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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Marija Gimbutas [academic who elucidated the Goddess-worship culture of anciet Malta] Cheers, Hester
  2. Nay, Petey, it be my blog now, har-har!
  3. 1/2 a tub of no-butter popcorn, positively dripping with coconut oil; and 1/2 a vat of Coke
  4. African Queen [other Hepburn]
  5. Oh, cool .... I Googled it, and here's the link: http://nautarch.tamu.edu/portroyal/ I'll have to explore that site more fully when I return from vacation (geez, gotta get off the Pub and pack!). Cheers, Hester
  6. Oh, how true! PotC2 is fast & furious and visually so jam-packed that it's rather overwhelming the first time through. Like you Jib, I picked up more the 2nd time around (last night, at the ultra-late show). Indeed, the 1st time around, we had the added distraction of seeing it in a crowded theatre. We sat beside 3 little girls, who, although surprisingly well behaved and quiet, had the world's smallest bladders and the world's largest containers of pop, and each got up to go to the bathroom at least twice during the film. So, what with us standing up to let them out of the row each time, we missed several things -- like, hearing Jack say "Hello, beastie" and diving sword-first into the Kraken's maw. [We were originally left with the ambiguous impression that Jack may or may not have gone down with the Pearl.] Last night, at a 10:30 showing on a Wednesday in a suburban multi-plex, we practically had the theatre to ourselves. There were maybe 10 other people, tops, besides us -- all BEHIND us, and I'd chosen a row at least 1/4 of the way back. [Just like being at my old local rep. cinema that sadly went out of business at the start of the summer.] I suspect I'll catch more in 3rd, 4th or 5th viewings. I'm hoping I'll get one more chance at it on the big screen -- at the only remaining rep. cinema in town, later this fall. Cheers, Hester ... who thought Norrington as a bad boy was just so cool!
  7. Ah, Dusi: You stole my thunder! After watching the movie for the second time last night, I decided that's what I'm serving at my next BBQ! With crab legs on the side! (Okay, well, I'm actually substituting chicken for sparrow, 'cause the latter's too hard to find at the supermarket, and I don't have the hand-eye co-ordination [or heart] to hunt the little blighters myself.) Cheers, Hester
  8. Actually, she just used her tongue. H.
  9. I saw this on Amazon -- and really, really wanted it! But, I was too embarrassed to order it, because I thought it was just for children [and I don't have any, even for camouflage]. But since all you fine folk seem to have it, kids or no, --- what the hell! I'll order it as soon as I return from vacation. Cheers, H.
  10. I have the PotC CCG (starter plus 3 boosters) -- unopened, waiting for me at my cottage. I wanted to wait until I saw the movie before playing the game. [PotC Monopoly ditto.] I have numerous 7th sea decks as well (a few still unopened). Took me awhile to get the hang of the boarding procedures, but I've got it sussed now. I do prefer the artwork on these to the PotC cards. And I have PotSM too -- that's my fave so far! The tiny little 3-D ships are a hoot! Plus, it's so easy to customize it with your own additions. I've added mermaids, sunken treasure and gender-specific rules about transporting rum & gin (which count as booty). eBay is so dangerous! That's why my score was so low on Phil's Tao test. Cheers, Hester ... covet, collect, covet, collect, covet...
  11. Bon voyage, young Jim! Yes, I enjoyed it! [And I posted the best line in the movie quote game thread -- hint, hint!] Now, as for what I'm doing right now ... well, I'm getting ready to go out on a mid-week date with my husband J. We're going to the really late show, to see PotC2 on the big screen (for the second time), before we abandon civilization altogether for the next month and head north to that great (lowercase) lake on Friday. Cheers, Hester
  12. Phantom of the Opera, "Music of the Night" ... which if funny, because I'm not much of a Webber fan, but I just saw Christine's post about PotO in Vegas. However, Rogue Mermaid does indeed have me stumped. Cheers, Hester
  13. Hi, Eric: No, you're not the only one. I have a friend, we'll call her C., who practically went into mourning when Enterprise was cancelled. She writes quite witty slash-fic about it. I'm sure she could work some pirates into it, too, if you asked her. Cheers, Hester ... who is a Star Trek dilettante, didn't get into it until TNG was in reruns (partly because she didn't have a TV for 7 years), quite enjoyed all the subsequent series, but could never consider the original to be anything but dated camp. [Treasonous, I know, for a Canuck to ridicule a Shatner vehicle, but...]
  14. My mom called today to ask if I was okay ... cause she hadn't heard from me in awhile. H.
  15. Of course -- set an anti-pirate trap made of duct tape! Cheers, H.
  16. I knew a little old lady named Pearl who used to drink Rusty Nails. She taught me how to make them when I was the bartender at her curling club. She liked a splash of soda on top (though she noted it wasn't in the official recipe). Personally, I like: Strongbow, Blackthorn or any local cider Snakebite & Black (half ale, half cider, shot of cassis) Kir Normand (just cider & cassis) St. Peter's English Ale Guinness Blackwych Stout (how can anyone resist that label?) Sandeman's Port (served with the traditional accoutrements of Stilton, walnuts and fresh pears!) Ephemere Beer (flavoured with apple must) ...and of course, Dark rum & Coke (not sure I can bring myself to call it a "Dark & Dirty" like the Navy boys do!) ... and finally, Nalewka Babuni Cherry Dessert Wine & Coke (The "Black Pearl" of cocktails!) I suspect I'd love Babycham, but you just can't buy it here. Soft-core: Blueberry-pomegranite juice cocktail Yunnan tea Perrier Cheers, Hester
  17. Give the dog a bone; for a canine, he's got an amazing vocabulary!
  18. Adored, you shall be!
  19. Hey Capt. Jim: Thanks for those suggestions! I'll keep them in mind if (when!) we get a boat. So much for romance at sea! Yeah, I'm Canadian so I'm pretty much gun-shy. ... Except, I could see myself toting a blunderbuss! Cheers, Hester
  20. 26% (But I thought it would be lower, so I can be "content" with that.) It's the damn covetting thing -- I can't seem to shake it (or even seem to want to shake it, for that matter). Cheers, Hester
  21. Hester's 2nd Spa Tip of the Day: You know how in the magazines, they show bathtubs at tropical resorts that having fresh blossoms like hibiscus floating on top of the water? Well, I have a Rose of Sharon bush in my garden (a variety of hibiscus). It's in bloom right now, with pale pink double flowers with deep red centres and yellow stamens. I thought they'd look lovely floating on top of my bathwater, so the other day I picked a handful of blossoms before my daily ablutions. The experience wasn't quite as pleasant as I'd hoped ... since I wound up with uninvited company in the tub. The blossoms' nectar had attracted tiny little brown ants that had been hiding in the frills of the petals. They all came scurrying out in a panic when the blossoms hit the water ... and so did I! Yikes! So, my tip is: always check for insects before using fresh flowers in your spa treatments. Cheers, Hester ... just glad it wasn't wasps!
  22. Hester's Spa Tip of the Day: Use an empty scallop shell as a decorative scoop to measure out your favourite bath salts. Cheers, H.
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