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Everything posted by Hester

  1. I'll see Jill's owl, and raise her a loon: http://s108.photobucket.com/albums/n12/hes...80416202626.flv
  2. Terrific! Maybe I'll get a bonus for luring a new recruit! http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=DqpaEq3tNO http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=tBtmgriVYD0 Pimm'saholic What a lovely neologism!
  3. I read the book a couple summers ago, after seeing the PBS Masterpiece Theater version. Liked it so much, I made two fan videos from the DVD: The Bold Marauder http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=HwZ3h5AN1oo Salty Pyrate Love http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=MwsFRt_dsvg Apparently, there's also a 1944 film version (in colour yet!) with Basil Rathbone. I'd love to see it: http://www.basilrathbone.net/films/frenchmanscreek/
  4. Hi Rumba! They paved paradise, put up a ... parking lot
  5. Wicked floor tom, Jill! Looking forward to hearing your Decemberists cover (and seeing you in your matching Converse). My current dilemma is that my hard drive is completely full! I need to add a terabyte of memory so that I can continue running certain hoggish programs that shall remain nameless (such as Windows Movie Maker). Oh yes, vidding is addictive!
  6. I'm currently reading Pirates of Pensacola, but I'm not enjoying it very much. The premise is intriguing -- a nerdy accountant discovers that his estranged father is the last of a venerable pirate family that still plies the trade -- but the execution is leaden. Neither of the two main characters, father or son, is very sympathetic, and the 'madcap adventure' comes across as stilted rather than geniunely amusing. I far preferred Jimmy Buffet's A Salty Piece of Land, which I read last summer:
  7. Relentless thunderstorms -- daily, for what feels like months now. Very soggy summer.
  8. Oh, Roberts! You sexy rogue -- Right now, I'm just waiting for my software to finish ripping a DVD.
  9. Me and my Jolly Roger at the lake:
  10. Kris Kristofferson
  11. Bill Haley & the Comets http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=tI4qO5Y9M1Q
  12. Mr. H.'s blueberry pancakes Tons of stuff to pack M. -- who'll be at the northern beach shack C. -- who might
  13. overexcited Hmmm... like going to a beach party with a Secret Agent/Surfer Boy.
  14. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^Like a fish ... or maybe more like a beluga. ~Waterskiing (well, haven't done that for several years, but I bet I still could) ~Paddleboat ~Sailing (when I get a chance) ~Floating about on an air mattress ~Sitting on a deck chair for hours on end looking out at the lake ~Aquafit (which I'll need to take up again in the autumn after all those frozen cocktails over the summer) ~Living the beach bum life with a Secret Agent/Surfer Boy (Oh, right, sorry, that's just in my dreams). < Car's almost packed. Time to post one of my favourite songs again: Cliff Richard, "Summer Holiday" http://youtube.com/watch?v=7VXw_sK8S58 V What are you doing on your summer holidays this year?
  15. We've got the same sticky weather system on this side of the Great Lakes, Jenny. That's why I'm escaping today up to the northern beach shack for the next few weeks. Always slightly cooler there than in the city.
  16. (Bon voyage, Ransom!) Reheated pizza Dr. Who finale My mom My aunt
  17. CBC Radio news
  18. Hester

    ^, <, V

    ^Pedalling my rickety old paddleboat down the lake to the local pub, and hoping the boat doesn't sink on the return trip. [it's held together with Marine Goop and obstinance.] < BTW, this is the pub: http://www.thefoxandhounds.ca/home_1.html And I really should be packing! V Pass the Q -- favourite water activity?
  19. Tea & toast (convalescent food) A Buddhist monk wearing a maroon sarong and a matching polo shirt. Dress shop clerk K. & C. -- Hmmm... how to heal that rift? Addendum -- One thing I DID today: Tried on a gown, hoping to wear it to the next Regency ball. Empire waistline, muted pink silk organza embroidered with roses. On sale, half price. Almost bought it, but then the clerk noticed a tear in the fabric that would be very difficult to mend. Darn!
  20. Journal [I want a nice, antique-looking leather one!]
  21. Awake again before the dawn! (Indigestion.) I think I'll have to swear off onions for good.
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