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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux
Childermass did not move from hunched over posturing of bar surface as the new comer pulled along side making request. Through scraggeled lengnths of dark hair curtain, his pale eyes regarded the other without overdue interest, though note was made of cocksure poise. Taking a deep pull from tankard companion, Seth shifted footing and glanced around cassually as the other man seemed to gain unanounced interest in the gathering. Body language gave indication with minute leaning, that perhaps the new arrival was taking more interest than was healthy. He considered options with the slow and cold calculation that always served so well. Straightning his lank frame, a glance was cast across the room to the hearth and Burke. Seth leaned close to the man in question, voice low and verbose delivered in the same icy fashion of his thought patterns. "Tis unwise to cast yer hearin' where tis unwanted..."
untamed wilds
Aurore noted the man called Ion's flash of longing for gold glint circlet, it was a look witnessed on the features of many an individual through the years. As she considered what thoughts drove such lights to men's eyes, his next statements gave pause to musings. The descript of Killingsworth's condition ment only one thing to her, the location found and brand, sealed it. There was no doubt who's hand had directed the deceased's fate and a slight chill ran her spine. It was without shame that the facts were digested, and truth be known, the transgressor deserved far worse.
Devon grabbed at favored barmaid as she passed near and pulled her close. In turn, she swatted at him playfully, then gave in as the Irishman pulled her to his lap. Shannon O'Neil continued to scold as Burke whispered instructions to her near ear, then pushed her up gently to take care of the population growth at near table.
body heat
From barside post, Childermass noted the aggitation that arose in gathered company. Some were subtle as a minute shift of carriage, others were more blatent in visage; all were noted and marked. Ordering another round, the pale sights meandered the surround, liting briefly on Burke then onward to catch Aurore's glance. It was a fleeting step in time, but much could be decerned even in short. Refreshed tankard afore him, Seth drew from its' content, keeping party in question within peripheral view.
**LOL!!!!!** processed
Aurore's features were kept a carefull facade to what now ran through her mind. Like a lionesse protecting her cubs, a cool stream of calculation padded the corridors of mental housing and the one thing that rose clear above the turmoils, was this St. Claire would be hunted down. Dark olive pools slyed to the bar area, resting on the hound of choice briefly then returning to the immediate proximity. Gently, she covered Sterling's hand with her own that was free...offering silent comfort and shelter to the storm arising.
Aurore glanced to the other woman briefly with a nod of acknowledgement then returned center to Striker. "Capitaine, to be safe...I would encourage you to seek proper treatment. I am of no doubt that mademoiselle is dilligent in her care, but it takes not much for a small wound to fester in these humid climes..." She mused for a momment, "I must agree with Capitaine Sterling...Your efforts of warning are most appreciated, but Monsieur Killingsworth is no longer a subject of threat. Perhaps you should take time to heal yourself and not worry any further on such matters."
Taking the object proffered, Aurore deftly proformed the ritual at hand then returned it to Sterling's keeping. The olive sights fell to where Striker had choosen his placement and she queried politely, "You shall forgive if I am overstepping propriety, Capitaine...But I must enquire as to if you have been given proper care for that which ailes you. This climate can prove most unsavory to wounds...." Any other wordings intended froze in passage as the familliar name was mentioned.
Seth Childermass watched the dampened entourage from the place he had taken up at barside. Body language and movement were carefully scrutinzed under the cover of tankard draught. A quick glance was thrown to where Burke had taken seating near the roar of hearth and hushed laugh issued forth with the Younger's continued antics involving ealier tap maiden. The doorway was mommentarily barricaded against the grayish light without, as small party moved within and barmaid's posterior was playfully slapped sending her forth to accommodate.
Aurore's expression was a portraite of calm thoughtfulness, a mask that remained in place as the faux pas was rendered. Beneath gracious fronting, she surveyed those before he with veiled scrutiny of finite quality. From the first appearence of the other captain, it was noted that there was some discomfort hidden by the way he moved. Striker did well to cover whatever was harrassing his bearing, but beneath it all, Aurore was all too aware of demon knawing at ruse foundations. In an act of mercy, she moved forward to prevent him further angst of protocal. "Enchante, Capitaine..." Glancing to Sterling then back, she continued. "Perhaps it would be best to move into shelter with more privacy and comfort? Mulled cider does well to belay the effects of the foul weather we have found ourselves in."