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Everything posted by Rosalinda
[scratching me head o'er this 'un] I really have no clue....
At most art supply stores, you can purchase rubber that's used for making rubber stamps, also used for making printing plates. If you have a photograph (digital even better) you can trace or print it (mirror image or reversed), then transfer the image using carbon paper to the rubber stamp thingy. Then you gotta carve out the portion you DON'T want to be part of the stamp (the background). Viola, you have a rubber stamp of whatever...... The rubber mold supplies can also be purchased from a good art supply store. As well as the plaster. Don't recall a brand name, but it's really easy to use. I've used it to mold a variety of things (small, but detailed). Tiles would be an easy one to do, I think. You could probably get away with a flat mold since all of the detail is on one side. Try http://www.DickBlick.com that's where I get ALL of my art supplies, and they have the rubber mold and casting stuff, too. Regarding the sterling silver vs sterling plated pewter... the sterling silver will weigh more than the pewter, I THINK, depending on the composition of the pewter. Long time ago, pewter contained a good bit of lead (which is heavy), but now it is mostly tin and no lead content. Guess it depends on when and where it was made. Don't know if that helps though without a means of comparing one made of plated pewter to one made of solid sterling silver. I would ask the question of the seller before making the purchase... will provide some buyer protection.
I have some antique maps of the UK and Ireland. But they're not nautical... obviously.
Am I the only one drinkin' and wenchin' tonight? Strike that... I'm not wenchin'... I'm piratin'....... and not for long, either, as me new drugs are bound to take hold of me in an hour or so! Happy Saturday Night! ARRRRR!
Happy Birthday, to you! Here's a flogging on me! Arrrrrrrrr!
Artemis... if you have an 8 reale coin, you can make a rubber mold, then cast them from plaster... paint them gold, or even better, use gold foil and antique them....
You just keep on looking, Sir... There's an 18 to 30 year old out there just waitin' for you.....
Who's gonna be a pirate this halloween?!!!
Rosalinda replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Event Discussions
As Samhain is the HIGH holiday for witches, I must be meself... a WITCH. -
I read over in the Plunder section about some great bucket boots. http://www.caboots.com
Firing the Queen Anne is MUCH more enjoyable outdoors than in a firing range. I just shot off 3 rounds out in the field, as a tribute to TLAP Day! ARRRRRRRR!!!!! I find that if I load just a wee tad more than 30 grains of powder, I get a beauty little "FFFWWWMMMPPP" sound that goes nicely with the "BOOM" !!!!! It's only a little more powder... Target practice on a big bag of popcorn... works nicely, and feeds the birds at the same time. And the smell !!!!!!! And the smoke !!!!!!!! OH! This is far better than loading hollow-points in a six-shooter! I'm in LOVE !!!!!!!
ARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! CyberBABIES....!!!!!!!!! I've been thinking 'bout having one of them. But I'm concerned about the cyber-mornin' sickness... and the cyber-diapers. And the cyber-cutlass pokin' me from the inside.... as it would need to be the spawn of a pirate... and I'm thinkin' I'm already cyber-pregnant... about a cyber-month along!!!! [Eyebrow arched, thinkin' really strange cyber thoughts...] That's a MOST interresting story, Quill..... Most interesting, indeed...... I think I'd like to hear more about this, if you're willing to share... I mean the history of you and Saber...
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How about a band called WATERFRONT BLUES out of San Francisco? They rock in a rightous way... got a Fender guitar playin' Pyrate, they do...! I'm pulling my Fender out of the closet and dusting it off! ARRRRRRRRRRRRR
ARRRRR! Just looked at the cover.... and it looks pretty cool... I'd pillage it just for the cover alone....
*caugh* [mumbling something to herself] B L U S H I N G AARRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!! Welcome, KindheartedKylie! Have a drink on me, Lass.....
And a fine lookin lass you are, at the tender age of 21 years! I hope it was a fine birthday for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I raise my mug in a toast to ye!
OK... about 45 minutes at the firing range was ENOUGH. Something about those places really tweaks me...... But, the Queen Anne, she fires like a dream! Quite the process... a little, no - a LOT more involved than "first the powder, then the ball"... but I think it's WAY TOO COOL!!!!!!!!! And BOOM! Shot it 5 times... hit the target 4 times. Then fired my other pistol a few rounds. And that's about all I can handle at the shooting gallery...
Wow! Small world, eh? Moved here in July '99. Couldn't stand living in Denver one second longer... so I bought a house on 4-1/2 acres. Have a 180 degree view of the front range, Longs Peak seems like it's just across the pasture from me. Photo taken from the front porch early one morning...
Yes...it might make them step lightly... and back off a few feet! I'm still thinkin' about getting the Harper's Ferry, too. Just because I'm that nuts... and my credit card balance was just paid off!
DANG! But, well, Quill, that's darn good advice! Therefore, I'm taking it to the Loveland Firing Range tonight... along with my other pistol that I've never fired... I'm not particularly fond of firing ranges... they make me a bit nervous. I've got a list of items The Pyrate gave me that I'll have to get. I just called around town, and no one in Longmont carries black powder and related stuff. Will need to motor up to Loveland in a few to get supplies at a shop that specializes in flintlock type firearms... and, fortunately, there's a guy there at the firing range who's black powder savvy. He said he'd be happy to give me a tutorial and stand there with me for the first several firings, and show me how to clean it, muck it out, etc... I took a firearms class about 5 years ago, but this is WAY different...
Hey, Lucky, you just GOTTA get one! I was about 2 clicks away from ordering the Harper's Ferry, but Pyrate talked me into this one. Good thing, too, because it will fit quite nicely strapped to my right thigh! The Ferry might have been too long... I'm ony 5'4"! Anyway, I've been waving it around an awful lot (it's not loaded, and I DO understand good firearm etiquite!) so I best chill.... But it sure is purdy! I really must go get some accessories soon... BOOM! I *WILL* fire it before nightfall!!!
Sure... I can do that. I've got some leather scraps. Hey, that's a good idea! Maybe that's how it's supposed to be done? I still haven't watched the video... or read the instruction booklet! Thanks, Bully! I've been mostly posing in front of the mirror with it... :) "you talkin' to me? You talking to ME??" "you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?" "go ahead... make my day"
Welcome, Matey! Aye, Johnny Depp makes a marvelous pirate. My 2nd favorite!!!
Now I be *armed* AND dangerous! My Pedersoli Queen Anne from Cherry's just arrived!!! Wheeee! Me thinks the flint is too small, though, because I can't get it screwed in tight enough, so I'll need to rustle up another one. She's really pretty, though, and I can't wait to fire her. Off to the local gun shop soon to be plundering some necessaries..... Also came with a dandy VHS... I suppose I should watch it BEFORE I start target practice! Now all I need is a ship... and some salt water... and a little common sense... Yee Haa! I mean, ARRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!
I collect compasses and gimballed candlestick holders and a few other items more nautical than piratical. I have about 15 old compasses, but now they're getting too expensive for me to collect. Most of them I inherited from my Dad... along with some of his lanterns. My collection of gimballed candle holders is approaching about 38, most of them in pairs. Pewter, brass, silver. Mostly brass. Some have hallmarks, and the best pair I have was made in London in the early 1800s from what I can tell. Made of pewter. The other really cool treasure in the family (one of my brothers has it, also inherited from Dad's collection) is a real divers helmet. It's one of the neatest things....