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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. I'm goin' out on a limb here, ye seem t' be too busy a fella t' graduate in the top one percent. Magna cum laude mayhaps, I'll say three is the lie.
  2. Wouldn't ye know it, Silkie has tampered wit' me shop vac. Exasperated, Jacky leaves an mutters, "Women!"
  3. Picked... but can't tell if the truths are gettin' wilder than the lies. I'll go wit' William, three be the lie.
  4. I knew it, like most threads around here this one has gone way off topic! (Jacky breaks out the shop vac t' clean up the feathers an find the toaster.)
  5. Cuban dish wit' black beans an shedded pork Sad news cast wit' Tammy Baker Me sister Iron Bess
  6. Free fer all (is more like it)
  7. After Silkie an Nate had departed t' find Africa, I looked Ransom in the eye an said, "No doubt somethin' happened t' Nate, mayhaps it went down the way he said. But if he was a cox'ns mate, why wasn't he in a long boat when we found him. Would hav been his job t' get one in the water." I shook me head, "An English ship never allows sailors t' carry arms, an yet Nate seemed pretty well armed when we found 'em." Ransom, seemed less concerned wit' Nate than I. He was aboard an we still had t' get t' Havana. Aye, we needed t' make sure the Rakehell was ready fer wot ever lay ahead o' us. I decided t' see if I could help wit' repairs, an said t' Ransom, "I best see if I can earn me keep".
  8. Thank ye, Iron Bess gave me the coat an shirt. She is tryin' t' make a pirate out o' me, bless Herself.
  9. Another picture o' the 'Sexy an Comfy' pirate Herself. O' yea that's me standin' next t' Herself. http://www.pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?...843&mode=search
  10. Nice Lily, but it's been me experience that ye ladies only let us think we are leadin' ye (even on the dance floor).
  11. Yep, I've heard that... Women never like given back the control...
  12. Okie Dokie Maggi... Boy all o' these could be true.... hmm... Variations mayhaps... Did ye really get a personal check from Tom? Did the Dart actually get up on two wheels? Did ye knit an afghan or somethin' else? I guess one and three are true, an two be the lie.
  13. Technically speakin' Lily, if ye didn't hav the stick durin' take off an landin', ye didn't fly it! (Aye, it's more of a half-truth, but fun all the same.)
  14. Yuck! (left over breakfast... soggy cereal... rubbery eggs.... stale toast...)
  15. I don't see wot the big deal is... Showers once a day, wit' a friend if ye like (t' get those hard t' reach areas!)
  16. Haunting Lily... Two an Three are true, but one is the lie. Ye said ye lived in San Francisco... So ye could hav been there durin' a quake. Many of us hav served in the military, an San Franciso is a sweet tour o' duty (hmm...) I could be wrong but I doubt yer a pilot; so, I'll stick wit' me guess.
  17. BriarRose... I believe one an two are true, three be the lie. At least I hope three is a lie, cause once the dead find ye can hear 'em they never shut up!
  18. munchy (must be toast!)
  19. Aye, t' those who've had a little rain in their lives lately. (Also, a chance t' showcase some local talent, Marie Digby. Her acoustic version o' "Umbrella" is great!)
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