Dillard had come back on deck, followed by Smithe, while I was at the helm. "Mister Dillard call all hands on deck an make ready t' sail in t' the sound, an find safe harbour," I shouted.
"All hands, Aye!" He replied.
"Smithe, when Jonesy is on deck, take a few o' those Dutch sailors aloft an reef the top sails." Smithe knuckled his forehead, and he didn't hav t' wait long, Jonesy head had just cleared the main hatch.
The winds were drivin' us in t' port, no need t' even tack. "We need t' slow the Relentless an find good anchorage, " I said.
"The winds aren't goin' t' favor any backing here!" I shouted t' Dillard. "Tell the lads to start furling the main, Mister Dillard."
We'll bring her in on the mizzen, I thought.