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Everything posted by Hester

  1. Wait, I just remembered, apparently in the original German version, the song "Seerauber-Jenny" ("Pirate Jenny"), was sung by the character Polly Peacham, during her wedding feast. Later, the libretto was changed to give the song to the character Jenny Diver, the prostitute, played by Lotte Lenya (Kurt Weill's wife). http://classicalnotes.net/classics/threepenny.html So, could the woman in my sig line be the actress who originally played Polly Peacham in the 1928 production, Roma Bahn? Here's a picture of Roma Bahn: And here she is on the right in this photo from the 1928 production: Hmmm... yes, I think she makes a better facial match to the woman in my sig line than Lotte Lenya. Still an open question, though... my sig photo might not actually have anything to do with the Threepenny Opera, and be from some Vaudeville show instead.
  2. Oh, wait, I think this pic of her is from the 1928 production: Hmmm... I still think her features are a bit harsher than the woman in my sig line (although it could be her). The blonde wig and costume don't seem to fit with any of the other "Three Penny" production photos, though. So... still a mystery, I guess.
  3. Hi, Cap'n Jim: I found that picture illustrating an MP3 of Lotte Lenya singing "Pirate Jenny" (in German) ... but I don't think the woman pictured is actually her. Very worthwhile listening to the song, btw! Here's the link to the audio file: http://rattengift.vox.com/library/posts/ta...brecht/atom.xml Here's a couple pics of Lotte Lenya playing the role of Jenny Diver in Threepenny Opera (from the 1954 broadway production, I think): I haven't been able to find earlier pictures of Lenya in the role of Jenny in the original 1928 German version, Die Dreigroschenoper, but I believe this well-known portrait of her is from that era: Facial recognition isn't my strong point, but I don't think the woman in my sig line is actually Lotte Lenya. Happy to hear any more definite info, though... Cheers, Hester
  4. Thank you, Cap'n Jim! From this write-up it sounds like something I'd like to see: http://movies2.nytimes.com/gst/movies/movi...html?v_id=83773 Alas, it doesn't seem to be available on DVD!
  5. Can anyone identify the source of this picture? It looks like a movie still. Is it Billy Dove in The Black Pirate from 1926? And can anyone identify the original source of the picture in my sig line? It looks like it might be from a Vaudeville production, I think. Chole, what did you discover in your Googling? Cheers, Hester
  6. Fresh cherries and Lindt Equador chocolate Overcast sky Hi, Chapman: Those silent flims stars definitely had a "glow", didn't they? I haven't heard of Alice Joyce before, but she's lovely. Apparently, The Black Pirate from 1926, starring Douglas Fairbanks and the beautiful Billy Dove is available on DVD. I think I'll have to get it! Linda P.
  7. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^The picture tube on my TV has been slowly dying for about 2 years now. If it blinks out, we give it a thump and it comes back on. (Have to do it about 10 ten times in an evening.) Eventually, I know it's going to die completely (hopefully not in the middle of a new Stargate: Atlantis episode) -- and then we'll get a new large-screen one. < The TV is about 12 years old. It's the only one my husband and I have ever owned. Before that, we lived for 7 years without one. V Do you have to immediately fix/replace things that are wearing out, or are you more of a status quo, "use-it-till-it-falls-apart-completely" type of person?
  8. putative ... referring to Sunshine's spouse
  9. "The Dark Prince Salad" ... made with duck breast and lychees, on the menu at my favourite Thai restaurant
  10. Thunderstorm. At least it's given the power-washers pause for thought. And musically, James Yorkston's soothing sounds: http://www.myspace.com/jamesyorkston
  11. Open-faced grilled cheese that I almost incinerated because I'm easily distracted today. Migraine aura. "Sunshine" from high school. Haven't seen him in over 20 years, but it turns out that we've been living within a mile of each other for the past decade. We're setting up a "date" for drinks. The elusive Donna.
  12. Day 3 of the neighbours' contractors power-washing their deck. What ever happened to good old-fashioned silent swabbing?
  13. Never mind the monkeys, Mad Jack, what's your kitten playing with? All I see is a tiny little square with an "x" in it. Is your link broken? Or is that deliberate?
  14. Rainbow trout & mango salsa Not Gwyneth, the neighbour's lost cat Evelyn Zav (the bad-boy hotty who drove a Pinto with no brake lights and robbed a gas station)
  15. Brennan on the Moor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUzsFaEd4MU "She handed him a blunderbuss from underneath her coat!"
  16. Peace Quiet Solitude
  17. Shrimp & Thai veggies Neighbours' crew of 3 hired contractors who have been power-washing their deck for 2 solid days now. They must get paid by the hour. My deck's the same size as theirs, and I cleaned mine myself, with deck cleaner and a sponge mop. No noise at all, and it only took me one single hour. Jaysus! Other neighbours' mom who's freaking out 'cause she's lost their cat, which she was supposed to be taking care of while they're away. (Hmmm... maybe that big raccoon ate it. Either that or the noise from all that power-washing convinced it to run away. I know I'm about ready to!) Travel Agent
  18. "There is also a rumour that he was last seen doing panto."
  19. Well, sometimes you just have to defend yourself against fresh fruit, don't you?
  20. Nah, you don't think I'm that brave, do you? Googling around, I see that some varieties of papaya have a stonger musky scent than others. But of course that still begs the question... "How musky is too musky?"
  21. Anarchy in the U.K. (I have a friend who looks a bit like Sid Vicious. I've never told him I think so, because I'm not sure he'd take it as a compliment.)
  22. Um, do you mean a posey that's been pressed in a book and gone slightly musty?
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