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Everything posted by Hester
^ Waterpolo with Johnny Depp < Cap'n Sterling -- Henry VIII might not think you were that odd. He liked to dress up as Robin Hood, you know. In 1510: "His Grace, the earles of Essex, Wiltshire and other noble men, to the number of 12, came sodainly in a morning into the Quene's chambre, all appareled in short cotes of Kentish Kendal, with hodes on their heddes, and hosen of the same, every one of them his bowe and arrowes, and a sworde and a bucklar, like outlawes, or Robyn Hodes men, whereof the Quene, the Ladies, and al other, there were abashed as well for the strange sight, as also for their sodain comyng; and after certain daunces and pastimes made, they departed." From Edward Hall, Hall's Chronicle: The Union of the Two Noble and Illustre Famelies of Lancastre and Yorke, 1548 V Passing the Q farther along -- What game would you like to play, and with whom?
Scrambled eggs & toast with cherry jam Facebook (seems complicated) C.M. (who just "poked" me, I think...) Lauren (who's unGoogleable)
(Morning, Jenny!) In the Midnight Hour http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3lv2PAwke8
^Twister with Stuart Townsend. No... wait ... can I make that strip Twister? < I like to walk. Probably furthest in one shot was Mizzy Lake Trail -- 11 km. And my favourite late-night snack is potato chips. V Passing P.E.W's question along -- What game would you like to play, and with whom?
David Bowie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj9ZILlq1rA
Yesterday: Tempura & Popcorn Ocean's 13 (which was disappointingly dull) My favourite b-i-l (in person) Sid Vicious
Painting my toenails -- gold.
Quite well! And all is quiet on both construction fronts today (although neither job is finished). Looking forward to dinner out with friends tonight, on a breezy patio. Pad Thai and Corona, here I come!
Fountains of Wayne, "Lost in Space"
Breakfast: Mandora tangerine, Belgian chocolate, & tea. And an iron pill!
Test driving the "Alien Love in Outer Space" music mix that I burned to CD as a thank you for the lovely Ms. Claire... ... and drawing myself a bath.
^Wash & wear! If I buy things that need ironing, they usually only get worn once, then they go out of style while waiting in the ironing pile. < Sort of learned to dance a French bouree yesterday (but made a real hash of it). V What are you doing on this lovely Sunday morning?
limes !
Enjoying the calm after the storm. Well, that was a tempest in a teapot! Only lasted 15 minutes, and not nearly as strong as was predicted. Tornado warnings cancelled now, the wind's dropped, and the sky is getting lighter again. I'm gonna open the windows and let in that cool, fresh air!
Hang in there, Silkie! (And peppermint & chamomile tea is very soothing to the tummy and the nerves.) Me -- I'm bracing for the severe thunderstorm that's rolling in, with its threat of potential tornados. Probably should turn off the computer now and get away from the windows. But hey ... it did scare off the neighbours' contractors!
Drinking Pimm's and heading off to Atlantis with Col. Sheppard! Did actually go to the grocery store. I peeked out my front door window, saw no ladder, and thought the neighbours' contractors had finished. But no, when I opened my front door to leave, I discovered they were actually sitting on my front porch stairs eating a late lunch. So, to soothe my nerves (and give them time to finish lunch before I returned), I also made a trip to the drugstore, where I bought a pirate romance novel, Calgon "Take Me Away!" Tahitian Orchid body mist, and two large bars of Belgian chocolate. One of the contractors told me they'd be finished by tomorrow. I thought at first he meant the entire job, but I see they haven't even started re-staining the deck. So, I guess he just meant they'd be finished camping on my front porch by then. Well... small mercies, I guess.
Encroached upon. The next-door neighbours' contractors have finished power-washing, but they're now in the process of painting the eaves (3 storeys up). These narrow old Victorian houses are pretty close together, so their ladders have to come over into my yard to get any sort of safe slant. I was gonna go to the grocery store earlier, but when I went to open my front door, I found it was blocked by a ladder that was actually standing on my front porch. Yikes! I've been trying to be patient and wait for them to finish this side of the house, but it's a slow process, as they can't safely lean very far on their ladders, so they have to keep climbing up and down three storeys to shift the ladder every few feet. Noticed the ladder was gone from the front porch (hurray!), & thought they were finished and I could relax, then I realized that the ladder is now right outside my 2nd floor bedroom window (which has no curtains because it faces a brick wall and no on can see in [unless they're actually on a ladder right outside]). Note to self: don't change clothes until the workers are gone for the day! Further note to self: pick up more Pimm's at the liquor store! My neighbours have been very apologetic about the noise/mess/intrusion, and they're very disappointed themselves that the project has dragged on so long. I'm trying to be understanding and tolerant, but I just want some peace & quiet & privacy back! On the positive side -- the other next-door neighbours' crew of in-ground pool installers seem to have taken the day off today. (And the back-hoe wasn't as noisy as I expected.) Oh well, at least I won't have to feel so embarrassed later this year when I have to have a crew of roofers trouncing all over these same neighbours' yards to get access to my roof.
Or it could just be accumulated grime. I don't think Sparrow bathes very often.
^Probably 10. Mostly in my youth. And then I was actually practically tee-total for ages. But my stomach seems to have become less queasy in middle age, so I've started up again. (Although I did swear off again very briefly after a nasty experience on St. Paddy's day. [but I think there was some 'flu bug involved too, 'cause some of the symptoms weren't typically hangover-like, and it lasted for days.] Haven't yet braved a Captain Kidd cocktail since then.) < Never been sick on Corona or Pimm's. Bring 'em on! V Do you get seasick? Do you get seasicker if you drink on board?
(Lovely "woodcut", Chapman. Reminds me a bit of Howard Pyle's approach to Robin Hood illustrations -- creating the illusion of a woodcut with pen & ink.) While still nice and relaxed from my afternoon Pimm's, I phoned the gruff handyman at my summer place, and made the necessary arrangements for opening this season. Whew! He's a lot easier to deal with after an aperitif or two! Well, there's one task that I've been postponing finally done! Now I'm feeling virtuous, having actually accomplished something today, and I'm gonna have a bit of a kip before supper to recuperate. Oh bugger ... I think the neighbours' power-washers have just returned from their supper break. There goes any chance of a nap!
Leftover BBQ chicken from the deli last night, whole wheat dinner rolls. Hmmm... veg??? ... canned baked beans?
Savvy and a deboner! My sentiments exactly! Oh, he's savvy all right. And let's hear it for de boner!