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Jacky Tar

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Everything posted by Jacky Tar

  1. "Mad Jack, yer not suppose t' blind 'em wit' yer hat, but dazzle 'em wit' yer charm!"
  2. "The exploits wit' peg leg women are fine. It's the exploits wit' the green eyed woman, that could get ye, don'tcha know."
  3. "Tis a lengthy wine list, Sir William. I'll have a glass of yer Portuguese Tawny Port, thank ye." Jacky looks about the Tsunami Kate, which is rich in local color and steeped in pub lore. The Tsunami Kate bares witness to William Red Wake's passion for food, art, and friends. Jacky sighs, and wishes Ransom were here.
  4. cross-stitch (It's aways the French's fault because they whine so well, bien sûr.)
  5. "Striker, wait! Ye can't go down that plank wit' out the means t' defend yer self. "Jacky turns and picks up two sea pistols, "I had Spoons fetch these from the armory. I'll pick them up, when I visit ye aboard the La Maligna." Jacky hands the pistols, and a powder and shot box, to Captain Striker.
  6. "Sir William, ye best get some of this fine food t' Siren, looks like she's wastin' away before our very eyes!" Jacky can't believe the menu, "I can see why everyone from the pub comes here t' eat!"
  7. Jacky stands and smirks, "No, she is not goin' on the account." Turns to Captain Striker and smiles, "Ye like her directness?" "Ransom, would ye like more coffee?" Jacky has but to gaze at Ransom, and his calm returns.
  8. "Red Cat Jenny, did ye know that shipbuilders would lay a silver coin beneath a ship’s mast; the coin is suppose t' protect the ship and crew from storms! There are legends and superstitions about every part of the ship."
  9. Jacky had hoped that Jane would take the purse from Spoons, but she did not. "Jane the purse is yers, and with no strings attached. Hopefully, the money in it will get ye by, while ye find a way to refill it." Jacky pushes the purse back to Jane. "Ye took a risk comin' here, and should not leave empty handed."
  10. Good mornin' Mister Grumpy! Yer exploits have just begun, and we mean t' tell yer saga t' any who'll listen. Sides, ye know ye like the looks yer gettin' from the girls wit' the peg legs! Got t' run, and take care of that knife wound!
  11. Arrrfff! (sez Commodore Fluffybutt, Red Cat Jenny's salty dog)
  12. Jacky offers her a hand, but will she take it?
  13. "Red Cat Jenny, yer website looks great. I liked the pics of Commodore Fluffybutt, yer salty dog... Arrrrfff!"
  14. smooches (lots of furry smooches for Merrydeath)
  15. Aye... No furry smooches from the ladies! Make em shave first, sez I.
  16. "Merrydeath, if ye are goin' t' smoochie and tell, at least let it be wit' a creature on two legs."
  17. Red Cat, we're sure ye got em, lass (probably a line out the door!).
  18. Merrydeath, everyone knows yer not suppose t' smoochie and tell!
  19. Didn't you both play that game already? No, wait that was M'dear Captain Striker. "Look she speaks!" Chole looks Jacky in the eyes and frowns. "Plus, eye contact! Ransom did ye see that see looked me in the eyes." "Now, Chole that was show me yer garb, not yer birthday suit. The Danish get naked, at the drop of the hat; we'd prefer Striker not drop the hat."
  20. No, that part I got right. And I don't have Fredian undergarments. Mine come from Victoria's Secret. "Check the spellin' luv. That's Freudian... like in Freudian slips, and ye've made more than yer fair share. As fer Victoria's stuff, I believe ye told the wonder bra story... but, I'll listen, again!"
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