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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. Open Season "Furry critters in control."
  2. Snickering, "Aye, by all means, sit in the good captain's lap. We need more wood fer the fire."
  3. Does this mean Herself is wilin' t' brave Corona _ell this year? Aye, this will be a gatherin' not t' be missed then.
  4. I glanced at the nervous Red Cat, an said, "It's a bay were sailin' in t', not the mighty muddy! I don't want t' run aground o' any sand bars. We'll find safe harbour in the bay, an take the jolly boat in t' the bayou."
  5. Happy Birthday t' the rose wit' out thorns, BriarRose! I do hope the lads took care of ye, lass.
  6. Belated Birthday wishes, Maeve! Also, nice t' hear you an the new addition are doin' well.
  7. Interestin' timing Patrick. Someone showed me a pic o' the steampunk computer wit a typewriter keyboard, a couple days back. I can't think o' anyone here better equipped t' create steampunk contraptions, then yer self. Best o' luck!
  8. Dillard had come back on deck, followed by Smithe, while I was at the helm. "Mister Dillard call all hands on deck an make ready t' sail in t' the sound, an find safe harbour," I shouted. "All hands, Aye!" He replied. "Smithe, when Jonesy is on deck, take a few o' those Dutch sailors aloft an reef the top sails." Smithe knuckled his forehead, and he didn't hav t' wait long, Jonesy head had just cleared the main hatch. The winds were drivin' us in t' port, no need t' even tack. "We need t' slow the Relentless an find good anchorage, " I said. "The winds aren't goin' t' favor any backing here!" I shouted t' Dillard. "Tell the lads to start furling the main, Mister Dillard." We'll bring her in on the mizzen, I thought.
  9. So, writers from CNN comb the pub fer news worthy features? Who knew! (I guess Uncle Adam.) (Congrats Phoebe.)
  10. Seven Deadly Sins: Superbia, avaritia, luxuria, ira, gula, invidia and accidie.
  11. The distictive call of a boatswain's whistle, could me heard, callin' the crew t' breakfast. "Rosie, yer full o' surprises," said I. The crew was less intimidated by Rosie, then Silkie. Yet it was clear t' everyone that manners an certain protocols would be observed in the galley, now. Anyone who didn't follow the new rules would find themselves on the wrong end o' a heavy spoon, or worse a fryin' pan. Our days at sea past quickly, despite the drama in the galley. The crew had settled in t' their routines an we counted the days by our calls t' sup. After our twentieth meal, land was sighted. Aye, we would be in the port o' St. Jean, in time fer breakfast.
  12. So, their little threesome 'll become a foursome! And the new arrival is a little girl, too. Congratulations t' ye all.
  13. Ah, come on! Phoebe an I don't talk 'bout yer drinkin' habits. Like Phoebe always says, "Family doesn't rat on family." Of course she has said, ye hav squeaky toy issues...
  14. Prayers offered for the surgery and recovery, for Saltypots. Speedy recovery lass.
  15. I chuckled at Silkie's remark, "We best keep Rosie locked up in the galley, then. We wouldn't want her runnin' the rest o' the ship!" I offered, the unusually timid Silkie me mug, which she accepted. As I walked back t' the stern, I mumbled, "Maybe I should promote Rosie t' first mate. She'd whip this crew in t' shape." With that, I wondered wot had become o' Roberts.
  16. Happy Birthday PhilosopherPhil! Do they let avatars eat cake? (p.s. Where do we send the Depends?).
  17. NAY!! She LOVES to pose (she's a born ham...) Gets it from her Uncle Jacky-Tar I think. Ye know, I've been accused o' bein' a monkey's uncle but never Phoebe's uncle? I'm honored that ye see any resemblance, at all! Give Phoebe an her mom a big hug from me.
  18. Must be some party t' raise ol' Blackfoot from the dead. Happy Birthday, Merrydeath. Hope this year brings good things t' yer door (if it doesn't... don't open the door!)
  19. Aye, Ray a night cap on the lasses coin. Tell us lass, is Antiquity a place or a state o' mind? Thank ye, Arrrella!
  20. The clatter o' pans an the Spanish curses from the galley, told me I'd hav t' confront the new cook, sooner or later. The thirst fer coffee tempered my better judgement. "Good mornin', Rosie." I said, as I entered the galley. "The smell o' yer coffee was irresistible." She smiled, turned an poured me a mug. I glanced about the galley, which looked tidy an in order. She seemed too busy cooking t' take further notice o' me; or so I thought. Movin' closer t' the stove, I started t' reach fer some bacon. 'Fore I could grab a slice, Rosie cracked me across the knuckles wit' a large wooden spoon. "No ahora!" she chastised me. I retreated t' the main deck, wit' me mug o' coffee, t' wait fer the call for breakfast.
  21. Well ARRRella, 'sides yer desire t' collect pirate dolls an watch pirate movies, tell us 'bout yer self lass. Tis' customary fer new members t' offer drinks an then tell thar tales. So toss some coin on the bar an watch the thirsty pirates gather.
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