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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. "I don't believe anyone has ever called Patrick 'yummmy', before. How tall is he? I passed by him at Jack Spareribs trial and didn't realize it was him; sorry mate, the knit cap threw me."
  2. "Gaff rigged, two masted schooner, sez ye... That's called a bald-headed' schooner. Never known a balded headed lady t' be sexy; but, t' each their own. I'm sure she's fast and scoons sweetly."
  3. "An Irish lass, and not Catholic. Saints preserve us! St. Patrick will be turnin' in his grave, he will." Jacky chuckles softly. "I could search Pub lore, but why don't ye tell me what type of vessel the Rakehell be."
  4. They have walked far enough to reach the Relentless, which is in port for refitting and to take on supplies. A surly roughneck guarding the gang plank approachs them, he recognizes Jacky, tips his hat and returns to his post. Jacky turns to Ransom, "Welcome aboard the Relentless, and watch yer step, luv." "Seein' yer not a captain and ye turned over yer first mate t' Tess. Ye must be Catholic! Have ye considered becomin' Protestant? They offer divorce!"
  5. "We have an accord, I stay or go at Ransom's discretion."
  6. Another aside to Miss St. Claire, "Odd, the dress I told the seamstress t' take was light green, and reminded me of the gowns young brides wear. If I had sent a card, it would have read, 'To a women who is always the bridesmaid and never the bride...'. The dress had been made for a Lady-in-Waiting." Pauses, "No matter, if the one ye received is t' yer likein', keep it."
  7. Another aside to Miss St. Claire, "By the Bye, was the dress t' yer likin'?"
  8. "I sail on a brig, 'Relentless', which is rigged like a snow. I do not sail under a black flag, but am often accused of smart practice. I do enjoy good food and drink, as ye know."
  9. An aside to Miss St. Claire, "If any harm comes t' Ransom, I'll hold ye accountable and will use any means to make sure ye live out yer remainin' days alone, old and in poverty."
  10. Jacky is surprised Ransom took his arm, for the moment he feels like a gentleman, again. "I've heard tell ye captain yer own ship, thar be a startin' point."
  11. "Cats only scare away mice. If he's a real man he'll be back."
  12. "I should walk ye t' yer ship. I wouldn't want yer back unguarded, if Tess were t' send an avenger. Life is cheap t' some, and yers is precious t' me. I hope I haven't thrown ye and Striker into harms way. I thought Miss St. Claire was just puttin' on airs."
  13. "The tobacco smell is from Striker's pipe, and the rum, his drink of choice; which he shares by spillin' it on those close t' him. I noticed ye sniffin' the jacket, if it offends I'm sorry. I just didn't want ye t' catch a chill." They walk along, "Ye know yer temper is part of yer charm, but I doubt that Miss St. Claire would see it that way. She won't give Captain Striker the time o'day, and a card game might have improved his standin'."
  14. "Silkie play my cards and I'll spot ye 50 reales." Jacky rises from the table and turns to Miss St. Claire, "My apologies, I'll have a dress and a seamstress sent t' yer room at the Inn, on the morrow." Jacky bows and hastily races toward the door to block Ransom's exit. "Not takin' that walk wit' out me, are ye? I think not." Jacky wraps his coat over Ransom's shoulders, and the pair leave the pub together.
  15. "Looks like ye dealt first, lets hope when Tess takes her turn she doesn't double down!" Jacky slides his chair back from the table. The bar maids furiously start to clear the table, before any more accidents occur.
  16. "Ray, thar's blood in the water and the sharks are circlin' the young lad." Siren is about to pounce, Silkie's offerin' him drinks, and Ransom, too. Jacky sighs, "Elvira has already gotten what she wants from the lad." Jacky walks over to young mister Flint, "Lad don't ye know better than t' come in here wit' out someone watchin' yer back? Here let's give ye an escort t' the bar."
  17. "Lady Tess the night yields to those who are patient. Patience is a virtue we should all work on this night." "Yer deck will not work fer the game I have in mind. Ray has a Persian deck wit' 25 cards in 5 suits fer a game called As Nas. It's a bit like Poker, do ye still care t' play?" "Dear Ransom I wouldn't want ye so near t' the water on a full stomach, in case that walk lead t' a moon lite swim. Look, the moon is nigh the horizon and is not on the wane. We have time for at least one hand of cards. What say ye t' that?"
  18. "My dear Miss St. Claire, that man as ye call him is more than worthy, he is gentleman and comes from a good family; jus' needs a little temperance, which a good woman, such as yer self, could administer." "When ye sez game o' cards, does ye mean gamblin' or parlor games? Cause if'n ye mean gamblin', I'm sure we could lighten yer purse for ye." Jacky turns to the bar maid, "Some port for Captain Striker, thank ye!"
  19. "I'll be happy t' chase ye up and down the pier later, and see if'n I can provoke ye!"
  20. "Where is that Tess? Miss St. Claire, please come sit wit' us nasty pirates, ye can be Striker's lap dog. Stop all yer plottin' and have some sweets. I promise Silkie won't bite ye; but, I can't make the same promise about Ransom." He chuckles softly.
  21. "Silkie, sit anywhere ye like. Or was ye intendin' to sit in the middle o' the table? Do that and ye would be offered little fishies. But pull up a chair and sup wit' us, and ye may partake of creme brulee or peaches and creme fresh."
  22. Thankfully Joaquin has pulled up his stupid puffy pants. Elvira is chatting it up with Siren and Long Tom. Mary the barmaid goes staggering by, "Mary looks like ye cut yer self shavin', luv!" Jacky mumbles, "Just another day at the pub." Jacky wonders if anyone noticed the big sign in front of the pub. I swear if the fella didn't have a mustache, he could pass for Ray's sister. "Ray, set me up wit' a mug of ale, if ye please." Jacky turns to Inigo, "By the bye mate, if my arse looked that bad, ye wouldn't see me moonin' everyone here."
  23. "I'll bribe Striker wit' an aeblekage (Danish Apple Cake) t' watch Sterling, while ye enjoy that creme brulee." Jacky also prepares a tonic with willow bark and herbs, to help the ailing Captain Sterling. "I drinks coffee, so I think it be safe t' offer Miss St. Claire a tea cake." (This is Tess's thread after all!)
  24. "Aye, I think we can do better than little fishies." Jacky returns to the galley with a large tin of fresh ground paprika, a rista of peppers and large sack of creole spices. The chef is all too glad to take the bounty off Jacky's hands. "E! my good man, the shrimp was well received..." Before Jacky can utter another word, the dessert chef rolls up a cart with tempting treats. Jacky nods his approval, and turns back to the dining area. Ransom and Jacky return to their table, where the table has been cleared, fresh flowers added and another bottle of champagne awaits them. Jacky pulls a chair out for Ransom, and takes one across from her. The dessert tray has Creme Brulee (Burnt Cream t' the English) served with fresh raspberries, and Peaches soaked in brandy, topped wit' creme fresh, and assorted small cakes. "Any thin' strike yer fancy, Ransom?" Pauses, "Should we invite Striker and Silkie t' sup? Or perhaps even Tess?"
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