Captain Striker
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Everything posted by Captain Striker
Ioan was surprised by Strikers request. He could also see that Jane didn't like the idea one bit. Ioan wasn't sure if it was the built-up stress of fighting the hurricane, the chaotic state his life seemed to be in, or his still-throbbing back, but the devil in his personality made a sudden appearance. He smiled at Jane. "Oh, come on deary, I won't bite ya. If the Captain things ya need a guard, then who am I ta argue with him?" Then Ioan turned to the Captain. "I'll go, but I request a condition, sir. That being, that if she gives me the slip in town, ya won't hold me responcible." Then he gave Jane a wink, just to annoy her further. The cockyness of the Welshman made Striker turn around. He glared into Ioans eyes . "Ye are not her guard ... We would rather say ye are her help ! Now leave ... both of you " He scolded both of them verbally before Lauritzsen caught his attention again.
Thank ye very and Aye , all is well . Been busy , but now it time for ye olde Port
Ah , it is good to be back. Took a bit to catch up , but we are ready for adventure again
"Hum, 'these people'?" Jane's green eyes halted their continued survey of the shore, turning questioningly to the Welshman at her side. The puzzled expression only lasted a moment as her thoughts cleared. "Oh, tha city, Port Royal. Aye." Red cap covered head nodded slightly as she stepped away from Ioan without further comment. Long steps brought her along side Captain Striker where he stood overseeing the bustle of his crew. He made no motion to acknowledge her other than the slight upward curve of his lips as she stepped to his side. "Captain, I should like ta go ashore wif tha first boat, if I may. I only need a day, at tha most. I ken see bout bringing La Maligna inta tha yards an," she paused in her request biting anxiously at her lip. She had been watching the shore line intently for any sign of the Anna Rae since first coming on deck, to no avail. Despite the hardship, Jane still felt tied to that rotting hulk of a ship. She only needed to see the ruined merchantman for herself in order to break the last of that connection. Striker's blue eyes glanced down at her, reading the thoughts she couldn't put into words. A flash of doubt crossed his handsome features. Jane's voice dropped to nearly a whisper, eyes locking with his, a tone of sincerity behind her words. "I promise ta come back this time." Striker looked into her begging jade coloured eyes . He could not stop himself from laughing out loud . He was not questioning if she would return or not. "Dear Misstress , ye are not a prisoner onboard this ship! Infact ye are one of it's saviors , ye are a part of Maligna , and she is a part of ye now! " He said still chuckling . "Go with the first boat ". Sriker turned his attention towards Ioan "Go with her , and help her with what it may be"He ordered before he was approached by Laritzsen which took him aside.
I saw it on the big screen and I loved it. Will have to buy it on DVD
Aye Bess , that game will end up in my collection as well . Here is to you
La Maligna was just behind the merchant ship . The bow cannons roared , sending smoke and and noise across the water surface . It was a hit ! wood shattered from the assault.The debris was flying through the air making splashes as it hit the water. The merchant's stern chasers went quiet. As the smoke cleared at the bow of La Maligna , the captain saw that they had hit the merchant's rudder . "She will not get away now! " he thought to himself. He barked orders for the men to prepare themselves to board the incapacitated vessel. As Maligna sailed near the merchant ship it was evident that the damage on the merchant was more severe then just a smashed rudder. It seemed that was taking in water. Suddenly the Maligna was being boarded . The assailents came out from nowhere . It was as if they were ghosts! Alot of blood was shed and the crew of the La Maligna was surrounded and beaten. They were kneeling in front of the captain of the merchant ship. "Please seƱor , spare my men " Maligna's captain uttered . Striker's answer to the captain came swift . " Af med deres hoveder !" "Off with their heads !" the answer was still haunting Striker . He remembered the Spaniard's hazel eyes looking into his before they went nomb and cold . "We are almost at the Port" Said Ioan to Striker . "Aye , that we are !" Striker answered back "Aye , that we are... "
Uh that sounds dreadful and exciting at same time Good to hear that you and your husband are safe and sound !
Aye , the earthquake has not hid the Port yet . the story shalt continue for a long time still , if I have my say And Lilith , the picture is smashing .
I am telling you , you should have gone for the Elves without a Union . They complain more , but nothing a good floging cannot change
Digital trickery or not , entertaing it is
La Maligna was turning around and heading back towards the Port with Striker behind the helm and Lauritzsen beside him. Maligna was still beaten up and needed to be repaired as she strugled to keep herself behind the storm that had course straight ahead for Maligna's destination.
You are welcome . And yes he is a fine actor Liked him ever since I saw him in Carlito's way , which was a great film as well !
Sorry ... What can I say i am a blabber mouth
Liar that is not what you told me . I do not know when comes out in the States , but it should also be showing at theaters in December , that is in Denmark , where I live.
Striker heard someone say behind him .He turned around and saw Ioan . "Aye , we will be needing help to finish repairing the rigging ." As Ioan noded and walked by Striker put his right hand on his shoulder and said with a smile upon his face , which nearly would be lost in the darkness if it was not for the shine of his tetth . " Ye did a fine job at organising the men cleaning up the debris , with or without knowledge of Danish!"
"That is all that Maligna and I can ask of you. We need to get back to the Port" He said while taking off his great coat giving it to a sailor passing by . Telling him to bring it back to his cabin. " We help each other ! Tell me what to say to the men , and I will pass your orders "
As Striker oversaw the clean up .He felt Jane's presence. He turned around and smiled at her . "As you see we have problems. We are without a carpenter ... And as you are, or rather were ... " He said to her with pleading eyes
He was trying to relax a little bit , when the crash happened , he had been out most of the night standing watch. Striker felt the quake as the debris hit the deck. What else could have happened , they had already lost their carpenter to the sea . He quickly rose from the bed and put on his great coat , while in fast motion towards the deck. One of the yards had broken off. He saw Ioan and some other sailors clearing it up. Indeed there was potential in the man. It could be seen as Ioan organised the men , even without speaking their language it seemed that it worked.
A day passed and the sky was still dark and gloom . Lightning was not seen for a while , thunder could still be heard .The wind had settled down as well , it was still a tempest , but not nearly as strong as a couple of bells before. she had pulled through a beating of the waves . They had pounded upon her hull the whole night and she refused to go gently into the night without a fight . She had never given up before and nor would she now ! It was simply against her nature , she was a survivor and had pulled through worse things then this. She felt that the storm had losened it's grip, and she would pull through . She had gotten accustomed to the new crew . First they were her assailents , doing harm upon her . Not anymore now they were a part of her , and she was a part of them. Nielsen was patching up some of the bruises that she had received. If she could , she would have warned him ! He made a wrong move and lost his hold. She could feel his fright as he fell into the roaring waters . "Mand overbord !" She could hear them yell , but there was nothing to do. Nielsen was being pulled down by Davie himself . Who would take care of her now ? Who would keep Maligna at float ? Just as the thought ran through her she felt the wind take hold again. The gust came and she felt that one of the gallant yards and some of the rigging was giving in. The yard broke of clean. Making a big noise . It was almost as if she screamed out her pain , as the the yard fell towards the deck.
And that's what makes us love you
Striker liked that she suddenly shifted the focus from herself and threw it upon him. "I sent Hr. Lauritzsen out to take care of you. " He saw the dislike in her eyes when he said that she was followed. " I wanted you to be safe , and you ran before I could say it to you!" He hurried to say before she could complain . It seemed to work , the look on her face seemed to be more calm. "And as it shows out it was the right thing to do... You were followed by two Spaniards! What is the conection between you and them ? They attacked us when we were together and now they were following you ..." He saw some fright showing in her eyes , but before she could answer he continued to talk "To all luck Lauritzsen was the only one to recognize when you left the inn. That was when I decided to see you with my own two eyes before I would belive it."