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Everything posted by Hester

  1. "New York City's very pretty in the night time": "Don't you miss Soho?"
  2. They must be related to the people who started digging up the sewer pipe next door to me at 8 a.m., and the other people 3 doors north who revved up their masonry saws at 8:30, to continue building their decorative retaining wall. They've been at it continuously for two hours so far this morning ... ... on a Saturday morning ... of the first holiday weekend of the Summer! Good thing I didn't actually expect to enjoy a quiet weekend out in my backyard. Oh, wait, yes, that is exactly what I had planned to do this weekend. Bugger! Where's my blunderbuss for Goddess' sakes?
  3. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Mod-stripe pants (which I sometimes wear with floral-print tops when I'm feeling very psychedaelic.) < My Converse All-Stars are red (trying to tempt those angels that Elvis Costello talked about). V In terms of vintage fashion, what era most appeals to you?
  4. Jack-hammers digging up the next-door neighbours' sewer drain -- at 8:30 on Saturday morning of a holiday weekend. Great!
  5. The Demics, "New York City" Listen: http://www.myspace.com/demics07 Band bio: http://punkmodpop.free.fr/demics_pic.htm
  6. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ Spoiled for choice. We have everything here from Chanel and Prada boutiques to the Goodwill thrift shop. But, I actually hate shopping for clothes. < My wardrobe tends to be more "eccentric" than trendy. V Favourite "odd" piece in your wardrobe?
  7. And for Tarzan in a leather jacket, who rescued me from the bikers playing pool in the back room: The Beat, "Save it for Later"
  8. Nostalgic for my wild youth. Must be spring fever.
  9. And for "William (I won't) Tell": Squeeze, "Pulling Mussels" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaEcUMrsBhU "Maid Marian on her tiptoe feet..." (Oh yeah... that was always me.)
  10. For Mad Dog Davy: Images in Vogue, "You Can Call it Love if You Want to" Goddess grace, does that ever look dated now! And I'm sorry I looked so horrified when you told me the name of the song.
  11. Toasted challah bun, with grilled white cheddar on one half, and cherry jam on the other. My house needing a good spring cleaning. No one yet (not even myself). Mad Dog Davey. (That was a fun summer, way back when!)
  12. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^Monte Carlo < The signature element of my wardrobe is silk scarves. V Do you collect anything?
  13. (I really worry sometimes about B_under's neurological wiring!) Navigating by the stars.
  14. Moving in Stereo! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll2y_WlDu4I
  15. Candy-O! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm5VODW1c74
  16. luscious, plump, round, rosy...
  17. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^ No ... not even sober. < Gotta start slimming myself into that Regency ball gown for the beginning of June! Guess I better ration the rum more sparingly. V Would you rather give up chocolate or rum?
  18. Um, what was the question again?
  19. "Six Months in a Leaky Boat" by Split Enz: "Shipwrecked love can be cruel !"
  20. Tad woozy ... but not as bad as I feared.
  21. So then I'm not the only one with a Tarzan fetish?
  22. That would be fun, wouldn't it?
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