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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. **Ferst we pute de chicky in de pot....** Poppet
  2. The lamp was extinguished, and for a brief, Aurore considered deserting the simple cotton shift that cladded earth toned flesh. She had never cared for shrouding during sleep, outside of bedlinens that lay loose over skin, much given to the feel of breeze caress. As she reached to shift hem, the sudden reality of where they were came crashing home and, that there was no guarantee of total privacy. The shift was left in place. Climbing onto the semi-comfort of inn offering, Aurore melded to Sterling's right side; one delicate arm entwined around his own.
  3. Her eyes closed in response to his touch and words of soft render, but opened full to request. "If that is what you wish, but I am not familliar with his name. He has never been in any accord with us that I can recall...Are you sure you would not prefer Sabastian's ear in this situation? It is not that I am not capable in said capacities, I just wish for you to be comfortable with judgements passed."
  4. "Meriter?..." She resumed her place at Sterling's side. " All deserve to have someone to look after them, to act as balance and support to their quirks...and most of all, to love them with deepest sincerity. It is a gift of Fate that not everyone is bestowed with. Perhaps it is me that truly does not deserve you....Though I am ever gratefull."
  5. "Perhaps I do..." she said with coy return. "And mutiny is not in my being, Sucre'. But, I cannot vouche for your Monsieur March." Early hour streets sounds drifted up to open windows and she thought briefly, how much discord it seemed next to what she was accustomed to.
  6. Beggar Prince and entourage reined in within the shadows and darkness of late hour. The lane was silent but for the distant sound of late night denizens still slinking the docks and taverns. The quiet roar of salt domains echoed hauntingly with steady rhythems, disrupted by the sharp bark of local cur scavanging unseen. Sabastian slipped from equine perch, glancing upward to roof edge and the hint of yellow glow that eeked its' aura softly at heavens' break. His focus tarried there briefly as the sihlouette of feline form appreared, dancing percarious roof line. Deserting company, he moved with stealth step to alcove containing doorway and made pressence known to eccentric scholar housed within.
  7. **exactly what I was thinking** Shell fish
  8. She procured water from heavy clay pitcher and handed its' matching crude cup to him, making sure his grip was steady before drawing back. "Rest comes when time affords such, cher. I promise I shall not overdue." Aurore smiled with ironic texture and chided him with next statement, "And who is it that will not take care of themselves when rest is order of the day?" A gentle kiss was laid on his forehead, then she drew back chuckling.
  9. Easing him back to pillow support, Aurore left his side briefly to ignite small oil lamp. The flame was adjusted to low lumination then she returned to former placement. Brushing stray tress from his forehead, she spoke softly in the half shadows of dim surrounds. "You must rest, cher amour...Are you in discomfort? Shall I attend?"
  10. Seth Childermass rolled to his back with exurtions spent; Dutch treat snuggling close and whispering enticements of a next round. Of all the places in the world that his services of war had taken him, Seth had found that the woman of more Northern regions satisfied him most. The one sharing his bed was a delight to his senses. Young and fairly inexperienced, she had arrived in search of possible prospects in the New World and ended up as many do without family or a husband to care for them. The girl had arrived in port but a month before and Childermass had quickly staked claim; she was an eager student and he was a patient teacher. The continued monolog of carnal undertones played to his hearing, intermittantly punctuated by playful nip or stroke of tongue. Such summons could not be denied and he smiled knowingly as he felt her weight shift the surface of bed. A smile that widen over scarred features just as blonde crowned head dissapeard under damp bed trappings and the brush of full breasts tickled the flesh of his abdomen with southerly bearing. Another playful nip was administered in hip bone proximity, this one with more intense manner, then he felt her settle unseen. Deep breath was drawn in response to her attentions and he awaited with anticipation what he knew without doubt, would be next offering... An urgent knock sounded upon simple door across the room, his soft companion froze and Seth eyed the door's proximity with vile manner. Again the knock, and primed pistol was retrieved from near bed table, followed by a string of berating statements and an order to clear off. The voice that answered dripped with mischievous undertones, causing the pistol to be set aside and companion to be drawn upward into fresher air. Aurore's only focus was on her lover's pale form. She spoke softly to his hearing, caring not whether any of it was truly acknowledged. Perspiration was mopped away only to be quickly replaced by issue of more, and she eyed his wound with deepened concern. Symms, ever the daunting magpie, had kept some form of quiet, only now and again making some underbreath statement while assuring basin was kept fresh with its content. The sound of fast footfall echoed hallway beyond, causing Aurore and Steward to pause current actions and center on the doorway. Latch disengagment acted with deafening qualities, and wood barrier was swung inward, producing Summoned and Summoner. Aurore moved away from Sterling's side, her expression pleading resolve from the newly arrived that towered over sibling in heigth. Childermass stepped to Sterling's side, giving quick inspection to all that was involved, then gave order for bottle of brandy. Inwardly, he gave approval to the workmanship shown behind sutures disrupted. The tearing was far from artisian's fault. Standing to full stature, still damp hair was placed into check with simple cord and brandy bottle soon appreared for service. Aurore watched what transpired with silence to thinkings, her features drawn with worry. But eternity collapsed into fleeting interlude and Childermass stepped back a pace, his hawkish features a portrait of satisfaction. Pale eyes scrutinized those in waiting, then he moved to where Aurore stood with arms clutched tightly around chest. Rough hand gently brushed liquid diamond from her cheek and soft kiss wass placed on her furrowed brow, "Tis fine, child....Rest is wha' yer Cherished needs...And a drink be what I need." Seth glanced to Sabastian and gave nod towards the door.
  11. Sabastian's lithe stature was deceptive to the lean muscle concealed beneath velvet and linen adornments. He stood near at hand, carefully watching Sterling's bearing for waver of conviction. Subtle signals gave clarion warning to what was about to transpire and as knees began give way, honed reflex commanded agile reaction. Sterling, easily outweighing Romani younger, toppled with sway, and was deftly caught then strainfully lowered to planking below. Aurore was quick to his side, jaw firm set and worry overwhelming large expressive eyes. She laid daint wrist to his forehead, finding his body heat uncomfortably high, concern etched itself in her youthful features. Siblings looked to each other, ignoreing those that hovered in proximity. Natural assumption would to hail Doctor Rieley, but Sabastian already knew the story and complications that might arise in doing so. Carefully, the Faithful gathered leader's limp form and placed him with care on near bed surface. Conversation buzzed in confussed navigation as Aurore sat at Sterling's side, unhampered hand held tightly and possesively. Sabastian caught her attention, mouthing one word, familiar to them both, then quit the room for hallway beyond. The name uttered in silence, bounced the corridors of Aurore's mind as door closed in sibling's wake.... Childermass
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