I shoved the pouch in t' me coat pockets wit' the others; keepin' me hands in me pockets t' guard against the light fingered CAt. I quickly stepped around Ransom, an replied, "Yer better not knowin' fer now, luv."
Steppin' lively, I almost ran down the gang plank. As I scrambled off the Rakehell, Navarro's carriage appeared on the docks, again. The stones clicked in me pockets, as I hastily walked t' the carriage.
The carriage door swung open, as I approached. Climbin' into the carriage, I thought I would be all too glad t' get rid o' those pouches, just shows how wrong ye can be 'bout some things. Sittin' in the carriage accross from me was Spoons an one o' the Danish sailors, wit pistols pointed at me.
The carriage door slammed shut, an the driver headed fer the Castillo del Morro.