" isn't nearly as bad as expected. V What music do you like that you're embarrased to admit.
me thinks tha new lads had his faire share already. I ken't make 'eads o tales out o 'im. o well. free drinks a free drink aye?
alright, new commers buy tha drinks. Me favorite kind. Filler up mate n don't be shy. I ken use a good load o rum taday.
WOW. That's a beautiful book.