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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. My god does that bring back memories!! (And I would kill for the vest.) Very likened to the dolman worn by French Hussards in Napoleon's day.
  2. Aurore laughed lightly again, " Oh come now, monsieur. You are of a people that relishes the very essence of life and its' virtue or otherwise. Our cultures are not that much in differing on certain levels; laughter and fine honed wit are wonderous qualities and I dare say that you should not fear offending my sensitivites with the indulgences of such." She smiled with a brief hint of mischief before recentering on ledger sprawl, "Now the question is Docteur, what exactly you are in want of. As you can see, this tome is quite cumbersome in girth and I will need some direction in order to cross referance what I am searching for....." Her sentance was dropped without furthering to the sound a fast paced footfall from above. Aurore glanced upward, training on the quick cadence which travelled onward to stairwell. The rhythem was not recognized as one of her own and standing to full heigth, she made quiet observation to seated companion. "I believe what is done is done....Perhaps you might wish to check into the matter further..." Aurore stepped back, allowing room for Reiley to gain his feet, "We shall attend to this matter of procurement a bit later, I think."
  3. Ok....my oh so bad in not breeching this subject sooner. I have laid within my signature a notation in regard to such under both monikers. Touch base with me off thread and I shall tell you the means behind building such fortitudes with protection under Federal Law.
  4. **cocks a brow slightly** Coup de grace
  5. Sabastian proffered slight bow, " As you wish...I shall see about both requests in turn." Their sights met briefly, a conveyance of silent understanding, then Dauphin Gitan retreated sibling chamber; closing the door quietly behind.
  6. Sabastian turned from window's view and the weariness that had been kept in check overlong, was now making itself known with full content. Half hearted smile was given to Sterling as Sabastian moved to chamber thresh hold, "De rien, Capitaine. I might suggest that a healthy amount of rest is in order for yourself and me, as well. Is there anything that you wish to be sent up?"
  7. Sabastian nodded, standing with fluid motion then moving to the windows he had watched so entensly momments before. Her words sat in a roll of turmoil in the pit of his stomache and Sabastian covered such with expression void of emotion. Scanning the yard below, he noticed Christophe emerging from brush border. At hearing his name the Frenchman stopped, sheilding his eyes against afternoon sun as he looked to summoner. In fast issue of native tongue, wishes were purveyed and Christophe crossed over to paddock. Carriage horses recently released from harness binding would soon be returned to such.
  8. As the Mistress left chamber with sudden flurry, Sabastian kept his eyes centered of window placement on opposit wall. He spoke in low tone without inflection, "Do you wish her stopped?"
  9. LOL!!!! I shall have to obtain a bottle to go with the one I have called "7 deadly Zins"....That is tooooo funny and rather apropo.... Ahhhh Wisconsin fromage....**drool** I love all cheese for the most part...But extra sharp chedder....or smoked varieties are the bestest. I shall trust you judgement on the choice and thank you in advance.
  10. Beggar Prince had maintained a guise of calm and unwavering silence as one exchange handed off to another. There had been momments within the bouts where he had applied control to his opinion, thinking that with the events that had crashed through life existance of late, such control was of greatened effort. Although much of what had been displayed could be chocked up to the whirl of emotions charging the room, most could be dismissed. Nearly all, for that matter...Until dark haired beauty crossed into unforgivable terrain. It was not the expected spite and expected insult towards cherished sibling, so much as the blatent observation of worth. Sabastian had lived younger years under the constant taunt of worthlessness, of being less than animal kind, so easily the judgement passed by those who thought themselves lofty and better. Sabastian Devareaux's eyes narrowed to threatening degree...
  11. LOL!!! I will not lift a finger towards Cadburrey or Godiva's ....But, say the words "Genoa Salami" and I will near take up arms for my fair cut.
  12. As long as it was pleasing to the palet.... I shall be sure to send any chocolate your way at upcoming event. I have never been one to fall to that Siren's call...For me it has always been meats, cheeses and breads.
  13. territorial rights
  14. Illegal in at least four states.... The only thing it lacks is a wee drop or three of sherry.
  15. This night is a variation of Shep's Pie.... A layer of garlic mashed potatoes, smothered in a white creme sauce containing onion, carrots, peas, mushrooms and turkey diced. Overwhich is a layer of stuffing.
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