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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Remind me t' hav Cheeky check her spoon at the door...
  2. (hmmm.... concrete or forest?) New York
  3. Never had Arabic cheese, sounds interestin'. The CAt likes California wines... Nice selections... The Cabernet please. (Cabbages an Kings... I know this one, doesn't it end badly fer the children... wot wit' gettin' eaten an all?)
  4. Aye, Dorian has the right idea, some cheese an bread t' eat an wine t' sip. (Makin' me stomach grumble...)
  5. Gallus gallus
  6. Capitan Navarro, decked in his finery, approached us. Wit' an unusually solemn face he said, "Any last requests?" My eyes narrowed, so this was how it was goin' t' be, then I noticed the corners o' his mouth startin' t' turn up. So, I said, "Aye, would ye hav yer men lower their muskets. An I do believe I could use a drink." "Of course." He said, an motioned t' his men t' lower their weapons. "Come let us attend to business and have that drink."
  7. ^ She thinks she's a good kisser.
  8. ^ Share Perky's sentiment, "There's an off season?" < Sure most o' the events stop now, until Spring; do ye really need an event t' be a pirate? V Pass the question.
  9. Focaccia vegetable sandwich wit Portobello mushrooms A newly remodeled Apple store Me son... all night long.... The insomniacs... Red CAt, Silkie, Chole
  10. So Spoons hadn't come t' finish the mutiny or me. He didn't even attempt t' bind my hands or check me pockets! Why would Capitan Navarro send a mutineer, like Spoons, t' escort me t' the Castillo? I guess I'd get the answers soon enough, fer we had just entered the gates o' Castillo del Morro. The driver stopped the carriage, opened the door an motioned fer me t' get out. "Oh look, the capitan has sent a firing squad." I remarked, as six musket barrels were now pointed at me, as well.
  11. I shoved the pouch in t' me coat pockets wit' the others; keepin' me hands in me pockets t' guard against the light fingered CAt. I quickly stepped around Ransom, an replied, "Yer better not knowin' fer now, luv." Steppin' lively, I almost ran down the gang plank. As I scrambled off the Rakehell, Navarro's carriage appeared on the docks, again. The stones clicked in me pockets, as I hastily walked t' the carriage. The carriage door swung open, as I approached. Climbin' into the carriage, I thought I would be all too glad t' get rid o' those pouches, just shows how wrong ye can be 'bout some things. Sittin' in the carriage accross from me was Spoons an one o' the Danish sailors, wit pistols pointed at me. The carriage door slammed shut, an the driver headed fer the Castillo del Morro.
  12. Just as the lads set the gang plank, I found me self runnin' down it an headin' in the direction o' the Rakehell. I hollered t' the crew o' the Rakehell, "Permission t' come aboard!" Not waitin' on ceremony or an answer, I pushed past crew members an headed down t' the cargo hold. Rushin' along the bales o' wool, lookin' fer the cursed mark. I stopped in front o' one of the bales in question. Stabbin' me knife through the mark, makin' a way t' reach inside the bale; I felt 'bout fer the small leather pouch inside. I repeated this crazed attack o' wool bales three times, each wit the mark I'd made, t' insure no contraband would be found aboard the Rakehell. Climbin' out o' the cargo hold, certain I'd abated another disaster, I now faced an angry lookin' Africa an the ship's puzzled lookin' captain.
  13. To those who are willing to do what's right, no matter how unpopular it might be! Defying Gravity from Wicked http://youtube.com/watch?v=TNv6cFUvU9s
  14. Unrequited love
  15. I believe Jack doth hav a point... We should use more flowery language t' bestow our wrath on the fair head o' the lady in question. I rather like... Behold thy mirror thou droning codpiece-sniffing flax-wench. (Has a nice ring t' it, an she can Google it's meanin' 'tween her games o' Halo.)
  16. ^ Feline in nature... Aye, I guess she's kinda fluffy. Certainly is 'bout as scary as a kitten. Independent like a CAt. (I'm a dog person me self; but she's nice fer a CAt!)
  17. Chole has makeup on! (Wot is the beauty mark below the left eye, I wonder?) Aye, the outfit looks grand. I'm sure ye were the belle o' the ball, Chole.
  18. Kenneth, did ye lads make yer own hats? If so, where did ye get the large blank fer yers?
  19. No governors here; be warned says I, folks here shoot back. Tell us a bit more 'bout yer self Mad Jack Morgan. Thank ye, fer the ale.
  20. Lunacy (all this moon talk)
  21. I'd say the CAt should play the lottery while she's on a roll! Congratulations, Red Cat Jenny!
  22. Another, 'Ax a Pirate', bout makin' little pirates.
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